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“No because- Hear me out,” I wipe my lips and push the plate with the half eaten cake aside, then leave over the table to tap on the book in front of Sato with my own pen, “the majority of Hero Costumes are all… weak. In defensive capabilities, I mean.” I point out, and the hulking giant that is Sato leans back in his seat with a thoughtful hum.

“Aren’t they heat and slash resistant?” Seele points out from my left, voice muffled from the cake she is absolutely devouring like a ravenous beast. Pretty sure that’s the fourth slice?

...I haven’t even finished my first, goddamn.

“What she said.” Sato nods towards Seele as he rubs his chin, “Unless one is heavily trained, a knife or even a blade will barely cut past your Hero Suit. And they are resistant to fire too, plus some other stuff I don’t remember.”

I nod in agreement, then point out the obvious, “But what about guns?” Sato pauses and blinks, eyes widening, “Yeah, they are illegal and the majority have all been destroyed, but they are still around and there’s a huge contraband of them. Hero Costumes don’t protect against those small chances.”

And, finally, what about oxygen problems? Heat resistance is good, but fire takes away oxygen and gives you smoke. They fix one problem but leave behind two.” These are among the many problems I’ve seen from studying different Heroes and their costumes.

The mere fact that they decide to go for ‘Flashy’ instead of ‘Safety’ is so stupid.

Preservation Path Quirks are rare, so one needs the acquired defense when dealing with stray and unknown Quirks, especially if they run into a wild Hunt Path Quirk. Those can fuck up even Preservation Path Heroes.

“That’s a good point.” Stelle points out, leaning against me while cutting both mine and her slice of cakes up for us to eat. The bakery is empty so she’s just chilling here with us. “They may have started destroying guns after the Kechov War, but they are still around.”

Seele perks up once more, “Kechov War?” I nod, grimacing a bit as I remember the finer details about that damn disaster.

Sato hisses too, clearly knowing about it, “A war in Russia, around forty years ago I believe?” He looks at me and Stelle for correction, and we both nod. Forty-two years ago, to be exact. “It was a… rebellion, of sorts.”

“The government started giving Heroes a lot of money while turning a lot of businesses in their favor. People got paid little to make more money for the Heroes, and it lead to rising tensions… Until a man named Kechov united a great deal of Quirkless and Pathless-” I don’t miss how Stelle winches at the ‘Pathless’ word. She is that too, after all. “-and armed them all with guns and other weapons.”

“It was a massacre. Hundreds of Heroes fell and died in a single day to try and stop the uprising, with minimal losses on Kechov’s rebellion side.” Seele’s face rapidly pales more and more as Sato sighs, “It barely lasted a month, and the Government kind of won after Kechov died… But since then, in Russia, Heroes are basically just another type of police.”

“They don’t get paid an exorbitant amount, don’t have brand deals or shows and whatnot. They just work for the safety of people, and that’s it.” Unlike the constant Hero Propaganda bullshit that Japan shoves down the throat of young kids and people.

There’s a lot of stuff the Anime hasn’t mentioned or focused on. It only said that after Quirks there was a time of Darkness all over the world, then it wanked All Might and kind of implied he fixed everything.

But living here I’ve learned of the many things that have gone by in the past two hundred years since Quirks emerged. So many Wars, Revolutions, terrorist attacks and much more.

The Kechov War, the Path Rebellion, the False Humanity Uprising and so many more disasters.

It took a while for the World to start recovering as a whole, and that only began around fifty or so years ago. Majority of Villain groups were taken down, dictators died and fell, more Heroes rose and worked with Vigilantes to further spread peace.

“So then, protection against guns is a need?” Seele points out nervously despite the fact she doesn’t really have to worry about that. Her Quirk is quite bullshit due to the fact that it makes her glitch through everything when she isn’t keeping it down.

It’s a good defensive mechanism that is constantly active, and in fact I could try and touch her right now and make her body glitch and spam around my hand. She’ll remain a glitch-like static form until I take my hand out.

I can only touch her if she wants me too. Learned that when I went to pat her over the shoulder but instead knocked her orange juice outta her hand.

Her pout was adorable, not gonna lie.

Sato hums and stares down at the rough sketch on his notebook, depicting a similar Hero Costume to the one he had in the anime. The wrestler-like looks. “Yes, better be safe than sorry.” He nods and scribbles it down, then pauses momentarily, “Should I add some sort of armor around my fists then? Something that makes me hit harder, I mean.”

I pause at that, “Maybe something that comes on and off?” Stelle adds her own to cents, aiming her knife towards Sato’s arms, “Pretty sure you already hit hard enough, especially if enhanced by your Quirk.”

Yeah, his hands are bigger than my damn head, and his arms thicker than my very thicc thighs. He can definitely punch a motherfucker into next week.

“Your Quirk is bullshit.” I grumble out, provoking a snort out of Sato as he scribbles down Stelle’s suggestion. “You get different boosts with different kids of sugar, and even have a small chance of getting them all at once.” Elation Path Quirks are downright evil. They are basically a Jack-In-The-Box Quirk.

You take a pull but don’t know if said pull will be good or bad, and so far Sato has already discovered all the side-effects and the sugar types that cause them.

“You weren’t the one that had to go through an entire week of being under a laxative effect.” Sato grumbles under his breath as he doodles on his notebook, and I downright gape at him in pure horror.

“And there goes my slight bit of envy.” Stelle snorts, and I hold back a low shudder as I feel her hand roam my right thigh. There’s nothing sexual to the touch, but I’m always sensitive to her touching me.

Still, speaking of Hero Costumes- “You never told me about yours, Seele.” I turn to said girl, and said girl turns to me with wide eyes and mouth smeared with cake, cheeks bulging and full of said delicacy.

I blink flatly at her, “Can you not eat like a beast?”

She swallows the mouthful of cake, wipes her lips clean, then gives me a thumbs up, “Nope!” I’m going to give her a noogie and set her head on fire.

“But to answer your question,” She gives me another thumbs up to join the other one, together with a big dumb grin, “I never told you about mine because I haven’t come up with one yet!”

“I’m not even surprised.”

“The hell you mean by that!?”

“Nothing.” Seele gnashes her teeth at me, looking ready to pounce and strangle me.

She’s like a chihuahua! Violent but adorable!

“Anyway, let us focus on the most important matter at hand.” I sigh and let a serious look fall on my face as I lean forward and rest my arms on the table. “Sato.” He blinks, then becomes equally serious.

“What must I do to make Stelle wear a Maid Outfit while she works here?” He chokes on air, all seriousness washing away as I get smacked over the head by my beloved.

“Will you quit trying to put me in a Maid Outfit?!” Stelle screeches, face flushed a dark red.

Hmph! Never!

“It is a matter of Life and Death, Stelle!” I shout right back, slamming my fist against the table in outrage, “I require pictures of you in a Maid Outfit, or else I shall shrivel up and die!”

Then another outfit flashes by my mind. One that makes me drool at the mere thought of seeing Stelle in it.

And a Bunny Girl Outfit too… Heh…

My girlfriend just screams into her hands.

I shall have you put those outfit on, my little raccoon. No one will stop me!


The vending machine beeps a few times before two cold water battles fall out of it.

I breathe in and out slowly, keeping my breathing even as I bend over and grab them both, then press one against my cheek to stave off the heat I am feeling.

“Here.” I offer the other one to Seele, her form equally as sweaty as mine and her breathing just as heavy.

She quietly takes the bottle, opens it and downs several mouthfuls before splashing some over her face and hair.

I tear my gaze away when the water trails down to her chest and sports bra and splash some cold water over my own head too. Gotta cool down these fucking hormones.

My eyes and mind have been wandering to such areas more often recently, and it’s getting… vexatious.

My eyes trail back to her as I down some more cold water. Long and messy hair, a sour and flushed face, a supple chest that rises and falls with her breath, a lean and smooth belly and very long legs fully visible due to the blue shorts she is wearing.

Then, finally, my eyes fall on the nasty bruise over her right knee. One she just got from a bad fall.

“Hey.” I call out softly, taking a seat on the bench right next to her. She hums, showing that she is listening, but she doesn’t turn to look my way. It worries me to see her sulk.

We’ve known each other for nearly three months now and started running together whenever possible, and it’s easy to take a grasp on her personality.

Open, always speaks her mind, always cheerful and very fun to be around.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her, not missing how her hands clench around her water bottle and the way her teeth visible grit together. “You’ve been sulking and distracted since the beginning of the month. It’s unlike you.” I can’t stand to see her like this, and I’ve waited a whole week to see if the situation improved.

But seeing it hasn’t, I just gotta ask. She’s my friend.

“I live in an orphanage.” Seele speaks up, voice heavy and nearly cracking, “I love it there, but… Recently it’s starting to face financial trouble.” Ah… I guess that explains her current sulking.

“Are there no charities that help?” I ask softly, not truly knowing what to say to comfort her. I’m powerless and have control over nothing, even though I wish I could help her right now.

Seele nods lightly, “All Might does them each month, but we aren’t the only orphanage in Japan.” She sighs softly, hands relaxing around her water bottle, “No matter how much money he donates, it’ll be spread far too thin across all the orphanages in Japan. Though, every little bit does help.”

Despite the way Japan keeps wanking the man off and putting him on a pedestal of gold and jewels, the man truly is a saint and good guy.

He truly does some good, and truly means it from the depth of his Soul.

It’s just that he is one man, in a corrupted country that needs far more than just a wall of muscle.

Well, this country’s corruption did rise due to his presence. A light always casts a shadow, even unwillingly.

“Other Heroes do charities too, like for disaster relief and homeless people.” Seele points out softly, then her face sours quickly, “But the majority of those that do those charities just say it out loud for some fame and attention.”

“If you go to their pages, it’s easy to see that the money just goes back to them, that not a single yen truly leaves their pockets.” Not to mention how the majority of Top Ten Heroes don’t do real charities that help those that need it.

Endeavor, the piece of filth that he is, obviously does none. Not even for the clout and attention.

Hawks doesn’t either, though he does put that ‘public servant’ mask on whenever he is outside. He just uses his good looks to coast by, I guess.

Best Jeanist… Well, he supports the fashion industry due to him being a Beauty Path follower, with a Quirk from that branch.

And I don’t really remember what the other Heroes do for charity, if they even bother with that.

“That’s why you want to become a Hero, isn’t it?” I ask Seele, startling her and finally drawing her gaze to me. I smile softly at how cute her shocked face looks. “You want to help your orphanage?”

Her lips quiver slightly, “Yeah.” Her hands once more clench around her water bottle, reddening eyes falling down to her lap, “I want to raise awareness towards the poor. I know how hard it is to struggle alone, just wondering if you can make it to tomorrow… I want others to stop experiencing that.”

“I have a strong Quirk, I have the determination, and-” She hates slightly, but her eyes glance towards me and the sides of her lips quirk upward, “-I have a good friend that is helping me train.” My smile softens as I wrap an arm around her shoulder to bring her into a gentle hug.

I want to help her. I really do. I don’t want to be a manipulative bitch and just make use of her insanely strong Quirk for my own ends. I’m not cut out for that.

She’s a friend. My friend. I just wish I can raise some awareness or do some charity-

My eyes widen as realization strikes me.

I have a HeroTube channel. I have a shit load of fans and can consider myself famous… If I monetize my videos like I have been thinking of doing, maybe I can raise some money and donate it to Seele’s shelter?

“Can you…” I lick my lips and draw away from the now confused Seele. “Give me one second, I gotta make a call.” If there’s one person that I can trust to help me with this, it’s Dad.

“Also, put water on your bruise.” I point out as I step away, making Seele yelp cutely as I pull out my phone.

I smile and draw away, then pull my phone to my ears once I start the call. It only takes two rings for the old man to answer, and of course he answers with- “What can I do for my grumpy dumpling?!

I am going to stab him if he keeps calling me a dumpling. “Maybe stop calling me that, for one.”

Never. Next?

I sigh and palm my face, “Right… You know Seele- Or Babochka-”

Yes yes, you still gotta bring her over, but you and Stelle-chan mentioned her quite a few times over dinner. She trains with you, right?

“Yeah, she does. Gave her one set of the gravity weights too.”

Ah, I was wondering where they ended up. And here I wanted to start working out a bit.

Yeah, like anyone will believe that. “No one believes you.”

Not even myself! Now, what do ya need pops for? Your friend alright?

I wince, then breathe in, “Kinda. Her orphanage is facing financial troubles, and I’ve been thinking… Any way I can monetize my music, so I could possibly raise some for her orphanage?”

There’s a pause, then some shuffling on the other line. With each second I become more and more nervous, until Dad finally speaks up, “Gods, I am so proud of you, honey.” I force down my smile and the nice fluttery feeling my belly.

Stupid dumb butterflies. “But yes, we could… The money gained through video monetization won’t be much though, even with your fame and all the current videos you have on.” I sigh out a ‘Damn it.’ and slump lightly.

There is something, though. Depends on if you are comfortable with it.” Dad starts softly, instantly reigniting my interest and hope.


What if you do a charity stream?” My eyes widen at his proposal, “You sing any of the songs you have written down, be old or new, and those that watch can donate. We can even make it known that it’s a charity stream beforehand too.

I cup a hand over my mouth, both in shock and thought. Could it work? Could my ‘fame’ be enough to help out and draw in a lot of people?

It should be. Has to be.

“Dad, you’re the best.”

I know.

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face, “How quick can we do this?” Hell, I can fucking do this even now!

Gotta prep the instruments first, and also find a good camera- If, again, you are comfortable showing yourself to those watching.

I shrug. I might regret it later, but honestly, it’s for Seele. So it’s worth it. “I’ll just show off my nice muscles.” Dad snorts at my words.

Stelle-chan might need to prepare that baseball bat of hers to beat off all your soon to be horny fans.” I’m already starting to regret it.

“Just… give me a timeline, old man.”

Dad chuckles softly before humming in thought, “A week, give or take. Once you come back we can start setting up the studio and recording room, alright?

“Yeah, yeah… Thanks, Dad.”

You’re welcome, hon. And, again, I’m so damn proud of you!

I groan and shut the call after that, forcing down my smile and the flush on my cheeks. Dumb old man.

“What are you plotting now?” Seele asks with narrowed eyes, one of her hands rubbing the side of her bruised knee.

I hum, but decide to keep it a secret. “I’ll tell you… If you catch me!” Her eyes widen and her mouth hangs open at my challenge.

“Wha-!” Heh, cute. “My legs are still burning after that run!” I whistle and show my still attached weight. All five of them. She doesn’t wear the one around the belly as it adds too much weight for her to handle. “You haven’t turned them off!?”

I cackle like a Villain, “So yes, if you want to know what I am plotting, you just gotta catch me!” Glitching butterflies instantly burst out of her eyes and hair, all lunging towards me as she instantly.

Then, with a burst of blurry static she reappears in place of her butterflies, both arms outstretched and reaching for me.

I just jump back, then turn around and start running with another cackle, “You better try harder, Seele!”

“Grrrh-! Come here!” I laugh as Seele screams bloody murder behind me, her form bursting into static and glitching profusely with each of her steps. “Tell me what you are plotting!”


“I will strangle you!”

“You gotta catch me first though!”


Messing with her is just so much fun!


“You know…” Stelle gulps as she shuts the door behind her, golden eyes flicking towards Mika Jirou, the mother of her girlfriend. “I was wondering when you’d finally come over to do this.” The mature woman hums, lips quirked up in amusement and anticipation.

Stelle gulps once more, cheeks flushed brightly and a nervous knot rising in her belly. Her hands fidgeted with the sleeves of her sweater – one of the many she stole from her girlfriend, just to have her scent around. “W-What do you mean?”

Mika just throws Stelle a ‘You know what I mean.’ look, which makes the girl even more nervous.

They swiftly reach the all too familiar living room, where by now they all had who knows how many feasts together. Like a family.

That thought makes Stelle even more nervous and excited for what she is here for.

“I know that look, dear.” Mikastarts softly and gently, taking the lead in sitting down at the dinner table. Stelle follows next, still awkwardly shuffling in place as she does so. “Plus, my daughter’s birthday is drawing close.”

Stelle gulps, “Y-Yeah…” Her plan. She has to stick to her plan. Seek help from Mika and give her girlfriend the greatest surprise ever.

“And I can tell what present you want to give Kyoka.” Stelle’s cheeks start burning ever more at the gentle tease, “Because I did that too with Kyotoku.” Mika sighs out wistfully, a nostalgic smile on her lips, “You two really are a match made in Heaven.”

Stelle fidgets, not knowing what to say, which makes Mika frown lightly.

“Stelle-chan.” So the woman speaks up, drawing the girl’s nervous gaze to her. “You are family.” Relief and happiness flood through Stelle’s whole body, her eyes reddening a great deal at the woman’s words.

She always wanted one. To feel the love of one. It’s warmth.

And deep down she always knew that her girlfriend’s family gladly views her as a daughter-in-law. That they view her as part of their family.

Dozens if not hundreds of dinners together didn’t settle that fact in. Only Mika’s words finally do.

“Just speak your mind, honey.” Mika suggests lightly, and Stelle takes in a slow and shaky breath.

“Ma’am…” She starts, then nervously licks her lips, “Your daughter is killing me.” The mother blinks, then bursts out laughing while Stelle flushes brightly.

“W-Well, I must admit…” Mika chuckles, wiping a stray tear from her left eye as she does so, “My daughter has become rather good looking, yes?” For her, her daughter is always the most beautiful thing in the world… But after she started training, those good looks were further enhanced.

Too good looking…” Stelle growls out in agreement, having watched how her girlfriend started changing.

How she grew taller, her arms visibly swelling and growing visible muscles and veins, her hair now going down to her hips.

And Stelle doesn’t miss the looks Kyoka draws whenever they are out, or even at school. Looks her girlfriend is clearly totally oblivious too!

She can’t even feel jealous about those looks, as she knows the only reason Kyoka doesn’t even notice them is because when outside, she only has eyes and ears for her and her only.

Her stomach flutters more and more at the thought of her far too charming girlfriend, and her mind starts to wander a bit too much.

It wanders to how good those muscular arms feel around her, how good those calloused hands feel when they travel her body, and how good tracing her fingers and nails against that muscular belly feels.


Or how good the view is when her fantastic girlfriend pins her down below her, and how wondrous and intoxicating those kisses are.


And how good having her breast played with-

“Stelle-chan.” Stelle snaps out of her daydreaming to stare at the smiling Mika, who then points at her lips. “You are drooling.”

Maybe she can throw herself out of the window? The fall shall do the job and end her.

Mostly because she is too lazy to dig a hole and bury herself in it.

“From this I can tell indeed, that the present you want to give to my daughter is…” A large, teasing smile spreads across Mika’s lips as he points a light finger at the flushed Stelle, “Yourself?”

Yes ma’am.” And it was about damn time. Her girlfriend is driving her insane, and she needed to take responsibility.

And fuck her silly, of course.

“You two haven’t gone that far yet, I presume?” Mika asks curiously, already knowing the answer due to Stelle’s sheer shyness on this matter.

And indeed, the girl ends up shaking her head. “We’ve gotten quite intimate and touchy, but never crossed that line. Not out of lack for trying.”

Mika makes an ‘Aaah.’ sound as she leans back, “Yes, I presume my daughter is quite nervous to take that step forward. She isn’t really… comfortable, with her own body.” That’s something Stelle noticed quite a few times.

Hell, she even asked out of pure curiosity one time and found out that her girlfriend doesn’t even please herself. It makes her worry, sometimes.

“She changed a lot, that daughter of mine.” Mika sighs softly, leaning on the table and resting her chin in one of her open palms, gaze distant and distracted.

Stelle blinks and straightens herself curiously, “How so?” Physically Kyoka definitely changed, but that’s all the changes she has seen or has noticed.

“Personality wise, I mean.” Mika hums out, “It happened a little before you two met. She suddenly changed overnight, seemed to become both Kyoka and someone else, like having a split personality.”

“She became afraid of knives, was awkward around her father for the longest time, and even visibly winced one time when he went to try and hug her once, as if afraid he was going to hit her.”

That… She didn’t know, though she did see the fear of knives and how she refused to ever use them – hence why she sometimes cuts the food for Kyoka – but she didn’t think that was a sudden fear of hers!

“She only started improving after meeting you, you know?” The distant look is replaced by a sweet smile that makes Stelle flush, “My Kyoka loves you so, so much.” Stelle knows that. Kyoka always makes sure she does.

She knows how much she is loved and adored, desired and wanted. Every single day.

She couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend.

“I know.” Determination wells up inside of her, “And that’s why I want to make her eighteenth birthday unforgettable.”

Mika smirks at Stelle’s determination, “Then we must go lingerie shopping, dear!” And that is actually what Stelle wanted help for.

She’d have asked Himeko for help, but… They still aren’t on comfortable talking terms.

Especially after their shouting match due to her wanting to go to U.A., something Himeko has no choice over.

“I think I know what Kyo likes, but I’d rather be super sure.”

Mika nods with an even bigger smirk, “Oh worry not, honey! The lingerie we shall find will make my daughter pounce on you like a ravenous beast!”

And Stelle is looking forward to that. A lot.


“I hate you…” Seele grumbles from beside me, dragging her feet and arms with loud groans and hisses of pain.

I relent from patting her shoulder as we slowly exit our school, as I know it’ll just hurt her aching body some more. “You’ll get over it.” I chuckle as Stelle gives my hand a squeeze.

I give a squeeze right back, then also hold back – a lot– so to not smooch the hell out of her before everyone. No matter how much I want to get a kiss out of her.

“Is this about when I saw you two run by the bakery like two idiots yesterday?” My girlfriend asks out of pure amusement due to Seele’s suffering. Which yes, is highly amusing.

We enjoy seeing people in pain. “Didn’t know you were already working by then, else I’d have stopped by.” I point out, earning a shrug from her, “Mom also said you stopped by while i was out.” And now she’s blushing. Brightly.

Suspicious. “What are you plotting, you damn raccoon?” Stelle tries and fails horribly to whistle innocently. It’s fucking cute, but I want my answers!

“Don’t tell her!” Seele shouts, a vicious grin on her face, “She’s plotting something towards me too and refuses to tell me! So don’t tell her anything!”

“Oh you little shit-!” Fuck sparing her further pain!

I grab and pull the little rat close, wrapping an arm around her shoulders before viciously grinding my knuckles against her skull.

Something I wouldn’t be able to do were she not super tired and sore, something that turns off her constantly active defensive measures of her Quirk. Which, again, is bullshit.

Lemme gooo!” Seele yowls and tosses around in protest, “Oh, wait.” Then locks up, before turning into a mess of glitching static that phases through my arm, allowing her to straighten herself with a smug look on her face, “Hah! You’ll never catch- Gyah!” I stomp on her foot.


On purpose.


“I will stab you one day.” Seele threatens through gritted teeth, but I just ignore her. She has the energy of an orange cat, so her threats are just amusing.

So instead I turn towards Stelle, “You gotta work today too?” She nods with a light smile, so I hum. Could stop for some chocolate cake, I guess.

“Wanna stop by too?” I ask Seele, who swiftly shakes her head.

“Hell no, I’m going home and I’m going to sleep. Until tomorrow.” That’s something I highly respect.

“What about homework?” I ask.

Seele promptly teleports away. You can’t run away from homework!

But I’ll let her copy mine before school tomorrow, like usual. If she even wakes up and comes to school, that is.

“And so, it is just the two of us!” I muse, leaning over and down to capture Stelle’s wonderful lips, which quirk up in a smile as we kiss. Finally, I needed this.

And that’s when my phone decides to start ringing. “Somebody better be dying.” I growl out, pull out my phone, and- “Huh, it’s Himeko.” Haven’t heard from her in a bit.

That woman seriously works too much. I send her messages to check up on her and it always takes her a while to answer, sometimes even days or one two weeks.

Stelle’s face sours a little, having told me about their fight about U.A. not too long ago, so I just pat her head as I answer the phone. “Woman, you gotta answer my messages more often and take breaks from work.”

No thanks.” Himeko instantly answers, her voice as pleasant and as beautiful as always, “Though your worries are appreciated quite a lot.

“And I’d appreciate if you listened to them.”

Again, no thanks.” Why do I hear amusement in your voice, woman!? “Anyway, might you be free perhaps? I believe you must’ve come out of school by now, yes?

I blink at her words, a small bit of excitement rising within me, “Yeah, I’m just taking Stelle to her job right now. Why?”

Himeko hums softly, and I hear some shuffling on the other side, both paper and metallic, “I believe I have done all I could for the initial prototype, so now I’d like to see and hear your opinions and further thoughts on it. Hence, if you could, would you mind coming over?

“Fuck yes!” Ah, wait! Contain thy excitement, Kyoka! “I-I mean, of course!” Himeko laughs beautifully at me, then said laughter turns into a long and drawn out yawn.

Which sounds sexy as fuck. Goddamit woman…

“I can push back my training and come over.” I say, poking Stelle’s squishy cheek when she pouts and scrunches up her nose in a cute way. “Shall I bring something over? Have you eaten yet?”

Hmm…I wouldn’t want to impose.

“Woman, you’re doing so much for me already, rely on me a bit too, else I’ll feel like I am using you.” And it’s true. I haven’t been able to visit her at all after all this time due to not wanting to appear demanding or something like that.

I appreciate her help immensely, and I don’t think she realizes that.

Fine, you’re so demanding… Well, I like that part of you.” Don’t say such things with such a tired and sexy voice, for fuck’s sake!

“A-Anything you’re craving for specifically?” I cough into my fist to fix the crack in my voice, then mouth ‘She’s a vixen!’ towards Stelle when she raises a brow at me.

Stelle pouts, then mouths ‘You’re just weak to mature women.’, which… I mean, fair enough. She ain’t wrong.

Shame that Italian Restaurant shut down due to a villain attack, as I find myself craving some good Italian food.” There was an Italian restaurant and I didn’t know about it?! Preposterous! “I still have some Wagyu A5 in my fridge, so we can eat that if you’d like.

I blink, then I get a crazy idea, “Actually, I have a better idea. Just let me cook.” Literally. “Also, do you want some dessert? Like cake or something like that?”

Strawberry cake, please.

“Aye aye, my lady.” Good thing we are already here then. “Then go take a nap until I get there, please.”

So demanding… I shall leave the gates and door open for you, then.

“Gotcha!” I end the call, then give Stelle a quick parting kiss before grabbing a slice of chocolate cake and one slice of strawberry cake.

I stuff the packages in my schoolbag, then depart to the nearby store to grab a packet of spaghetti and some eggs. I’d grab some beef cuts too, but Himeko said she has some Wagyu on hand, so I’ll just use that.

Hence, I exit the store right after grabbing some good grated cheese.

The bus arrives just as I finish sending Mom a text saying I won’t be over for supper, then I try and fail to pry information out of her on what Stelle is plotting and what her role in all of it is.

But alas, I stand no chance against my parents. They have blackmail materials of my younger days, weapons of mass destruction against my sanity and mental well-being.

The dastardly Villains…

And speaking of Villains- I turn my gaze out of the window, watching as the bus takes a detour due to a giant Villain tearing down the street ahead of us.

Two flying Heroes try and take him down with their Support Gear weapons, but one gets swatted into a building before the Villains follows up with a punch, gouging a hole into the structure, which proceeds to loudly collapse in on itself.

I’m keeping my eyes on the news a lot more recently now, waiting for the Slime Villain incident. U.A. is in a year and a few months still, so I expect the Slime Villain incident to happen within the next six months.

Izuku will train for ten months then, take part in the exam, blow his fucking arm up, then we wait three months before we start going to our Hero University.

But of course, anything can change. There’s Paths now, Quirks are far more powerful than usual, and that man is still out there, biding his time and plotting.

I can’t even do anything to stall him, or raise awareness towards him. I can only raise my own strength and prepare myself to protect those I care about and my life.

Everything else is meaningless.

It takes a while, but the bus finally reaches my destination and I step off to walk the rest of the way towards Himeko and Stele’s large and secluded home.

It’s a nice place, one meant for a massive family, but only two people live here. Due to that, I always feel a rather… depressive and cold atmosphere around.

Wish I could do something to help Stelle fix her relationship with Himeko, but I do not want to overstep my boundaries.

The gate is closed, but unlocked, and so are the main doors, so I make my way into the quiet interior without making much of a noise in case Himeko did fall asleep.

It’s been a while since I’ve been here, so it does take me a bit to find the living room and the attached large kitchen.

And Himeko, sleeping on the couch in the living room.

The television is on, so perhaps she was simply waiting and ended up falling asleep.

I glance at her, finding her in the same white dress I remember meeting her in, all of her incredible curves perfectly hugged and barely contained. Her wonderful flaming hair are spilled everywhere, and her face is devoid of make-up.

Doesn’t make her look any less perfect in my opinion.

She has to have a Beauty Path related Quirk. Has to.

I shake away those thoughts and set my bag down, then withdraw the cakes and ingredients. The cakes go in the fridge, the ingredients on the kitchen counter.

Pans join them, one is filled with water and salt, then put to boil. The Wagyu is in the fridge luckily, so I don’t need to defrost it, hence I swiftly grab one and cut it down into small squared chunks.

The spaghetti are then tossed into the boiling water, and the Wagyu cuts are set into a wide open pan, but not above a fire just yet. It cooks fast, so I don’t want to overcook the meat.

Waiting for the spaghetti to cook, I crack open four eggs, remove the whites and keep the eye, then pour a great deal of grated cheese on the eye and mix until it becomes a nice and thick paste.

The beef starts cooking, and its fat starts sizzling and filling the pan while also spreading a wondrous scent through the air.

The spaghetti are ready, so I grab and pour some of the boiling water in the beef pan, then extract all the spaghetti and add them to the mix before finally adding the cheese-egg paste.

The cheese starts melting and becomes nice and creamy, spreading all over the spaghetti together with the beef fat and egg yolk in a mixture that is just divine.

I turn off the fire and put a lid over the pan before removing my apron and swiftly setting up the table for two.

Once that’s done, I approach and give Himeko a light shake.

She moans out a sound that sends shudders down my spine before her eyes peek open. “Kyoka?” She blinks at me a few times, then yawns cutely and stretches, an action that makes her enormous melon stand out and provoke me quite a bit. “Sorry, I feel asleep.”

“Don’t apologize, that’s a good thing.” Himeko smiles and rolls her eyes, then slowly stands and stretches her back too.

And that’s when she smells the wondrous scent in the air, “You already cooked?” I smile and nod towards the prepared table.

“Yeap. Let you catch some sleep as I did so.” Because she clearly needs it. Look at those fucking bags under her eyes.

I expect her to sigh at my choice, but instead she just smiles warmly at me. A smile that does things to me. “Thank you, Kyoka. You’re really sweet.” Why did Stelle tell me she wouldn’t mind a Harem?

Goddamit, I might catch feelings for her Guardian at this rate.

Be strong, Kyoka! You can do it!

“Least I can do for everything you’ve been doing for me.” I sigh out, then turn around to walk towards the kitchen, “I’ll go prepare the plates. Want a big one?”

“Yes please, I am starving.” Good thing I made a lot, enough so that there will definitely be left overs. “What did you cook? It smells wonderful.”

“You said you wanted Italian food, so…” I pause and smirk, coming back with two large plates full of steaming and godly Carbonara. “I made Carbonara. Greatest dish in the universe if done the Italian way.”

Himeko’s eyes widen as I set the large plate before her, a loud growl coming from her stomach the moment she breathes in the divine scent of the food. “You replaced the beef with the Wagyu?” She asks, and I’m pretty sure she’s starting to drool.

“Yup!” I take a seat with an enormous grin, quite excited to find out how it tastes. “Come on, take a bite! Let me know how it came out!” I mean, I know it’s good cause I made it.

And there is no one on Earth that is a better Italian food cook than me. I have mastered all the ancient ways, transferred to me by my grandma under rigorous and vicious training some would balk at.

I know secrets some would stab their mothers for, and I shall pass them down to my children only.

Himeko gulps, then elegantly holds a strand of her beautiful hair back as she leans in and rolls up some spaghetti with her fork, which she then pulls up to her glossy lips.

The sound that flows out once she tastes the food could make lesser man orgasm on the spot, and I myself try very hard to contain my flush.

“Wow…” The woman breathes out, straightening herself with wide awake eyes, “Kyoka… This has to be the best food I’ve ever had.”

I bow my head with a smirk, “You are welcome, my lady. Do enjoy until you are full.”

“Oh, no need to tell me twice.”

I myself dive into the food, and goddamn… The wagyu makes an enormous difference. It truly blows the beef and its fat right out of the water.

We both enjoy two full plates each, and while I could have gone for more I decided to leave what’s left as leftovers for Himeko to enjoy tonight. Instead, I devour the delicious chocolate cake Sato’s family made.

I ain’t big into sweet things, but these are just on another level.

“I’ll have to order cakes from them from now on.” Himeko hums, cleaning her lips after having enjoyed her own cake, then she swiftly throws me a sharp look, “And I want you to come over more often. You are a wonderful cook.”

I snort and lean back in my seat, “That could have been a double meaning right there, woman.” Himeko playfully rolls her eyes at me.

“Is Stelle not enough for you?” Oh, she damn well is.

“Apparently, she wants a Harem for a big and happy family.” I drawl out, something I realize I haven’t given much thought, and we haven’t really talked much about since she revealed it to me.

Himeko blinks at me, then looks down and sighs softly out of her nostrils, “She would love that, wouldn’t she?” I stare at the breathtaking woman beside me for a few long, quiet seconds before taking in a low breath.

“She looks up to you, you know?” Stelle will definitely bite my ass if she finds out I am saying this, but eh. Somebody gotta fix this fucking mess of a relationship.

Himeko lifts her head and stares at me with pure surprise in her eyes, “Does she?” God, the faint hope in her voice makes my heart ache.

“She does.” I nod, “She has nothing but praise for you. When her smarts are praised she just says it’s thanks to your teachings, always reassures me that you are dependable and trustworthy. Stelle cares a lot about you, it’s just-”

“That keeping secrets isn’t something she likes.” Himeko finishes for me with a low sigh, “I know that well enough.”

“I’m doing this to protect her, not out of malice. So if this sours our relationship… Then so be it. All I care about is that she is safe.”

I lean forward and barely restrain myself from slamming my hand on the table, “Same! So let me in on that!” Himeko startles lightly at my heated words, “Fuck, the majority of the reason I am doing all of this, training so hard and preparing to one day having to fight the fucking Boogeyman himself, is because of Stelle!”

Himeko breathes out slowly, “You don’t want to do this.”

I can’t help but throw my hands in the air at her words, “Of course I do not! I’m basically wasting years of my life to do this because if I just speak up and reveal my findings and everything else to- I don’t know, the U.A. Principal or even All Mighthimself, I’d still be put on a list! And might even get a visit from the Boogeyman himself in case I fuck up his plans!”

Foreknowledge is more like a curse, because what the fuck can people do with it sometimes?

Would you rather be thought as crazy by revealing you have knowledge of the future because you read this world’s history out of a damn manga?

Hell, maybe you’d even be put on a list to be watched. You might disappear outta nowhere. Anything, really.

All I can do is just prepare, knowing fully well my Quirk is mediocre and what I can do is nothing to what resources All for One can call upon with a twitch of his fucking pinkie.

I cannot act. I can’t say anything. I am stifled and trapped with this knowledge, waiting for what’s to come with a belly full of fear, anger and worries.

“I could do so much with my life instead of having to waste years in a corrupted business that is fucking up society as a whole.”

But alas, I want to live. And I want to survive the chaos that is soon to befall this world, because the Heroes cannot be trusted with absolutely fucking nothing.

I blink when Himeko’s cool hand lands on mine and gives it a gentle, comforting squeeze. “You know…” She starts, gaze warm and soft, “I always thought we were just using each other. Me, as the creator of your Support Item, and you as my weapon against that man. My agent, even.”

She chuckles softly, a beautiful sound that makes my shoulders relax, “But we both care so much about Stelle that I doubt we truly viewed each other as that, did we?”

I instantly shake my head, “I am endlessly grateful for you help. You cannot even imagine the enormous weight you took off my heart and shoulder when you agreed to help. But I did see it as me using you, mostly because I felt ungrateful that I could do nothing for you while you worked.”

Himeko laughs gently and drops her chin in her open hand, her other one still on top of mine, “Well, you have paid for my work with this wonderful food.” She says, then gives me a wink and teasing smile, “Though you could have repaid me in another way if you weren’t taken by Stelle.”

I choke on air as my face instantly feels like I am putting it over fire, a shudder going down my spine when Himeko hums and trails her hand up my muscular arm. “It would feel quite lovely to have these arms wrapped around me~!”

I gape at her, “You’re evil.” I choke out roughly before swallowing heavily, making the woman burst out into a wonderful peal of laughter.

“What? Not into older women?” She teases.

Then blinks when I nod vigorously. “That’s my damn type.” I reveal shamelessly, “And you are downright perfect, Himeko. My lesbian senses go crazy when you are around.” Once more she bursts out laughing, though I don’t miss the bright flush on her cheeks at my compliment.

“I gotta ask though, do you have a Beauty Path Quirk? Because…” I look at her up and down before making a show of fanning my face. Something I really need after that sly feeling-up of my arm she did.

Himeko’s laughter slowly dies down, her chin dropping back down into her open palm, “Actually…” She starts teasingly, lifting her other hand to point at herself, “I’m Quirkless.”

I blink, then do it again. “You’re so fucking cool.” The Beauty Path Quirk was mostly just a joke, though I had my own doubts.

Initially, I always believed Himeko had some sort of Intelligence Enhancing Quirk due to quite a few reasons.

First, she made technology capable of manipulating Gravity. Like… How!?

Second, after I looked her up some more, I learned that she used to be pivotal in the creation and establishment of the Orbital Station and Orbital Elevator around a decade ago.

And she was in her teens back then.

“Wha-!” The woman startles at my words, “That is not the reaction I expected!”

I snort, “Woman, my girlfriend is Pathless.” I remind her in case she expected some sort of discrimination, “What, did you expect me to flinch back in disgust?”

Himeko blinks a few times, then shrugs and sighs, “I guess I am too used to getting discriminated against.” Shitty ass world with shitty ass people.

I sniff, “I got better things to do than bother with discriminating you.”

Her brow raises in amusement, “Like what?”

I smile brightly, then slowly drag my gaze towards her wondrous melons and that supple, visible cleavage.

Himeko blushes brightly, but her lips do quirk up a bit more, “Pervert.” Cute.

“And proud to be!” I blink, then sag my shoulders, “I should stop messing around with you, as I don’t know if Stelle will get mad.” She did say she wouldn’t mind if I go for others too – as long as I tell her first and introduce them because she wants in on the fun and action too – but I don’t know if Himeko is in her allowable range.

Though, will I even want to try and woo Himeko?

She’s breathtaking, and I’d love to know her more, and also take care of her more due to her very appreciated help, but… Can I even afford to start another relationship?

I’ll soon start to train even harder so to perfectly prepare for U.A.’s Entrance Exam, so I don’t think I’ll have the time to allocate for another relationship, if I’ll even get into it in the first place.

I’m startled out of my thoughts when Himeko warmly pinches my cheek, “And that’s why you are a wonderful person.” She says before standing up, “Now, let me show you what I have made thanks to your initial designs and views!” I perk up in anticipation and excitement as she turns and walks towards the couch she was sleeping on when I arrived, where I now notice a large tablet is resting on.

As she walks there, I grab my phone to shoot Stelle a quick message, “I think Himeko is hitting on me?” Might as well let her know.

And my wonderful girlfriend answers within a few seconds, “It’s to be expected. She’s into Muscle Mommies.


“You’re into Muscle Mommies?” I ask aloud before my brain could catch up.

Himeko squeaks and trips on air.

She falls on the couch, giving me a wondrous view of her covered backside.

Goddamnthat’s a lot of cake. And is it wobbling?!

Oh lord give me strength.

Himeko swiftly grabs the tablet and turns around with an insanely red face and large smile, then walks back and sits down. “So, this is what I have done.” Ah, she’s going to ignore it, huh?


I decide to spare her for now and lean forward as she taps the tablet a few times, bringing in the image of a featureless female humanoid. “First, the suit beneath.”

She taps the screen and brings up a black full-body jump suit that covers the featureless humanoid. “This will be your main protection. Carbon fibers for heat and slash protection, insulation for cold and nano-metal fibers woven together for impact resistance and bullet resistance. Getting shot will still hurt a lot though.”

As she explains the suit visible divides, with arrows pointing to each part explain what each is and does exactly.

“It’s very lightweight, so it shouldn’t be hard on you.” I nod gratefully at that, even though I’m used to walking around with hundreds of kilograms pulling at my limbs each day.

“This suit is then attached to another one, which is the main component of your Hero Costume.” She taps the screen once more, bringing in even more items into view.

Claw-like gauntlets made of metal with speakers on the palm, the back of the hand, and over the knuckles. The metal protection goes all the way up to the elbow, then becomes a thin layer that rises up to the shoulder.

It then goes down to the chest area, where a large speaker resides, another one being right around my stomach area.

Another speak is over my back, then two smaller ones behind my hips, connected to the speaker over my stomach through a belt of sorts.

The legs are just as heavily armored as the arms, with speakers below the feet soles and over the kneecaps.

Finally, there’s a full-face mask that will only leave my hair out and completely cover all the way back to my ears. It has speakers over the cheeks and mouth.

“As you can probably tell, the speakers will be your way to release sound blasts, and I plan on making them quite powerful. The belt will allow you to raise the sound amplification too, all the way to levels that you should only use when in danger of dying.”

“The metal is highly protective and will help you pack a heavier punch, but is also quite heavy. Though I doubt it’ll bother you much by now.”

“Finally, the mask. It’ll act as a gas bask and oxygen mask, but is also the main way of using the whole costume.” Pinching her fingers together, she breaks away the mask from the body and zooms in on it, revealing the part that goes behind my neck and below the ears.

Are those… plug ports?

“These are for your Jacks. Each plug port is for a different part of your body.” As she says that, arrows appear pointing at each port and saying what body part they activate.

Two on the right are for the right leg and right arm each. Two on the left are for the left leg and left arm each.

The ones right below the ears are for the mask, and the one right in the middle of all four limb ports is to activate the whole body.

“Can I have a copy of this?” I ask Himeko, pointing towards the mask and the ports, “It’s so I can train in remembering and inserting my jacks in with ease.”

Himeko nods with a warm smile, “That can be done after I get your sizes. I need the size of your Jacks and your body before I start 3D Printing everything, so to prepare the prototypes and test them.”

I nod, unable to suppress the excited and giddy grin on my face, “Can I help test them?”

Himeko giggles softly at me, “Of course.”

“It’s just an excuse to come over and torture you.” She blinks and raises an amused brow at my word.

So I just grin brightly at her, “I’ll flash my muscles at every chance I get!” Her cheeks warm and a pout slowly forms on her supple and wonderful lips.

That damn brat…

“So…” I start with a light snort, “Muscle Mommies, huh?”

Himeko reaches beneath the table and- Is that a fucking shotgun!?

“You know too much.”

“I’ll let you lick my abs if you spare me!” I shout in my defense, causing the woman to blush brightly and flare her nostrils.

“I-Is that your way to tempt me!?” I lift my shirt and wiggle my brows as she gawks at me.

I’m fuckin’ ripped shawty!

I don’t miss the way Himeko visibly bites her lower lip at the sight, her eyes all but devouring my belly before she scoffs heavily and tears her gaze away. “You’ll pay for this.” She growls out as she puts the shotgun away.

I nod, “Yeah, by making you lick my abs.” I’m a little shit.

And Himeko looks ready to choke me to death. Yes mommy- I mean, huh?

“Oh right!” I perk up, suddenly remembering something she offered back during our first meeting, “What about those trainers you told me about? For combat and such.”

Himeko blinks, her flush disappearing as hesitation flashes across her eyes, “About that… I know a good group- A very good group. They owe me a favor, so I can call it in to have them train you, but…” Her hesitant gaze meets my curious one, “They aren’t good people, Kyoka.”

Ooooh… So they are Villains, huh?

I tap my fingers on the table in thought as I lean back against my seat, “They are that good?”

Himeko nods, “They escaped All Might dozens of time, and their main fighter even defeated Endeavor with ease.” Well, sign me the fuck in then!

Still, I keep my gaze on Himeko’s face for a few quiet seconds, studying her for a bit longer. “But there’s more to that, is there?” It was minor, but I catch the slight flinch of her shoulders and the hesitation in her eyes.

She remains quiet and stares at me for several more long and tense seconds before slumping lightly, “Yes, there is.” She finally reveals, giving me a serious look as she does so, “I believe they might be connected to Him.”



“Fine.” I sigh out, “Let’s do it.” Her eyes blow wide open at my words.

“Are you sure, Kyoka?” Her hands grasp one of mine in a gentle and comforting grasp, “This can be dangerous.”

I just give her a sarcastic smile, “And we are preparing just for that.” I give her hands a squeeze right back, “We need every advantage we can get.”

You’llneed every advantage possible, Kyoka.” Himeko insists, “You are the sword of this whole… operation.”

“And you’re the fucking Blacksmith that made me.” I push right back, “I can’t do this without you. You know that.” I would have never achieved the immense gains I have right now in this amount of time without her Gravity Weights.

“Stubborn girl…” Himeko sighs with a fond smile on her face before standing up, “Come on, let us go and get your measures.”

I nod and stand up too, then smirk like the little shit I am.

“You can feel me up a bit while taking my measurements.” I shamelessly tease.

“Good. I was planning on doing just that.”



“Serval.” The door to her room opens after a quick knock, making her turn her gaze away from her electric guitar and towards her tall brother.

A curious brow raises, “Yes, Gepard?” Her brother blinks at her, then looks down at his phone.

“I half expected you to already be watching it.” His words confuse her even further.

“Watch what?”

“Your favorite singer- Interstellar.” Her eyes widen and her face blooms into a wide smile, “She’s streaming right now and singing on camera.”

Never before did she launch herself across the room so fast in her life. “How long has she been streaming for!?” She squeaks out, eyes wide and frantic as she swiftly opens her computer and sits at her desk.

She should be preparing for her tour, but this was far more important!

“Uuh…” Her brother makes a dumb noise before he taps on his phone to check on the stream. “Nearly an hour.”

She lost an entire hour of songs!?

She should learn from the Japanese and commit Seppuku for this slight against her favorite artist!

HeroTube is pulled up, her name is typed in, and the Stream is swiftly clicked on. Very aggressively too.

-like the majority voted for the Electric Guitar, huh?” A very husky but pleasant voice reaches her years as the Stream starts, her eyes widening once they fall on Interstellar.

Serval totally did not expect her favorite artist to look like that.She had half expected a shy goth, not a… A muscular Goth!

The black, short sleeved shirt didn’t hide the girl’s visible muscular arms, and hugged her supple chest and belly in a way that it showed her abs.

Long blackish-purple hair held in a high ponytail, lazy looking pitch black eyes and a sharp jawline.

Damn, Interstellar hits the gym for sure.

The girl on the screen hums and slowly but carefully puts away the classic guitar in her hands. “Then I’ll use it to play a new song that I’ll release soon.” Serval instantly straightens herself at that.

She is always eager for new songs from her, yet ‘Daylight’ and ‘Mountains and Rivers’ still hold a special spot in her heart.

Standing up – and showing off some thighs that make the chat go absolutely bonkers– the girl heads out off screen for a few short seconds-


DemonKing’ has donated 10’000 Yen!

'I swear to God, I will tell your parents what you have under your bed, ‘IMight4U’.'


What the hell is going on in the cha-


DemonKing’ has donated 10’000 Yen!

'And then I’ll fucking doxx you. For good measure.'

An exasperated shout comes from out of camera view, “Demon King, will you fucking quit tryin’ to doxx people?! This is the seventh one!” That’s Interstellar’s voice.

And apparently this has been going on for a while?

Guess there’s all manners of crazy people out there, huh?

Good thing she learned Japanese in school, because this is hilarious.


DemonKing’ has donated 10’000 Yen!

'Who said anything about ‘trying’? I’m fucking doing it, and succeeding.'

This dude…

Flicking her gaze around the stream page, Serval quickly noticed that this was a Stream for charity, with the money meant to go to an orphanage nearby Interstellar’s home, which has been facing financial troubles recently.

Quite a beautiful reason to put herself on camera and just play music for faceless fans.

Alright.” Interstellar soon comes back into view and takes her seat, a wonderful black and purple electric guitar, one that Serval instantly gawks at due to how ancientit is. “Gotta bring out my Grandpa’s puppy for this one.

It had all the rights to be called a puppy! It was a Gibson! One surely from before the Dark Ages!

Unable to help herself, Serval decides to donate a bit herself so to make sure her question is seen.


ElectroQueen’ has donated 10’000 Yen!


'That Gibson is Ancient! Is that a family relic?'

Interstellar perks up, and her lips twitch into a smile. “A fellow music geek, eh?” The girl chuckles softly, then nods, “But yes. Music has been in the veins of my family since my Great-Grandparents. On both sides of the family.” And the union of both brought such a wonderful singer into the world.

In fact, my Grandpa used to say;Your Talking Voice comes from the Soul. Your Singing Voice from the Heart.’” The girl muses with a nostalgic look in her eyes, her fingers giving the guitar strings a light thrum.


DemonKing’ has donated 10’000 Yen!


'I am endlessly grateful those two families united and graced the world with your presence, Interstellar.'

Demon King says the very words Serval found herself thinking.

Despite her own brother being one, she hated Heroes with a passion. She hated what they caused to the world as a whole.

There is no more real art. No more real music. No more real movies. No more real good books.

It’s all about Heroes this and Heroes that, and for the longest time Serval believed – despite her own success– that nothing outside of that could truly shine.

Nothing without Heroes in their mix goes viral. Nothing.

And then Interstellar happens, and Serval has heard her music repeatedly even on the radio of her car.

The girl on the screen blinks, then chuckles softly, “It’s funny, ya know? How just strumming a few strings of a guitar, and pressing some keys on the piano, or tapping a drum a few times while singing some words… How these seemingly simple actions can just fill one with joy and wonder.

Music is truly a blessing this world does not cherish.” Truer words couldn’t be spoken more often. “Hence, allow me to introduce ‘After Dark’ to you all.

And with a smile, Interstellar flicks her fingers across those strings like a writer taps keyboard keys to write a masterpiece.

And Serval knows Heaven and happiness once more.

I see you, you see me- How pleasant, this feeling- The moment, you hold me-”

I missed you, I’m sorry- I’ve given, what I have- I showed you, I’m growing- The ashes, fall slowly- As your voice, consoles me-

Serval takes in a breath, leans back, and closes her eyes as the guitar picks up.

As the hours pass, I will let you know- That I need to ask, before I’m alone- How it feels to rest, on your patient lips, to eternal bliss- I’m so glad to know!

The chorus hits her hard and wonderfully so, the passion in the words and the way the guitar seems to sing and repeat the same words she says, the light drum beat accompanying her coming from off-camera just being the icing on the cake.

We’re swaying, to drum beats- In motion, I’m feeling- My patience, controlling- The questions, I won’t speak-

We’re telling, the stories- Our laughter, he knows me- We’re leaving, We’re talking- You’re closer, it’s calming-

The chorus swoops in once more, taking her with it, and it ends with her being left with a craving for more.

A craving that is answered by the music lowering to a lull. A persistent one.

And finally, Interstellar’s divine husky voice speaks up, lowered to but a low whisper that sent shudders down her spine.

The night will hold us close and the stars will guise us home

I’ve been waiting for this moment, we’re finally alone

I turn the ask the question, so anxious, my thoughts

Your lips were soft like winter, in your passion, I was lost

Once more, the chours. Just as passionate, just as wonderful, all but perfectly owned by that divine husky voice blessed by the very Gods.

The chat was going wild, and Serval couldn’t even readthe messages with how fast they were blowing buy despite being in all caps.

Even the donations went quiet once the first chorus hit.

Releasing a soft breath, Interstellar grins and rests her hand on her guitar, “Seeing by how I can’t see the chat at all, I presume y’all liked it?

Serval is willing to sell her liver just to listen to that song all over again.


DemonKing’ has donated 10’000’000 Yen!


'My ears will never be graced by music greater than yours.'

Interstellar gapes at the amounts of money donated. “Jesus… Thanks, dude. That’s gonna help a lot. Thanks again.

Now, what song shall I sing? Maybe I should do another poll-”

Serval tore into her keyboard with the ferocity of a bear tearing into its salmon.

She was going to throw away every last bit of her money just to listen to one more song!

Is this how Drugs addicted people feel like?


The morning in an orphanage is pure chaos. Like a warzone, with kid soldiers and toy weapons and screaming and something getting broken and three different kids that weren’t even there getting blamed for it.

Seele adapted to it, and learned how to avoid the running soldie- kids without even looking.

It reached a point where she could predict their disasters and grab things before they fell or broke right before they did.

Luckily, once she was fully awake she became untouchable thanks to her Quirk, so it became easier to survive.

“Seele!” But there were still menaces around. Like Hook, the self-proclaimed leader of the brats, or ‘The Moles’, as they started calling themselves.

“What now, Hook?” Seele sighs and turns towards the blonde brat, then pauses and blinks when she stares at the very proud looking girl.

Who is holding a massive claw-like machine right above her head. “What the hell is that?” Seele asks, despite already somehow knowing what it is because… well, Hook.

“It’s a bomb!” Called it.

“Didn’t Cocolia tell you not to make anymore bombs?” Seele sighs, having said these words at least a hundred times this past year alone. “Didn’t I tell you not to?”

Hook pouts, the claw-like machine coming down to rest on her head. That thing looked heavier than the girl herself, yet she was holding it up just fine too. “B-But… It’s a new bomb?”

Great. So instead of being capable of blowing up cars, she moved up to blowing up buildings?

“First of all… You know that not all of us can survive the explosions of these things like you, right?” She’ll never forget the memory of five year old Hook making one of her makeshift bombs explode right in her face.

And not even loose a tooth from the impact.

“Hook knows!” The why do you still bring them inside the orphanage?

“Second of all, and I hate that I have to ask this… But what does this new bomb do?” Because if she doesn’t ask, Hook will show her what it does.

And Seele sure as hell doesn’t want Hook to show her what the bomb does.

“Well, the other ones exploded!” Obviously. They are bombs. “So this one chases you! Then explodes!” Great. A heat-seeking bomb.

Just wonderful.

“How did you even make this?”

Hook blinks, then shrugs. “Some cans, some pins, broken phone, a toe nail, one of my hair strands, some alcohol and a car engine!” Seele sighs and pinches her nose.

“Just go put it in the back. And disarm it.” This brat will one day commit a War Crime. She feels it in her bones.

“Hook will!” And the little menace is off.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

“Seele!” And the Cocolia calls for her. “There’s a friend at the door for you!” Huh? She didn’t even hear the doorbell ring.

Also, a friend?

Setting down her cup, Seele moves across the living room, then to the hallway leading to the entrance.

Her eyes fall first on the tall and blonde Cocolia, the matron of the orphanage, looking as beautiful as ever. Then they fall on… Kyoka?

“Kyoka?” The girl tilts her head to stare at her, lazy grin on her face, “What are you doing here?”

Her friend winks, her grin growing bigger, “Just bringing you all a little present, is all.” Kyoka says, and Seele raises a confused brow.

And she watches as the girl pulls out a sealed letter out of her pocket, then hands it to Cocolia, who gently takes it, then starts opening it once Kyoka gives the go ahead.

“Seele told me you all were facing financial trouble, so…” She shrugs, and Seele starts feeling a pit forming in her belly. “I did a little thing, it worked, and here I am.”

Cocolia pulls out a slip of paper out of the letter, and her eyes soon widen. “This is…!?” Seele’s own eyes widen, jaws falling open.

“Bank check of a hundred million yen.” Kyoka reveals smugly and proudly, and Seele feels the world flip around her. “You should be set for a long while with this, yes?”

Seele dumbly nods while Cocolia covers her own mouth, “This… Dear, this is too much!”

Kyoka blinks, then shrugs, “I mean, I didn’t expect to make this much either, but then there was this one dude just throwing money at me so-”

Seele wants to cry and scream, “You sold your body?!

Kyoka chokes no air, “Wha-!? No! I do music! I just did a charity stream!” Ah.

Seele still glares and pouts at her friend with narrowed teary eyes, mostly because she doesn’t know how to feel.

That is a lot of money. It’ll help the orphanage a great deal, and now she won’t have to fear or wonder if all the kids will go to bed with full bellies.

“So, yeah…” Kyoka awkwardly and shyly scratches at the back of her neck, “Just wanted to do this to alleviate the worries of a good friend of mine.”

She really is willing to go this far just for a friend. Who else would ever even think of doing this?

Cocolia puts a hand on her head, “You have a very wonderful friend, Seele.” The woman whispers with a gentle and warm smile, “Cherish her.” She sure as hell will from now on.

“And you have my deepest thanks, young lady.” Cocolia bows deeply towards Kyoka, who startles and stammers nervously, “You have made a lot of kids happy today.” Hook will just build more bombs.

“It’s the least I could do…” Kyoka says, and Cocolia straightens herself with a wide smile on her face.

She turns to leave and gives Seele a wink, “I’ll leave you two to talk.”

There was no talking.

Seele just tackled her bestest friend with the force and speed of a meteor.

A.N. Sorry for the long wait on this story’s chappy, but had to put down some finishing pieces and points for the future ones.

By my estimation, we should have… two, maybe three more chapters before U.A., I think?

I plan on releasing at least two more chapters of this before going back to Drugs, cause I need a quick break from it.

Either way, hope y’all enjoyed this chappy!

The next one shall have a very big and surprising cliffhanger at the end!




David Bray

hope she does some ado songs like tot musica, ussewa, show, odo, and backlight, also hope she does unravel. also some jam project would be cool


I love Ofa so much