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Back in Vienna, playing on my old pitchy piano here. We're in F# minor today.

It is a warm autumn sun filled day outside, but I have stayed at home so far - it is good to spend some time inside, retreating, hibernating from time to time as well. I don't remember when was the last weekend that I spent so much time by myself at my place actually. And I think, it was and is a good decision. :)

I had a long talk with friend today, who hasn't had an easy week and month so far - and to be able to help, listen, advice and simply just be there when it's needed is something so beautiful. I think, that was kind of my mood when I recorded this improvisation about an hour ago, maybe you can hear that.

Have a wonderful evening, take care!


PS: I've seen your comments regarding the 15 min full improvisation from last Sunday! Will keep it in mind, but one piano piece at a time, haha, for today this one will be it. :)





Ich mag dein Pianospiel sehr ,ist wirklich sehr beruhigend.Liebe Grüße.