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 “She was a stranger in her own life, a tourist in her own body.”
Melissa de la Cruz, The Van Alen Legacy




The dissociation has gone, it seems. It just feels like Stevonnie's last line in that one episode about the butterflies: "I'm here". Which also feels like symbolism paralleling the chapter with the episode; beginning with butterflies and stress, and ending (or in this case, at least, continuing) with a sort of calmer acceptance, though still knowing and feeling that everything is bad.


Comprehending an intense moment is difficult by itself. Understanding a drastic change, that's bound to lead to a view that Ven is dealing with? That's what we're supposed to see, we can't feel it exactly. And yet, we can see it. This is outstanding, how he acknowledges the change and is trying his best to be at peace with it.


Even in the calm of knowing the reality of your situation that doesn't dispell that sensation of sickness that the dread imprints in your consciousness. Butterflies, as you observed, are going to be a very important part of this story. Both in this chapter and moving forward. They have several layers to their symbolism that I just eat up.


Denial is the stage people grip desperately as they are faced with a tragic change, finding ways to cope are the first stages of healing. With a wound this fresh, however, metaphorically and literally, it's going to leave a complex gray area for P!Steven's stance in the story. Most of his mental processes are going to be very visual based in the pages for the readers rather than spelled out. I'd rather 'show' and see what you brilliant guys interpret it as. You always astound me on the details you pick up on however subtle.