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Hellou there,

I'm finally in Vienna again, this time for longer. The last ten days in Berlin have been very full, very creative and inspiring, very social - and also pretty exhausting to be honest. Now I'm happy to be back home, where I have all the personal space I need and where I can recover from the busy Berlin time.

Don't get me wrong - I love my hometown, the days I spend there are magical and I always meet so many people I'd love to see more often. But I also tend to organizing too many things for too little time, so by the end of my stay I'm pretty leached out with all my energy spent. In a fulfilling way, but still, really looking forward to some chilled alone time now :)

These polaroid pictures are from the very last shoot I had on 16th of March with Oliver Look. I absolutely love how they turned out. More to come!

All the best, have a lovely weekend!




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