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wow, i have just given meself a Proust-Ian Rush. When i used to be on London's 104.9 Xfm, we were often roped in to DJ at Brixton Academy at their First Friday party nights..these were typically carefree, bacchanalian evenings involving much lager and pharmaceutical ingestion, and the routine playing of bangers such as Killing In The Name Of and Mr Brightside!!

I might pepper in a few Indie Bangers off the back of that, to go with Giles's transport tunes.

Usual MASOs SCC TBTTEHTMT AOB DADGAGS and the like will be very welcome. Be warned, there will be a pips-esque clock countdown every friday to midday, after which there will be a ritualistic snapping-open of a can. (Your participation is not mandatory but is lightly encouraged)

I guess it would be remiss not to ask you for your Weekend Plans missives. Also, there is some daft story in the Mirror about a house in Wales that's gone on sale that hasn't been touched since the 70s inside and out, so if you want to add to a list of "My Seventies Home" artefacts please do...we had among other things, a reproduction of Constable's "The Haywain" which i thought was real til i was 13, numerous shit 10 quid carriage clocks, an early edition "upright" video recorder, loads of orange plastic plates and cups and a matching orange plastic round table.

Anyway, I'll leave it there til 11am on Friday, please join live if you get half a chance, and if you're up for it, have a chilled beverage to hand.




Open Arms order please "Twice Weekly Keaveny." For my other half Ashley who's taken 30 odd year 10s to Stratford on a Shakespearian experience for 3 days. He has suffered and deserves a pint of your finest ale. Got stuck on the coach on the way as the M5 was closed. What a start to the trip. Who'd be an English teacher eh?! Thanks Shaun. Happy Friday xx

Jason the Guildford gardener

Shaun, it's been quite a week. Went off to Paris last Friday to run the Paris marathon. A tough enough undertaking without contacting tonsillar cellulitis the day before the run. Did the marathon but on my return ended up in hospital on I.V meds and fluids for 2 days as I couldn't swallow anything. On the mend and lots of tablets for the next week now. All the best. KYOBC .

Meg Bond

Shaaaaun. I'll be joining live today from THE CAR as I'm driving me mum to the majestic Isle of White for the weekend. She's continuing her visit from NZ, haven't killed each other yet so things are going well. Stick a Neck Oil on my tab ready for when I get there please good sir. Love to you and all the gardeners as ever, KYOBC xoxo

Danny Atherton

Dad gag: A weasel walks into a bar and the bartender says “Wow I've never served a weasel before. What can I get ya?” “Pop,” goes the weasel.