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For the Q & A that you will be able to do in Patreon, it's going to be a community decided list of questions. Throughout this month feel free to put your inquiries either here on this post or on the community page. The questions with the most liked asks will be answered on the 1st. 

For these ask that you please try to keep your inquiries to the released content. That can be anything from chapter 1 or chapter 2 thus far. You may, of course, inquire about speculations or future events as well, how I answer will be truthful but likely more evasive than others. No singular ':)c' on them I promise. 

More detailed process inquiries are of course equally game, though it may result in more of a tutorial later on than an answer in the Q&A. 

Happy questioning and be sure if you see a question you'd want answered to give it a like so that I know what the community is pondering about. 



((forgot i couldn't paragraph break on mobile, whoops)) Here's a question: It's been confirmed by Rebecca Sugar that a gem Can poof under extreme stress or extremely intense, sudden feelings (it's how Spinel reformed). I was wondering if this will be touched upon in the story or brushed aside for more... angst-inducing ideas.


Are any minor characters going to react to Steven's death? If so, can we know some. I feel like your gonna make us feel emotional with a whole funeral lol.