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I breathe out.

Lightning flashes above, lighting up the mist my breath turned into.

It’s cold. Insanely so.

I find it comforting.

I breathe in, then look up as lightning flashes once more.

The enormous growling head of a pitch black dragon looms just a few meters ahead of me.

Teeth the size of buildings reflect the light of the lightning above, a lone glowing blood-red eye remaining fixed on my form as a growl flows out of those enormous jaws.

The air vibrates and the ground trembles beneath the wake of that growl, and I breathe out once more.

Goosebumps cover every inch of my body as that suffocating presence of pure, raw power absolutely drenches the surrounding air.

It’s nothing like the first time we met. That time it was contained and suppressed, but it still told me that this dragon is not a beast to be messed with.

And now it further proves it’s point as it’s unrestrained aura flows free.

The Leviathan is nothing but an ant in front of this Apocalyptic beast.

Now I understand why even mentioning it’s name is taboo and rouses such fear and terror.

We are but preys before this Apex Predator.

And goddamn does that fucking excite me.

I’m shaking, yet also grinning. Orario is in view far into the distance, much to my dislike, but this is as far as I could take the Dragon without fully drawing it into attacking.

It’s enormous head rears back as I reach for Bladey, then draw it with a sharp ear-piercing sound.

A sparkling and perfect blade is drawn, then aimed straight at the titanic form of the One-Eyed Black Dragon.

It’s wings spread wind, it’s body stands tall and towers over my ant-sized one. It’s chest rises, a low growl slipping through sharp and giant gleaming teeth.

Then the growl turns into a roar that nearly punches a hole through the cloudy skies and the earth below it.

The sound-wave slams into me with a force of a speeding car going downhill, nearly forcing me back a whole step as my ears start ringing from the loud sound.

Bladey purrs in delight at the challenge. At a challenge far greater than the Leviathan could ever give us.

Because here, we are beyond outmatched. We are nowhere near this beasts level of power.

If before I was a close match with the Leviathan, now I am way outclassed by the One-Eyed Black Dragon.

This isn’t a fight to achieve victory, but one to assure my survival.

And the survival of Orario too.

Man, I can’t catch a fucking break, can I?

My body tenses, and I swiftly jump high in the air as a long tail swing by with a resounding boom, turning the hill I was standing into powder. The wind booms and cracks from the speed behind the tail swing, but my eyes widen as a gargantuan claw comes down at me faster than I can even land.

Qi burns and pumps through my Qi Veins like pure energizing fuel, and I lift Bladey up to block the falling claw.

I grunt, my legs aching badly as the blow connects and smashes me several feet into the ground, the only light that I can see is the one made by the sparks created by Bladey grinding against those seemingly unbreakable black scales.

I breathe out through gritted teeth and push the claw up just a few meters, giving me the much needed space and breathing room to launch and roll out of the crater the fucker smashed me into.

I roll across the floor, then swiftly stabilize myself and flip around, Bladey swinging through the air and glowing brightly.

My Qi and Sword Will flares to life, launching forth a large blade of light towards the Dragons enormous head.

The fucker doesn’t even bother tilting its head to the side and lets the wave of light smash against it’s left cheek, releasing a screeching sound akin to dragging a fork against a plate, just a thousand times louder.

And all that does is leave but a small scratch against its scales.

Are you fucking kidding me?

How much power and strength do I need to put into my swings to even make it feel my blows?

Do I need to use that already? I just broke through, so I literally have no practice with it, but- Fuck!

The same claw that slammed into the ground now tears right through it, gathering up rock and earth before tightly clenching with me in it’s grip.

Fuck, I got distracted!

I feel the world whirl around me as complete darkness fills my vision, until the giant claw opens and my body is sent hurling through the air.

I grunt when I slam through something, my whole back aching from the impact, before I recover myself and stab Bladey into the ground to grind myself to a halt.

I lift my gaze, then pause and blink.

Did that son of a bitch really chuck me through a fucking mountain?!

My Sword Will flares to life once more, a blinding flash erupting and roaring forward and across the valley, cutting the mountain I was chucked through right at the base, causing it to bounce a few dozen feet in the air.

I hold back a painful wince from the ache such a strong flare of Sword Will brings to my head and power through it as the Black Dragon just smashes right through the mountain with a bone-rattling roar.

Only for it’s lone eye to widen slightly when I’m right beside it’s head once it flies out of the tower of dust and falling debris.

I breathe in and my arms swell with Qi and pure power, then swing Bladey with all the gathered strength.

Another blinding flash erupts together with a resounding explosive crack, my whole arms going numb from the horrifying impact and backlash.

But the impact did its job and launched the Black Dragon off to the side, disrupting its flight and making its whole body fall and hammer into the ground with a loud rumble.

His enormous form digs a trench through the earth and hills due to its leftover momentum, though of course that’ll mostly be a huge annoyance. I highly doubt anything I can throw at this thing can even do harm.

Unless I truly go all out, without care of any potential backlash and the harm I’ll do to my own body.

I breathe in and straighten myself, then turn my head towards the distant Orario, the lights of the city making it quite visible even in the darkness cast by the dark clouds above.

I’m no Hero, but even I can’t just stand by and watch as that entire city is turned into a crater.

Or is that just an excuse? Because I know full well I can just grab those I care about and take them to safety… But will Meteria even be happy with that?

I chuckle softly and shake my head, then return my gaze to the now slowly standing Dragon. “Sorry buddy.” It’s lone eye flicks towards me. Why does it look so out of focus? “But I’m more scared of making that gremlin sad than facing you.”

I twirl Bladey with a grin, “So I’m gonna have to hurt you. Real bad.” Might as well find out where I stand in this world too.

See what the Apex really looks like.

Slowly, the Dragon releases a long breath. Then it growls, and moves.

I rush to the side, avoiding a claw that falls like a meteor, then keep on moving and moving as the earth rumbles, shakes and explodes.

Claws fall like meteorites upon the earth, gouging craters and leaving behind enormous pits in their wake.

Each blow can easily take my life, so just as I dodge yet another falling claw… I stop.

Then flip around and swing Bladey with all my strength right before the claw meets the ground.

It’s movement is disturbed and the claw twists the wrong way, so instead of smashing into the ground it slips and the whole big-ass Dragon comes crashing down like a fat bag of potatoes.

I breathe in and take that chance to activate several more Qi Strands, feeling their energy perfectly pump through my Qi Veins and to Bladey, whose blade erupts with brilliant and sharp light.

Bladey rises up, my arms swell almost painfully, and I grit my teeth as I look at the Dragons now exposed neck covered by nigh-unbreakable scales.

I want to cut that.

My Sword Will rumbles to life like a roaring beast, and Bladey comes crashing down with the weight of an entire mountain.

                                                      “Kunpeng Heaven-Splitting Blade!

This time what I execute isn’t a shitty copy of the technique replicated through sheer brute strength and just tossing a lot of Qi Strands at it.

This time, what comes out is the real damn thing.

A wave of blackish-gold Qi erupts into existence with a sound akin to a roaring, angered beast.

A crescent moon shaped wave of energy surges to life, dozens upon dozens of feet tall, resembling a titanic wing as it flaps.

But instead of flapping, it crashes down with horrendous might, creating a vacuum on it’s passing before it slams into the open neck of the Black Dragon.

Said beast roars and slams it’s claws into the ground, twisting its body as that blade of energy pierces against it’s neck, pushing against its body with horrendous force, releasing an ear-piercing screech akin to metal against metal with each passing second.

The wave of energy rumbles and tears into the ground, pushing the dragon further and further back, claws digging trenches through the ground as the beast tries and fails to steady itself.

It’s not doing anything to it. Just another inconvenience.

I sigh and lift Bladey up to stare at the mark Hera left on it. It made Blade quite a bit stronger, and even quite happy.

I should do something nice for her, when and if I manage to get back to her.

I shake away those thoughts and stab Bladey into the ground, then breathe in and feel my Qi stir and answer my call.

When a Cultivator reaches the Qi Veins Realm, they gain a… special ability, of sorts. It’s more of a new way to utilize Qi and further empower ourselves.

My Qi Veins rumble as waves of Qi rush through them, then release it outward.

Ethereal blackish-gold flames roar to life all around my body, forming a cloak of sort that is far bigger around my arms and legs. The Qi Cloak.

The Cloak extends and wraps around the purring Bladey as I lift and twirl it once more, the blade of light that I hurled at the dragon now having fully faded away.

And I move before the Dragon can even roar, the blackish-gold flames surging around Bladey flaring in intensity as I launch myself forward and up.

The Dragon raises his head up to stare at me, and I come down with a grin, smashing the glowing Bladey straight on its head with a resounding crack of air.

A shock-wave flares to life and flings me high into the air while the dragon staggers back, then gives its head a shake before lifting it up to glare at me once more.

I just cackle, “Come on!” And I beckon it at me with my free hand.

With a roar, the beast spreads its wings and launches its enormous body at me, wings flapping and jaws opening to swallow me whole.

I flip down and swing Bladey, releasing another blast of energy that sends me further up, allowing me to dodge the beasts open jaws and actually land and roll on its head.

It turns with a roar, claws swinging about and wings still flapping, body still rising higher and higher in the air.

But I keep moving, jumping and moving from one spot to the other in a hurry, so to not get caught or be shrugged off its body.

Until a claw comes down towards me, forcing me to jump up and land on top of the Dragons head, right below the dark clouds.

Its body slowly comes to a stop, a low growl flowing out of its jaws as I breathe in and stare down at the enormous beast, unable to meet its lone eye from my perch.

I’m right above its jaws, upon the tip of its nose, if it can even be called that.

Then I breathe in and slowly lift Bladey, “Might as well try out what Hera gave you, no?” I grin, and Bladey purrs in excitement.

I aim the blade at the skies. My Qi Cloak explodes in intensity, turning into a beacon of light that lights up the darkness for miles upon miles.

My free hand slowly rises to grip Bladeys grip as knowledge flows into me through our shared connection.

I close my eyes and reach for it, for that gift Hera left within Bladey.

And I let it roar to life with an enormous grin as my eyes open.


My voice booms across the Heavens as a catastrophic wave of energy erupts out of me.

Unrestrained, untamable, ferocious and colossal.

A hole is smashed right through the clouds above, revealing the ocean of stars hidden behind.

The Stars glow.

My blade falls.


And the Cosmos falls with it.


They all felt it.

All of Orario did.

The Heavens rumbled, then the very Earth.

A shock-wave slammed into their walls like a furious hurricane, yet those standing upon the walls dared not even blink.

A roar reaches their ears. A roar of pain.

And the God that has become the greatest fear upon all of Mortal-kind starts falling from the skies.

Hera feels her breath hitch at the incomprehensible sight.

She felt it, and she could see it clear as day.

It was like Riley wielded and used the very Heavens to strike down at the Dragon.

As if the very Starry Sky melted and fused into his blade.

And she heard it, the chant. The power she granted his sword.

It was quick, but she still saw what it did and it’s effects.

Via Lactea: A single attack that brings out the full potential of the one wielding the weapon.

...Or is it?

Her eyes remained fixed upon the scene before her.

“He actually fucking did it…” Leonidas breathes out from somewhere to her right, “He managed to hurt that beast…”

But while everyone’s eyes were fixed upon the falling dragon, hers remained fixed on the form falling alongside it.

Oh how she wished her mark was upon his back. How she wished to know that he was still okay. That he was alive.

She could see it too, his sword wreathed in starlight, falling right above him.

Her hands cup together before her chest in prayer.

Blackish-gold flares to life once more.

“He grabbed the sword!” Atalanta shouts from her left, and Hera trusts the girl with the best eyesight in her Familia.

Starlight and blackish-gold fuse together, then crash down towards the falling down like a falling star.

A blow is smashed into the falling dragons chest. One everyone could feel.

Then another.

Then another.

And another.

The Heavens rumble with each horrifyingly devastating blow, a blinding flash following each one, together with a distorted and distant roar of pain and anger.

Starlight flares, then is slowly wreathed into an enormous blade.

The roaring Dragon twists and rises, fearsome jaws reaching up as the blade of starlight cuts down like a guillotine.

Jaws clamp down upon a blade of Starlight, and then they all heard it.

Riley roars.

A sound so guttural, so raw, and so ferociousthat it gives them all pause.

And the Dragon is slammed head-first into the earth, raising a colossal plume of earth and dust.

A moment of quiet, and then flashes light up the tower of smoke.

The silhouette of a roaring dragon, a colossal blade, scorching sun-like flames spewing forth and out of the dust.

Blow after blow is traded, each one shaking the very land below their feet.

All of Orario stays quiet.

The civilians cower in the safety of their own homes, trusting the Adventurers to protect them.

The strongest group of all of the Adventurers quietly watch on as a Calamity fights and is evenly matched by a Doctor of all things.

And the Gods watch on, bearing witness to a monumental battle, one the majority of all of them came down from Heaven to experience.

Among them all, Hera was worried sick, a pit forming in her stomach.

Albeit it was short, she knew well the technique she granted Riley’s sword. It was meant to be a Trump Card, a single use Skill with huge repercussions.

Yet, she could feel it and tell that Riley was using it, over and over again.

Each blow contained his whole unrestrained might, and for but a second, Hera does not just see a Dragon within the plume of smoke lit up by starlight and gold.

But she also sees a gargantuan fish. A fish with wings.

A Kunpeng.

Wreathed in gold and starlight, two Apex Predators roar and clash against each other.

Until a resounding blast tears the plume of smoke apart.

Something smashes into the ground far ahead of Orario. Then again, far closer.

Then again, even closer.

A sharp whistle- Then the walls right below them are smashed through, together with a series of old buildings behind them.

As one, everyone turns in shock- “The fuck- Shit, brother!” Leonidas shouts in worry and moves together with Zald, both old companions jumping down afters seeing the line of demolished buildings.

And the form barely sticking out of the last one, which buried him beneath it.

Hera’s stomach drops at the sight even as a sword clatters to the ground beside them, nearly falling off the wall. Riley’s sword, steaming and glowing with heat.

It trembles and quivers in place, but swiftly goes still when Meteria’s small hands grasp and gently lift it, not even wincing when her hands are burned from the heat being released by the blade.

Without saying a word, the girl stands and swiftly turns to get down from the walls so to reach Riley, whose form is swiftly dug out by Leonidas and Zald.

His robes were in tatters, drenched in blood and full of dust. His entire right sleeve was gone, and the arm nearly fully charred black.

Yet, he stands with ease, giving his bloodied head a light shake while everyone watches on in quiet shock.

No one could form words at the sight, especially after witnessing the battle.

Should they show worry? Should they encourage him? Should they beg him to stop?

Complicated feelings flashed across dozens of eyes, and many teeth gritted together out of pure worry and anger.

They all felt worthless. Useless. Unable to move beneath the sheer might and pressure the Dragon releases.

So they could only watch.

Turning her head, Hera sends a glance towards the distant battlefield. Then one of her brows raises as her eyes narrow in confusion.

Instead of giving chase, the Dragon was resting there, his gaze not even turned towards Orario, but settled on the ground.

Why was it just resting there?

“It snapped back to its senses…” Riley’s rough voice reaches her ears, a low and tired pant that catches everyone’s attention.

Despite standing with ease, his eyes were cloudy and heavily tired and his hair were a complete mess.

Leonidas blinks, then looks through the hole Riley formed when he was sent flying by the Dragon, “Snapped back to its senses?” The man repeats, stunned.

Riley pants heavily, then nods, “When we first met, I could see the intelligence in its eyes. Its smart, incredibly so… Yet until now, I saw none of that. It came here and instantly started attacking the moment we showed up…” His tired gaze flicks to Leonidas, “Reminds you of someone else?”

Dozens of eyes widen at once, “The Leviathan.” It too instantly showed up, within the Dungeon, and started attacking them.

As if it was commanded to do so.

At once, all eyes turn towards the Tower of Babel, “The Dungeon-?!

“Yeah.” Riley sighs, then straightens himself as Meteria slowly approaches him, his blade in her burnt hands, “Pretty sure that if two of them showed up, the last one is also on his way here.” The Behemoth.

Bigger than the Black Dragon, but oh so much slower. A walking calamity spewing horrid poison that can turn even Level 7 to dust on contact.

A beast that turns any plot of land it walks by to a poisoned desert. One that will cannot fixed.

Tired and shaky hands rise to gently grasp the blade in Meteria’s hands, and tired sunset-like eyes warmly gaze down at the girl before him, “Not gonna scold me?”

Meteria gazes up at her lover, her heart aching at seeing him so injured, but-

“Why should I scold you, when you look so happy?” The girls words give everyone a short pause, before all eyes swiftly fall on Riley.

And that’s when they notice it.

Despite looking oh so tired, being covered in blood and rough injuries, In dust and torn clothing… Despite all of that, he was glowing.

“But!” And then he instantly shrinks down when Meteria raises her voice and rests her little fists on her hips, “Why are you planning on going back out there, hm?!” Riley nervously fidgets in place.

Then pouts, “Come on, the Dragon bitch-slapped me all the way here! I can’t just let it end like this!” Everyone facepalms at Riley’s whined words.

Everyone other than Leonidas, that is. The man just nods his head sagely.

“Boys…” Meteria sighs, and Riley’s pout only grows.

While Leonidas raises a finger, “I take offense to that!”

“Probably because you’d do that too.” Zald muses quietly beside Leonidas, forcing a childish pout on his comrade’s face.

Meteria gives a sharp look at her lover, who slowly starts side-stepping around her, a big and bright grin on his face, “I’ll be back soon! Promise!” And then he skedaddles.

Hera could barely hold back a snort at that.

The guy really prefers facing the One-Eyed Black Dragon than Meteria.

Guess she’s scarier than the Three Great Beasts too, huh?

“So, we’re not gonna stop him, huh?” Calydonia muses from her perch on the walls, flat stare following Riley’s departing forms.

“If I were to stop him…” Kirin starts, voice breathy and heavy, “I’d be doing things to him that should only be done in private. And with a bed made by Hephaestus herself.”

Riley might seriously be in danger once he gets back.

Then, much to everyone’s shock, “I concur.” Alfia actively nods in agreement with Kirin’s words, stunning everyone listening as the straight faced woman merely flushed slightly at the words she just uttered.

Deep down, Hera actually wanted to join them.

Mostly just to break Riley’s hips, so that he’d stop being so fucking reckless for one fucking minute!


Maybe I should stop being so reckless?

I mean… First the Leviathan, now the Black Dragon, and soon I bet the Behemoth too.

Am I a magnet for trouble, or what? And why is it exciting?

Hera looked ready to punch me in the face- Well, everyone looked ready to punch me in the face.

Even Meteria. But I fear she might aim for the nuts.

Why is it so amusing to piss them off, and annoy them so much?

With a hum, I rest the rumbling Bladey on my shoulder. We are both tired as hell, as the Skill Hera granted it is insanely strong, has a mean as hell backlash, but is also incredibly tiring.

My arms feel as heavy as a mountain, and the very bones are cracked. Hell, even my muscles are torn from how many times I used that Skill to hit the Black Dragon.

Yet, despite it all, I managed to hurtit, but not injureit. I still didn’t break through his scales, and that ticks me off.

Then when it woke up from the haze clouding its mind, the guy just bitch-slapped me across the land.

That hurt. A lot.

I breathe in through aching lungs and lift my head to stare at the still Dragon, its lone eye narrowed towards the ground in a way that makes me think its deep in thought.

Which just proves to me how intelligent it is.

A glowing blood-red eye flicks to me, then widens lightly in recognition. And surprise too.

Yeah, I’m alive, you son of a bitch.

“Gotta admit…” I sigh and straighten my aching back to stare up at the stirring Dragon, “I’m nowhere near your level of strength. But, this...” I flick my gaze to the ruined landscape left behind by our battle.

The still roaring flames he breathed out, the ravines I cut into the land, the craters he smashed into existence with its claws.

As I look around, so does the Dragon, taking in our battlefield, “...This helped me understand you quite a bit, buddy.” Despite being a beast. A Monster, of all things… I can tell that he can understand me.

Its head turns, and its eye flicks down to peer down at me as I sigh softly.

It must be lonely at the top, huh?” Who would’ve thought, huh?

The one being that – apparently– stands at the top of this world… Seeks a challenge.

It clearly hates being controlled by the Dungeon, yet despite being under its control, it still held back so to not destroy Orario and simply went after me.

I think it can tell that I am strong, and can see that I have grown quite a bit stronger, so it wants to wait so to hopefully get a challenge a few years down the line.

This… It makes me sad, honestly.

I didn’t come back here to get my get-back for being bitch-slapped, honestly. I came here to make it experience some of the excitement I enjoyed until now. Until I managed to wake it up through pain.

So, I breathe in and point Bladey right at its enormous pitch-black form, “I got enough in the tank for one more blow.” A lone blood-red eye widens in surprise, and I grin, “Let’s see if I can make you bleed this time, shall we?”

The Dragon stirs, then its jaws pull back, revealing gleaming white hooked teeth.

The fucker is grinning. Hah!

Enormous wings spread, then flap once, bringing the Dragon back a few dozen meters and setting some space between us.

Then, slowly, the Dragon stands tall on its two hind legs, casting an imposing, terrifying, yet beautiful figure.

Dragons really do be fucking cool.

The air around its jaws warp, and a deep searing light slowly blooms from behind its teeth.

A low whine purrs to life, glowing white-hot lines starting to arise from the cracks in-between the pitch-black scales, starting right from the middle of its chest and slowly rising up its throat.

The low whine turns high-pitch as the heat grows tenfold, the very air and ground rumbling beneath the sheer might the beast is gathering within its maws.

But my eyes flick down to its belly, to where the glowing lines started. Right from a large rhombus shaped scale.

That must be its Reverse Scale. The strongest scale on a Dragon’s body, yet also its weak point.

Behind it lay its heart. Or the crystal that powers this colossal beast.

I shake away those thoughts and breathe in, then lower my stance. I pull in Bladey as I bend down and spread my legs.

One hand grasps the grip, the other lasts on the blade, right above the wonderful mark left behind by Lady Hera.

Bladey purrs, tired yet eager to keep going.

So I breathe out and let my Qi flow. My Qi Cloak roars to life, then surges towards my arms and grows firm, compact, like a second layer over my skin.

My right arm stings and aches from the vicious burn on it, but I push forth and compress the Qi Cloak even further, to the point where my arm swell painfully from the amount of compressed energy within.

An equally compressed layer lays over Bladey’s sky-blue blade.

I don’t want to hold anything back at all… But I won’t use any of the techniques that I trained in all these years.

That last blow that sent me flying made me realize that I want something mine. Something that is meant to be used against this colossal opponent of mine.

No Kunpeng Forms. No pure power. No just Qi or Sword Will.

A technique of my own creations, just for the Black Dragon.

Qi Strands ignite.

A blinding blackish-gold glow unfurls forth like a roaring inferno.

The ground below my feet is pulverized.

I breathe in…

Lady Hera…” My hand brushes across her mark once more, “Lend me your blessing one more time.

                                                                        “Via Lactea.

The Cosmos itself surges to life and weaves itself around Bladey with an ear-splitting roar.

I grit my teeth as the blade of starlight rumbles and pulverizes the land beneath my feet. Rock and stone giving way beneath pressure and pure force.

But I keep hold of the trembling Bladey, its elated cry filling my ears as starlight and blackish-gold weave together.

I compress it all. Over and over. More and more.

To the point where it hurts.

Slowly, I lift my pained and tired gaze towards the wide-eyed Dragon.

This slash is but a prototype.

The real one?

I want that one to be faster than Time itself.

I grit my teeth, narrow my eyes, flex my muscles I breathe out harshly.

My full, unrestrained Sword Will flows forth.

                                                          “Dragon Hunting Flash.

A plume of earth soars skyward, and before my eyes the whole world just… slows to a crawl.

A Flash erupts forth.

A single blade cuts through air.

Through dust and rocks.

Through earth and stone.

Through space.

A flash of golden starlight, and my eyes widen while a tired grin slowly spreads across my face.

Blood splashes through the air, together with remnants of broken and shattered scales.

The Dragon, the beast no one has been capable of facing for a thousand years and whatnot… has now a large gash across its chest!

“Hah!” A rough bark of laughter flows out of me, “I made you dodge that!”

A gash that now takes up the right side of it’s chest, while I aimed for the middle scales.

But it didn’t hit because he dodged!

Grinning jaws open, and the world goes white.

The clouds evaporate.

The stars disappear as a blinding white-hot Sun takes their place.

The land melts and sinks.

Yet, despite the fact that I just lost and I’m about to get hit by a mountain-sized beam of pure heat and force...

I grin like a lunatic.

Cause now I saw the peak of my Mount Fuji!

A.N. I made y’all wait long enough.

That cliff-hanger really put y’all in a chokehold, huh?

Hence why I love doing them!

Still, thank y’all for the amazing support like always!

Now we can soon start making the Drugs this fic is about, goddamn.


P.S.: "Why 'Via Lactea'?" You may ask? That's because in Greek Mythology, Hera is the one who created the Milky Way!


krane 97

I see what you did here with mount Fuji.


That was one helluva chapter Cheem, thanks for the meal! Riley's hips won't survive the day, will they? Ah well, their sacrifice will be remembered, the stupid, lucky bastard. *totally doesn't grumble in envy*