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Hey guys!

I have decided after a lot of back and forth to take a week hiatus from the comic.

There have been some things in my life recently that have begun to have an effect on my mental and physical health and require me to take a step back. Usually, I will try to take a small hiatus between the chapters but due to not taking one this time around I've been working without a buffer and it's begun to take its toll on me. 

We'll pick up on pages again next Sunday, August. 30th.

I still owe you two pages in one day, so I assure you you'll get that once we're back in motion. For the time though, I need to take some time for me to breathe. 

Stay safe, wash your hands, and be happy y'all!

See you in a week. 



Thanks for the update. Personal life circumstances are unpredictable, so please don't feel pressured to return right on 8/30 nor to make up for lost time by doing multiple comics when you do come back. We look forward to the next comic, but never at your personal expense. When you share beautiful art like this, you're sharing your soul, so naturally, as your fans, we've come to care about you as a person - even if we don't 'know you' in conventional ways. We'll be right here. (And...sorry if that sounds extremely deep and dorky...that's just the way I am though lol)

Sarah Lamb

Take your time! Your health is much more important 😊😊😊😊😊😊