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The weight of the situation was merciless as it pushed down upon him. His breaths came in ragged and choked as he struggled with each intake. He could feel his heart slamming against the boney cage that contained it, threatening to shatter with each impact it made in the escalating desperation he experienced. 

His son, his only son, was dead. 

The boy who smiled and welcomed the world with a jovial optimism lay before him, a lifeless husk. He felt his body piloted robotically, a distant action from his own stalled thoughts. He needed to wake him up, he needed to see those deep eyes flutter open and his son to greet him. It did not matter how, a smile, a question, an expression of frustration; any would have suited him at this moment. Despite his pleading, the body remained stagnant. 

Warmth streamed down his cheeks as he bent in the middle. He was breaking. Everything around him was fracturing in crystalline cracks that left the world in pieces. As his lips parted he let the wail, an animalistic inhumane noise, shake loose of his throat. He knew he must have been screaming for how his lungs emptied yet the noise seemed distant and failed to fully register to him. If his voice broke it made no difference.

His son was dead.

He’d lost him...



why do i do this to myself and why do you draw it so well

