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Hey there lovely people & good evening, today I won't say much, as I have to leave pretty soon - to a public dance session here in Vienna. I used to do some standard dancing when I was still living in Berlin with my at-that-time-boyfriend, who convinced me to join him for a Salsa dancing class - which I absolutely loved. We also went a couple of times after we moved to Vienna - but then we broke up, Covid hit, etc etc. Long story short, for the first time I will try out a Swing dancing session today, where I literally wanted to go to for years. Pretty excited :)

The piano tune of this week is rather quiet though - I was coming from outside and my fingers were still pretty cold and stiff. It's a little thoughtful and a little autumny. Sounds like a warm amber dark orange tone to me. (we already arrived in G major by now, wow)

Have a lovely start into the new week, take care & stay warm! Everyone who caught a cold by now, get yourself some blankets and a hot chocolate, that works wonders :)




Lovely Sunday piano, enjoy the dancing! It feels good to do something for yourself that’s been on the mind for years.