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She’s quiet.

I brush my fingers along Meteria’s cheek and move a strand of her soft hair behind her ear, yet she remains quiet, seated on my lap and resting herself against my chest while hugging me.

“I half-expected you to scream at me.” I point out softly, reaching down so to hug her close and tight, something I can tell makes her very happy.

All the others left after our initial plans – With Juno having dragged off the fake knocked out Goddess so to leave me and Meteria alone – though I presume Alfia is still nearby just in case.

Meteria hums softly, then finally lifts her head and rests her chin against my chest to stare up at me with her big and bright eyes. She’s breathtaking from so close. “Do you want me to?”

I grin at her question, “I’m sure you’d look adorable all angry.” For some reason, I liken a screaming Meteria to a screaming chihuahua. Little fuckin’ demonic dogs…

She pouts up at me, and I reach up to poke her puffed up cheeks. “Meanie.” Yep, just for you, you little gremlin.

Still, I sag my shoulders and smile softly, “I’m sorry for worrying you.” Her eyes remain fixed on mine, and I see the build up of tears before she blinks them away.

“You don’t have to apologize.” Her face is pushed against my chest, and her arm tighten around me, “I know you had no other choice. I know you had to face the strongest being in the world.”

I just didn’t want to lose you.” I never had a chance against her, did I?

I breathe out through my nostrils, “I’ll fight as hard as I possibly can so that you’ll never lose me.” I had nothing until I got here and met Meteria.

Now I have so much that I wish to protect, that I want to enjoy. So much to actively live for instead of just going through the day like it’s a chore.

“I know you will.” Meteria mumbles, and I lean down to kiss her forehead.

My thoughts go back to that night, to when I engaged the Black Dragon directly.

Her terrified face when she ran into the square… I never want to see it again-… Wait, how did she even know the Dragon was there?

“Say…” I start softly, and her big eyes peek up to look into mine, “How did you know the Dragon was above us that day?” I have sharp senses, and even I didn’t notice it until it actively attacked right after Meteria’s warning.

She blinks at me, and for a second I thought to just let her keep her secrets as I have a feeling it is one such thing, but then Meteria speaks up, “I can see the future.” And goddamn is that a something I did not expect.

“Damn, for real?” She giggles cutely at my utterly gobsmacked face. I mean, can I be blamed? It’s a cool as fuck power.

“It’s something I got when Lady Hera gave me the Falna. When I sleep, I sometimes see images related to the future.” Huh, so I presume she must decipher them too? “And that night, I woke up right after I saw a future of you and the Dragon fighting.”

So then she asked Brynhildr to bring her to the square, where said woman also managed to save all those that were too slow to move out of the way of the enormous claw.

A single action of hers ended up saving dozens of lives that night.

“I even saw you… coming to Orario.” I pause at that, my thoughts drifting towards our meeting.

“Our meeting wasn’t a coincidence, was it?” Slowly, she shakes her head. It did feel… scripted, especially the way it led me to so much more.

Felt straight out of a story. Meet this girl, big and powerful Familia becomes indebted to you due to nearly healing her, get strong backing… It seems like that every interaction with Meteria leads to an escalating outcome that grows progressively bigger.

I’m brought out of my thoughts by her small hands clenching against my chest, “But I promise that all of this- My feelings and the rest, they are all genuine!” Her voice rises, stunning me momentarily as her eyes redden, filled with fear and worry, “I truly love you, Rile-” I boop her nose, and she lets out a squeaky noise.

First, that’s adorable.

Second, “I never doubted your feelings, Meteria.” I smile softly, then teasingly, “I think it’s hard to do that when you drop your dress around me every now and then.”

Tears and fears vanish instantly, replaced by pure smugness and pride, “My self control is horrendous! And I am glad it is that way!” Should you really be proud of that?

“So then, this ability of yours is similar to the one my sword has. It comes from the Falna.” Meteria nods, and that just makes me more and more curious about how the Falna works.

Just granting it to someone or something may give them some powerful abilities? That’s just… insane.

Plus, it facilitates their growth, but they must fight and kill the monsters in the Dungeon to actively make it fast and good.

Levels, Status, Skills… It all sounds like a game, but on a Permadeath sort of setting, and at the highest difficulty.

“Yep.” Meteria nods cutely, “Funnily enough, it is also named after my hometown.” I blink at that.

“What do you mean?”

“The name of my Skill, has the same name as my hometown: Delphi.”Delphi… Isn’t that where the Oracle of Delphi was in my previous world?

Is Meteria the Oracle of Delphi? Huh…

Both Meteria and Alfia are quite special, now that I think about it. One is apparently has the greatest talent Hera has ever seen in a thousand years, while Meteria can see and possibly even change the future through her actions.

Their sickness might be a curse from the Heavens.’ Ning Guang’s voice suddenly fills my mind, startling me just a bit.

Still, I swiftly recover as I hug Meteria, ‘A curse from the Heavens? Why?’ I know that there is such a thing like Karma, where one must pay for the forbidden knowledge they acquire during their travels through pain during their Tribulations, or die and be erased completely from existence.

The Heavens can be jealous. Sometimes, a genius so great can be born that the Heavens feel jealous and must take something from them. Be it their family, or their lovers, or even placing upon them an enormous amount of Karma, making their life so much harder.’ Then…

I stretch my senses to Meteria’s body, and to that dark, twisted mass constantly trying to harm and kill her. ‘Is this Karma? But I thought the Heavens here weren’t really that active...’

A gentle sigh fills my mind, ‘They aren’t sentient, or active, but they still go through the most basic of actions, like your Tribulations. And if they still cast Tribulations down, they should also cast down Karma upon someone, but…’ She hesitates lightly, as if she herself was inspecting Meteria, ‘I’ve never seen physical, tangible Karma. It’s concerning.’

My arms tighten lightly around Meteria, but she doesn’t notice my inner turmoil. ‘Will a Heaven Grade Pill even help, then?

Ning Guang remains quiet for a few seconds before answering, ‘Try it. If it doesn’t work, I fear the two sisters might need to undergo a Tribulation.’ Fuck.

Just because they are born a bit luckier than others, they need to suffer because of it. It really pisses me the fuck off, and makes me understand why so many characters in the cultivation novels always want to make the Heavens their bitch.

Some because they are annoyingly prideful, others instead are at least a bit justified to do so.

I sigh softly, though I smile when a comforting warmth spreads through my body, “Wait until I can form a puppet for me to control, Riley. I’ll see if I can help more.” With those last and gentle words, her presence slowly fades away.

I’ll have to tell Hera about Ning Guang ‘coming’ to Orario soon enough, but otherwise I am quite glad that she’ll be here in person.

Having a master of Alchemy to teach and guide me is much better than fumbling around and having to stick to the acquired memories she gifted me.

After all, memories do not give me practical experience, just a ‘How to’ guide that I need to master my own way.

“What are you thinking about, handsome?” My lips quirk upward as Meteria grins up at me, making me lean down and take her lips in mine without a second thought. Her eyes widen and her cheeks flush, but she soon happily melts against me and into the kiss.

I don’t keep it up for long, as I know how fast and easily she gets worked up, so I break the kiss with a smile while she giggles cutely. “I think I know what you were thinking about~!”

“I may know how to finally heal you and Alfia.”

“Okay, that’s not what I thought.” She pouts cutely at me, “Can you have some perverted thoughts for once?!”

“Why have them when I know that once we get back home, I am going to fuck you until your legs are shaking and your throat is hoarse from screaming?” Her mouth falls open and her face goes a very dark red.

“Oh.” She squeaks, then gulps loudly, “L-Let us get back on topic then. M-Maybe we should hurry on home t-too, j-just sayin’!” This perverted gremlin… Oh well, she’ll soon get her due.

I shake my head with a light smile, “As I said, I may know how to finally heal you and Alfia. One way might work, the other one is another maybe, but it’s far too dangerous.”

Meteria hums and rests the side of hear head over my heart, “I presume one of those two ways is through a Pill.” I nod and throw a glance towards my Pill Furnace. I should really get to work on doing those Body Strengthening Pills for the girls.

Hera asked to make them only for the Executives and Meteria, and I plan on adding Zald and Leonidas to the list once they get an Impurity Cleansing Pill too.

I’ll give Nemea an Impurity Cleansing Pill too, but the other ones? Nope. I like the guy due to his honestly simple mindset and rule in life, but I can’t grant him the trust needed to gift him such a large increase in strength out of nowhere.

“It doesn’t matter.” Meteria shrugs, “I trust Riley with my life.” Gods, this girl is irresistible.

Though we both soon perk up when we hear the sound of footsteps, and Alfia soon comes into view as she enters the living room, her cheeks flushing once she notices the way Meteria is glued against my body.

“Big Sis!” Meteria perks up, then smirks and hops off my lap and on the chair beside me. Then proceeds to pat my lap while looking towards her sister, “Come! There is a wondrous seat right here!” So I am a seat now?

Alfia’s cheeks flush even more, but she still walks around the table to approach me, and I watch as she lifts her dress a bit so she could sit on my lap while facing me, her flush growing darker and darker with each passing second.

“I wanted to get some work done, but this is too good to pass up.” I smile and put my hands on Alfia’s hips, her face lighting up in a beautiful shy smile that makes me lean in and kiss her too, prompting her arms to wrap around my neck.

That’s when Meteria pipes up, “Who knew that seeing my Big Sis kiss my boyfriend could be so hot…”

Alfia instantly breaks the kiss, eyes wide and face insanely red, “Meteria!” She squeaks out while Meteria just perks up, one of her hands cupping her chin.

“Hm?” The gremlin blinks as if she said nothing, “Oh please, keep going. It’s good drawing material.” I swear to God, if she keeps selling porn of me, I’m spanking her until she can’t walk anymore.

I shake my head bring Alfia into a comforting hug, which she readily accept with an adorable pout.

Yes, this is all coming together nicely.” And Meteria keeps on plotting darkly.

…Maybe I shouldn’t give this dangerous gremlin the Body Strengthening Pills.

Next thing I know once she takes them, she’ll go out there to fight the fucking Black Dragon herself.

I’m putting my money on Meteria of course, but still…

Me and Hera must discuss this dangerous matter.



The woman’s gray and fluffy ears perk up at hearing her name being called, her fur standing slightly on end when the voice is male.

But she swiftly recovers her cool and lifts her head from her arms to glance to the right and towards Riley’s approaching form, making her raise a light brow.

“What?” She drawls out lazily, a purr escaping her throat as she stretches her back like a cat while her sister sips on her cup of tea behind her.

Despite being twins, Atalanta acts more human than Calydonia, who prefers lounging lazily like a cat while Atalanta prefers being seated like a human.

Riley’s lips visibly twitch upward in amusement at her stretch before he reaches into his pouch, “I got something for you ladies.” Calydonia blinks and tilts her head while Atalanta perks up curiously behind her.

She watches as Riley pulls out ten small bottles from his pouch, then gently gives five to her and five to her twin sister. “What are these?” Calydonia asks, using one of her furred claws to poke the bottles before sniffing them, a delicious fragrance filling her nostrils as she does so.

She suppresses the pleased shudder the scent sends through spine to look at Riley, “It’s the Body Strengthening Pills I promised.” Her eyes widen and her head rises off her arms completely, tail going straight and ears perking up in a way that has Riley’s smile grow, “I’m giving them to you ladies first.”

“Huh…” Calydonia muses, pawing the bottles on the ground near her with far more interest than before. “Why us first?” Was it his way to get into their good graces?

Riley’s hands land on his lips, “Because so far you two are the only ones that fully mastered your new found strength. Kirin, Juno and Alfia still haven’t.” Calydonia pauses at that.

That’s true, she and her sister gained perfect control over their new, improved strength quite quickly due to how often they spar with each other. Perhaps she should offer her help to the others too.

Especially Alfia. It has been a while since she fought the younger woman.

“We’re gonna need to do that again due to these, don’t we?” It’ll be good sparring – again– but deep down she is a lazy cat at heart.

“Quite.” Riley’s smile twitches, “By my estimation, your strength will very likely double, or even triple.”

“What?!” Now she’s on her feet in downright shock and horror.

These small little things may be capable of doubling all of her hard-earned strength after just swallowingthem?!

How utterly insane and bullshit is that?!

Even her sister nearly dropped her teacup at that information, “Riley, you can’t be serious…” If he truly was, and if this somehow gets out, blood will fly across all of Orario. Quite literally.

Gods and Adventurer alike will downright demand and order him to mass-produce these horrifying Pills.

“That’s for two reason.” Riley chuckles, not one bit unnerved by the reveal of his Pills insane capabilities, “One is because I went for quality over quantity. All of them are at basically the Golden Grade- The second best Grade there is. The second one is because it’s the total increase all five will give you.”

Well, that’s still absurd… But a bit easier to swallow and take down. It is the joined effect of five Pills, not one.

Still, if her strength truly rises by such an enormous amount once more, especially now that her growth has started stagnating for a few years, she might just…

“Why are you starin’ at me like that?” Riley eyes her warily and nervously.

Calydonia glares at him for a few short seconds before bumping her head against his chest, “...Thanks.” She mutters lowly, but honestly.

He blinks, then reaches up to scratch her ears, clearly unable to control himself.

Her cheeks flush and her back shudders as a pleased purr rises out of her throat, eyes slowly blinking towards him before she pulls back and gives her whole body a shake.

Riley’s wide eyes finally blink once more, his raised hand slowly going back to his side, “That… was the cutest fucking thing I’ve seen in my entire life.” She glares at him with a deadly, furious gaze. He pauses, blinks, then corrects himself, “Well, second one. First one is Meteria.” Her glare recedes.

Good. How dare he put her before Meteria.

“Word of warning; I’m giving these Pills to Meteria too.” The twin sisters freeze, “Orario might not survive until next week, and Hera cackles in joy at the thought and possible destruction.”

That dumb Goddess of hers! That’s like giving Meteria free reign to their stockpile of Magic Swords and then unleashing her onto Orario!

Just much worse now that she is full of energy, and probably wielding the strength of a Minotaur!

“Can we repay you, somehow?” Atalanta speaks up, drawing her sister’s and Riley’s attention. “You have done much for us, and I am starting to feel a bit guilty for getting so much without giving anything.” Calydonia sniffs, finding herself agreeing with her sister.

Riley might be a male, but he is very agreeable and understanding towards them. Plus, she had a feeling that were she not with her sisters, Riley would have given her Atalanta’s share so to not go and find her himself, hence sticking to the request she asked of him back in the Dungeon.

The Alchemist blinks, then cups his chin in thought, “There is actually something you two might be able to help me with.” The twins perk up, and Calydonia discards any hateful and disgusting thoughts, as she knows Riley isn’t like that. “Can you teach me how to fight in hand to hand combat? I kinda suck at it quite a bit.”

That’s… not the request she expected, but a very easy one to grant. Especially since it’ll help her and her sister gain control over their strength while fighting against someone much stronger than them in terms of pure physical capabilities.

“I don’t mind.” Calydonia shrugs, then her eyes narrow, “On one condition!” One of her furred claws come up-

“I’ll bring food.”

“I shall train you with everything I have.” Calydonia nods with a big fanged smile on her face while her sister sighs and palms her own.

She was totally not wagging her tail left and right, but she is totally eager to see what Riley cooks for them!

This guy has some good qualities about him! While his bad ones… his bad ones…

Raah!” Calydonia screams and punches Riley in the gut, to no effect other than a very confused stare, “Give me something to hate about ya, will you!?”

He gives her a very flat stare while her teeth grind together, then he sighs deeply, “Alright.” Eh? Wait, why is he looking at her sister now- “Atalanta, will you go on a date with me? I have been in love with you since I first laid my eyes upon your breathtaking form.”

Wait, what!?

“You asshole! Stay away from my sis-”

Atalanta gasps from behind her, then rushes forward to hug Riley, making all of her gray hair and black fur stand on end, “Oh, I have felt the same for so long now, Riley!” T-This bitch betrayed her!? “Forgive me, sister, but it looks like I found a mate before you...”

This two fuckers… both smirking at her like that…

“Alright, you’ve pissed me off now.” Her knuckles pop as she snarls through her nostrils. “I’m going to enjoy ‘training’ you, Riley.”

“...I have highly miscalculated.”

“Apologies. It seems my own desire to tease my sister has backfired massively on you.”

“It’s alright, I’ll just put catnip in her food.”

Calydonia feels like one of her veins might just pop any second now, “I’m going to put an arrow up your asshole!”




“Socrates!” The roar shook the main hall of the Zeus Familia as the main doors were nearly flung off the hinges by the pair of hands that forcefully pushed them open.

At the other end of the hall and staring out of the large windows taking up the whole wall lay the Vice-Captain of the Zeus Familia, his eyes distant and his free hand brushing through his long beard.

Though, the roar from Maxim does pull the elderly elf out of his thoughts. “Yes, Maxim?”

The usually calm and collected Captain of the Zeus Familia, who always wears a nigh-perfect mask to hide his emotions, now openly grits his teeth to let his simmering rage be visible. “I demand an explanation, Socrates!”

His foot stomps on the ground, shaking the whole hall and cracking the large windows the elderly elf is staring out off.

Despite the rage radiating out of Maxim, Socrates doesn’t turn to even give him a glance, “An explanation on what?” He questions out lowly, further stoking the anger of his Captain.

“We are letting that bastard hog all the glory!” Maxim shouts, voice irate, exasperated and annoyed, “Why did you side with the Hera Familia recount of events back when we exited the Dungeon?! Now everyone worships the ground that damn Alchemist is walking on, while trampling all over my Achievements!”

That last word finally draws Socrates’s full attention towards Maxim, “Achievements?” The elderly man questions, confusing Maxim.

Stepping forward, Socrates rubs his beard and tilts his head, “Your… achievements?” He repeats as if it was a foreign word, “What did you, pray tell, achieve exactly, Maxim? What is it that should put you far above that boy, yet doesn’t?” Stunned, Maxim flinches and narrows his eyes in confusion.

Yet, Socrates keeps on going, “Might it be… Being the first man in History to step foot on the Seventieth Floor of the Dungeon? Something no one knows about outside the Zeus and Hera Familia?”

“Is that achievement greater than what that boy has done, in your honest opinion? Do you truly, deeply believe so?” Once more Maxim flinches, face scowling and pride hurt.

Socrates presses forward, “Because we have seen what that boy has done. You were there, beside me, inside the Dungeon… When that boy made the Leviathan cower before his might- Of course, that can be watered down by saying he had the help of two others.” But Socrates knew better.

And much else, he had seen something some missed.

The sheer difference in strength the boy wielded when he fought the Leviathan, and when he fought the Black Dragon.

The difference was immense. Had the boy wielded the same strength and fought as ruthlessly as he did against the Black Dragon, but used all of that against the Leviathan… Socrates has no qualms in admitting that the boy would have slain the Great Beast right there and then, on his lonesome.

Something no one could ever openly claim to be capable of doing.

“But is there an excuse for what happened recently? On that dark night? When the Dragon, our sworn Nemesis, showed up and made the whole of Orario cower?”

“Where were you then, Maxim?” He takes a step forward, Maxim a step backward, “I can answer that for you, because I was doing the same.” A shaky, wrinkles filled hand jabs a single bony finger downward, “We, were both cowering right here, my boy. Hiding away before the sheer might radiating out of the God above us. Like everyone else… besides Him.”

Oh, the beauty he had witnessed that night. Truly unforgettable. It ignited something within him that hadn’t stirred in many, many years.

He, drew his blade. He, led the Dragon away. He, faced a God, and He made a fucking God bleed and was fucking laughing while doing it.

Truly, utterly awe-inspiring. Something that must go down in History, with the tales of the Heroes of old.

“A single step onto a new floor is nothing compared to that.” And with a step, Socrates walks past his Captain, “You’d do well to quell your pride a fair bit, my boy.” Maxim grits his teeth at those words, and his eyes, filled with confusion and anger, stare at Socrates’s back for several long seconds.

“So you are turning your back on me?!” He finally shouts indignantly, instantly bringing Socrates to a halt.

The elderly man whirls around, nostrils flaring, “I have been by your side for thirty long years, my boy!” The man roars, rattling the windows and shaking Maxim to his very core, “I’ve been there since you were but a small boy filled with wonder and hope! I taught you everything you needed to keep going, and demanded only one thing out of you! One!

His staff wielding arm waves to the empty hall and chairs of the grand hall, “To unite the Zeus Familia! To bring it to new heights!” The end of the staff hammers into the ground, finally shattering the windows at the other end of the hall with a blast of wind, “But does this fucking look united to you!?”

“You led me!”

“You’re the fucking Captain, Maxim!” Socrates drew in a short breath, “When I gave you my final teaching, what did I tell you?”

Maxim stills, then lowers his gaze in anger. But Socrates presses forward, “What did I tell you!?”

With gritted teeth, the Captain of the Zeus Familia answers, “That my Destiny is within my own hands. Not others.” Socrates breathes out and nods.

“I simply supported you, my boy. I supported you no matter the path you took. I supported you, no matter how prideful you became.” Lifting his staff, the elderly elf casts one last glance to his Captain before turning around.

“Leonidas will soon come for the Captain position, my boy.” His steps resume, leading towards the nearly broken doors, “I shall stand by your side until the end, but when Leonidas comes for that empty title… That’s when you must make a very important choice, my boy.”

Maxim retracts his gaze to stare out of the shattered windows, “And what will that choice be?”

Socrates shrugs, “I don’t know.” His steps pause outside the doors, “It is your Destiny, after all.”

And with those final words, Socrates leaves the hall, then the Zeus Familia as a whole.

His aged eyes stare emptily down the street, his steps slow and measured.

People awe at his presence, and children point in his general direction, but the elderly elf pays them no mind.

He keeps walking and walking until afternoon turns into night, and he reaches his destination, a seemingly bland bar hidden in the poor side of Orario.

He steps inside the empty interior, and the man behind the bar flicks his gaze towards him, “Third room.” He states before resuming the cleaning of the glass in his hands.

Valis spill on the counter from Socrates’s hand before he ascends the stairs, and knocks on the given room.

He does not await permission to step inside, and pushes open the doors to step within the small room.

There, Socrates lays his eyes on his God, sitting by the window with a bottle of wine in his hands. “It has been a few decades, Socrates.” Zeus mutters aloud, and the Vice-Captain bows his head.

“It has indeed been that long, my lord.” Zeus says nothing, a lone and long sigh escaping the God’s nostrils.

Then, finally, he speaks with a heavy voice, “What are you here for?”

Head still lowered, Socrates answers, “One final update to my Falna, if you will it.” Zeus’s hand clenches around the bottle of wine in his hold.

“Final, huh?” The God mutters, “One more injury to add to my back, then.”

Socrates screws his eyes shut in pain, “’Tis but one more, my lord.” The Vice Captain swears softly.

Zeus sighs deeply, and his eyes turn to regard his Child. The face of a young, blonde elf with eyes filled with a fiery desire superimposes the elderly face of his Familia Vice-Captain, those same fiery eyes staring back at him even many centuries later.

Everyone still believes that this Child of his was still a Level 8… When in reality, he had become a Level 9 decades ago.

His eyes redden at the thought of the future that is to come, then close with a deep, shaky sigh. “Give me your back, my son.”

Socrates bows his head and does as told.

Zeus steps forward, and lets his Ichor drop one last time.

May your death be glorious, my son.

...May you be there to witness it, Father.


Deep within the Red Light District, and inside the room of one of it’s most infamous Brothels, sat a nearly naked man many would easily recognize.

Spiky green hair, muscular disposition, and generally handsome looks. This man had once been the source of Brynhildr obsession, then became the reason to her trauma.

The scandal ruined his reputation, and nearly lost him his life under Kirin’s nigh-apocalyptic retribution, which forced him to always hide when the woman lurked around.

Having lost any desire to dive into the Dungeon, Sigurd simply lost himself to alcohol and women.

A mug was raised to his lips, and pungent smelling alcohol poured down the sides of his lips, then down his chin and bare chest while a pair of hands massaged his shoulders.

“My, eager to get drunk tonight, Sigurd?” The owner of the slender hands, a curvaceous Amazon woman, smiled softly at the sight, ignoring the hand roughly molesting her near naked rear.

Sigurd releases a content sigh as he pulls the mug away from his lips, “Talking about my damn Familia tends to do just that.” The woman giggles softly at those words.

“The way they turned their back on you is indeed quite deplorable.” Sigurd doesn’t care if those words are said to please him, as expected of the prostitute in his arms, but he still feels much better after hearing them.

“Though, do you know anything about this… Riley?” The Amazon woman asks, gaining an amused look from the man molesting her rear.

“What, curious about him?” He asks with a grin before taking yet another messy sip from his mug.

The woman easily hides the disgust behind a fake smile, “Well, he has fought the Black Dragon and survived, and I heard he is quite handsome too. Some say that Lady Ishtar is lusting after him like crazy. It is all she talks about.”

Sigurd barks out a loud laugh, “As expected of that whore of a Goddess…” He insults without care, even if one of her Children is currently laying on his lap, “But yes, I have heard some stuff about him. Stuff that might make your Goddess jealous.” He teases with a grin.

The amazon woman smirks, “You know how I’ll repay you for such things!” A lecherous grin spreads across Sigurd’s face at her words.

“Let’s see… I heard he is in a relationship with both The Silence, and her younger twin.” The Amazon woman raises a very surprised brow at the information, “And that the lighting bitch, Kirin or whatever, has the hots for him too.” He shrugs, then raises his mug to finish his drink.

The Amazon woman narrows her eyes in thought at the newly gained information. Very useful information.

“You’ve been asking a lot of question today, Escyra.” Sigurd points out while letting the last drops of alcohol drip on his tongue from above.

“Hm? Escyra? Who’s that?” Sigurd blinks, then turns to stare at the woman in his arms. Instead of an Amazon, staring back at him is a black haired Renard with bright, slitted golden eyes. “Oh, perhaps it’s the name of the bitch I killed and whose appearance I stole.”

Blood spills out of Sigurd’s mouth, staining his chin and chest due to a dagger lodged in his throat.

The man’s body trembles, eyes growing bloodshot, fury and fear swimming through them alongside confusion.

“Sorry honey, had to poison you so you wouldn’t make a scene!” The Renard woman giggles playfully, getting off his lap and shrugging off the revealing clothing over her curvaceous form, leaving herself fully naked as she steps close to the wardrobe.

A familiar corpse falls out of it when she opens it, but the Renard woman ignores it as she withdraws the leather clothes she had left behind.

Sigurd chokes on his own blood, staring at the corpse of Escyra, the prostitute he always hired when he came over, now sporting a large hole in her chest.

“You play too much with your food, Semiramis.” A voice comes from past the closed door to the room, making Semiramis giggle.

“I just want to see him bleed plenty!” The woman playfully flicks her tail while getting dressed, “It’s what he gets for molesting my rear and taking so long to answer my damn questions.”

A sigh comes from beyond the door, “Have you got your next target, at least?”

Semiramis hums joyfully, flicking her long tail a few more times before withdrawing the bloodied and poisoned dagger inserted in Sigurd’s throat. “Quite!”

“Who is it?”

“None other than the sister of The Silence herself~! Imagine the chaos that will unleash~!” Flicking the blood off her dagger, the Renard woman happily hops her way towards the window, “Be a good boy and make this look like they killed each other, will ya?”

Another sigh comes from beyond the door, and Semiramis does not wait for a response as she simply hops out of the window under the cover of the night.

With a smirk on her lips, Semiramis rushes across the building with with vulpine grace.

I wonder how Lord Evilus will react to this information~!

A.N. Again, apologies on the long wait on the chapter, haven’t been feeling too into the zone recently.

Next chapter is already fleshed out, so I’ll pump it out soon enough, that I promise!

Either way, hope y’all enjoyed this chapter – y’all finna hate me, I know –!

Lots of love and huggies for the constant support, which I am endlessly glad for!

Hope y’all had a good February!




Loving the escalation, first Leviathan then the Black Dragon, then someone dumbass poking the almighty Meteria, poor Behemoth is gonna look pathetic following Meteria.


Why would I hate you? The gremlin will smite the evildoers with the power of Nyooom! and get home in time for a threesome with her sister and their boyfriend. Thanks for the chappie Musa!