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Hello & good night there - I think this is the latest upload I've done so far, in Vienna it's almost midnight by now. I've been honestly a little sun struck today - I went to the Donauinsel again! And today was the warmest day this year so far! I can't wait for the summer, I'm a real summer person (surprise right? I'm pretty sure most of you know that "Verano" means summer in Spanish :)) so warmth, sun and all the typical things you do during the warmer months of the year are totally my comfort zone. I thought more than once about moving to a more southern place than middle Europe... You never now, maybe that actually happens one day :)

With some of you I already connected via message here, so I am aware, that we're quite spread out in this world, and it still amazes me that for some people it's totally normal to have summer over Christmas, haha, unbelievable.

I've also had a talk with a friend this week about how many (European) songs were written about the end of September, the end of summertime and the nostalgia that comes with it. On the other hand they're a quite some songs from the other end of the world about the beginning of march - which is their end of summer. I actually haven't realized that in this way before, it's so interesting! A great song example for that is 'Águas de março' by Elis Regina & Tom Jobim (originally written by Antônio Carlos Jobim). If you don't know it yet, this is it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1tOV7y94DY

My improvisation (in Bb major of course) of today is quite cute I'd say, sounds like flowers growing, birds chirping, trees getting greener again and sunlight hitting through your windows... Still totally in love with the sound of my pianino. Makes me very happy - and I wish I'd be more at home to play it more often.

Have a peaceful night's rest today, a good start into the new week & til next Sunday!



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