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  • 2023-02-17, Sonnenstrahl (draft).mp4



You may have seen this little snippet of an idea already in my stories, but I felt like also giving it a permanent place here. (the file is attached to this post.)

I wrote it exactly when I arrived home after going for a walk in the beautiful blue-skied-sunshine of Vienna (that's why I'm still wearing my jacket & scarf, haha, went straight to the piano, didn't even take off my shoes).

I'm very sure, that I will work on this idea further. I really like its vibe and it felt very natural to sing it. :)

Hope you got some sunshine too!


PS: Oh yeah, and the lyrics are:

Ich hab' 'nen Sonnenstrahl in meiner Hand,

Umschließ' ihn mit meinen Fingern.

Als ich ihn auf der Straße fand,

da dacht' ich an dein Schimmern.

Ich hätte dir so gern noch mehr gesagt, bevor du gingst,

nun schwelg' ich in Erinnerungen in denen du mich angrinst,

in denen du mich angrinst.


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