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"It has been a long time since I had the honor of savoring your coffee." Kafka hums, allowing a warm smile to spread across her face as she brings the steaming cup of coffee to her lips.

The strong flavor brought back many memories, some she had long since decided to bury deep within her heart and even forget… But who would have thought that she and Himeko would meet once more after so long.

At first, she never personally met her, wishing to keep their partnership exactly that and not bring back memories neither of them clearly wanted to face or think of.

But then Kyoka happens, and Kafka finds herself being around Himeko more and more.

'That girl is really bringing so many changes without even realizing it…' She muses in her own mind, noting how few jobs He makes them do now.

If before she and her team used to move all around the world to further his own plots and schemes, now they barely moved every few months, all just so they could act as teachers for a very peculiar young woman.

Well, both teachers and bodyguards. Japan would rue the day something happens to that young musician.

"I dare say it has only gotten better since our U.A. days." Himeko drawls out, taking a seat upon her desk chair and leaning back, her breathtaking figure clad in one of her favorite white dresses, her long legs crossed one over the other as she held a cup of coffee in her own hands.

"That I can confirm." Kafka hums, "Your coffee is the only one I've ever enjoyed, after all." Her voice falls quiet, barely a whisper, her gaze staring into the dark steaming drink in the cup in her gloved hands.

Himeko hums too, "Brings back memories, doesn't it?" She herself whispers, golden eyes staring towards Kafka, "Of our days studying within the cafeteria of U.A., or within the living room of our dorms."

A pang of hurt and longing flashes in Kafka's eyes, one she hides swiftly and with laughable ease. "That it does…"

Silence fell between the two, both lost in memories of a cherished time, of wonderful days. Of a budding relationship.

Himeko is the first to break the gentle silence, "Why did you never contact me?"

Kafka answers quickly, without even thinking about her words. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Her gaze leaves the warm brew of coffee in her cup to meet calm, golden eyes. "If I wasn't important enough to be made aware of you leaving, then why waste time trying to reach out to you afterward, no?"

How it ached to say those words. Kafka remembers far too much how many hours and days she spent afterward typing out hundreds of messages that would then be deleted, or how many minutes her trembled above the call button.

For someone like her, who finds it hard to understand and actively feel things, to be rendered into such a mess due to one girl just up and disappearing… The current her wanted to find it laughable, but she could not do so.

For those feelings were still there, after all.

"You were important!" Himeko's legs uncross, and her voice grows stern and slightly loud, beautiful face scrunching up into a heavy frown. "You still are…"

Kafka chuckles softly despite the nice feeling in her chest provoked by those whispered words, "But I am not the only now, am I?" Himeko flushes bashfully and looks away, looking like a young maiden in love.

Secretely, Kafka swoons at the adorable sight as she sips on her coffee.

It wasn't hard to see the budding relationship between Kyoka and Himeko, despite the fact that the teenager had tried her best to only stick to her lovely girlfriend.

Plus, Himeko always had a soft spot for those that don't give a damn about her lack of Quirk. She wants to be treated like a normal human, not some kind of inferior creature.

As Kafka went to speak, her words were interrupted by the door of Himeko's office being violently slammed open. "We have a situation." Sam's rough, mechanical voice instantly made Kafka leap to her feet with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Himeko herself swiftly stood up, a nervous pit of worry growing in the stomachs of both women.

Sam seemingly hesitated for a second before he answered, "The mall Kyoka and Stelle went to with their friends is under a terrorist attack from the Masked Fools."

Her jacket was over her shoulder before Sam could finish his words, a nigh-murderous glare in Kafka's usually gentle and calm eyes.

Now, hopefully, she could get to those bastards before He does.


                                                                     Thump… Thump…

My breathing is heavy and slow. My body is shivering and trembling, burning pain shooting up all over my back from the rubble of the collapsing mall slamming into my body.

Yet, despite that and the pain, I managed to use my body to form a sort of shield for Stelle… But there she lay, unconscious, right below me.

A piece of rubble fell on her head, and her beautiful gray hair are now covered in dust and sticky with the blood flowing out of the nasty cut near her temple.

                                                                            Thump… Thump…

I breathe out as my body shudders, my teeth gritting hard enough that it starts to hurt.

My fingers tense and bend, digging into the concrete below like it's butter.


"Stelle…?" I call out uselessly, my eyes stinging with tears of fear, worry and anger as I stare at her unconscious form.

I need to calm down.

But she's hurt.

My arms tremble from pure, restrained fury.

I promised myself I would never let anything happen to her. It's the very reason I am following a path I hate and training so damn much.

All to avoid this bullshit from happening!


The ground quivers.

I breathe in, then breathe out through clenched teeth.

It was stupid of me, thinking that I could spend entire years preparing ahead of time without anything happening.

But this world is so hateful. So disgusting. So much fucking violence left and right, every single day. One cannot go down the street without seeing seven different Villain attacks in the span of a minute.

The fact that I went so long without being dragged into one is a miracle in and of itself. One that did not last until U.A. started, because of course it wouldn't.

Because of fucking course I couldn't just enjoy my time with my lover and friends.


My surroundings quiver, and dust falls from the cocoon of rubble covering me and Stelle, my cracked phone working as the only source of light in the darkness that we are in.

What was that…?

I breathe out and feel my rampaging heartbeat quell, each beat so powerful that I feel it course through my very bones. That I feel it move to my will and desire…

I gulp and shake away those useless thoughts. I have better things to worry about right now.

Leaning back slightly, I swiftly remove my torn up top and turn it inside out so that the clean part without dust can be used to staunch Stelle's bleeding wound.

My stomach lurches and my eyes sting with more tears of worry at her state, my teeth biting down harshly on my lower lip as I gently cradle her head and wrap the shirt around it.

It fucking hurts so much seeing her like this…

I quell down a sob through sheer anger and dust myself off, having left my upper body in only a tank top and sports bra below.

My back hurts and burns like hell, but I feel no wetness or pain anywhere else. No open wounds then, that's… bullshit.

Why couldn't I be the one badly hurt instead of Stelle, for fuck's sake?!

                                                                                   Thump… Thump...

I shake my head and take in a slow breath once I feel my heartbeat start to grow slower and more powerful once more, as if my chest is like an echo chamber.

Controlling my emotions despite the situation I am in, I flick my jacks around and focus on my hearing. The countless explosions nearly deafened me, and my ears are still ringing while my head is in a whole lot of pain, but I push past that.

Stelle is still breathing, her heartbeat is still there, and a quick check makes me relax when I can hear Seele and Sato close to each other and moving around, sound of metal groaning and rubble falling coming from their way.

I flick the jacks to the right, filling my head with countless shouts and screams and sirens sound, but they sound very muted. The hall must have gone full security mode and probably shut itself off from the outside.

And the Heroes are just twirling their thumbs outside, not moving to break in because of course I can't fucking count on them now.

Moving my jacks around more, I feel my stomach drop as I find so few heartbeats besides mine, Stelle, Sato's and Seele's.

Just how many people were killed…?

Gods, there was a fucking baby with a mask right on top of him…

I suppress the urge to throw up at the thought, then blink when a sparkling and familiar bluish-purple butterfly phases through the rubble and before me.

I tap it, knowing that Seele can feel that, and in the next second she is crouched before me, covered in dust just as I am but looking safe and with no injuries.

"Kyo-" I don't waste a second I throwing my arms around her, hugging her tightly, and she does the same as I release a shaky breath as her hold around me tightens.

Her form glitches as she pulls back, worry filling her reddened eyes. A gasp leaves her lips soon after at the sight of the unconscious Stelle, "Is she okay…?"

I nod while biting my lower lip, "Got a bad hit on the temple. I do not know anything about a possible concussion, but…" I shiver and release another shaky breath, "Can you teleport someone with you?" Her face narrows with pure determination.

"It'll tire me out quite a bit, but that's the least of my worries." I move to the side and help her pick up the unconscious form of Stelle, "There's a big slab of concrete blocking you from us. The one right behind me." My gaze flicks to the large concrete piece right behind her, which is what seems to be keeping the majority of the debris to crashing down on us.

"I can move it. Just take Stelle with you." Good thing I came here without my Gravity Weights for a break day.

Seele nods, her eyes and hair glitching for a short seconds as several butterflies flow out and take to the air before phasing through the rabble. Next second, she is gone and I pick up my cracked phone.

Then ram my shoulder against the slab of concrete, cracking it on impact and pushing it with laughable ease as a loud groan from the destroyed structure around me rings out.

Light from another phone soon greets me, and I let the slab of concrete crash down without a care as the cocoon of debris behind me collapses on itself without the previous support.

This time I'm the one that is pulled into a tight hug, and I allow myself a chuckle as I pat Sato's back, "You alright, big dude?" He lets out a breathe and nods as he breaks the quick hug.

"Yeah, me and Seele got kind of lucky." He nods to the left, towards a large pillar right beside us, "The floor collapsed on us and the support pillar blocked the majority of the rubble." Fuck, I don't even remember falling.

"So we're on the bottom floor?" He nods again, and I glance around. From one cocoon of rubble, to a bigger one.

"Yeah. We're luck there weren't more floors to this damn mall…" Sato moves around Seele, who is crouched down beside Stelle and keeping an eye on her while using her own phone to shine a light around.

I give my girlfriend another worried look before Sato speaks up, "You can crawl out this way." He calls out, showing me the left side of the pillar, where what seems a big piece of the upper floor fell down diagonally and split in half, leaving behind a small crawl space through.

Sato is too big for it, but me and Seele can easily go through the opening. "I think we can move it easily…" I muse softly, then narrow my gaze, "Though it's best I go out and take a look if it's safe first." I clench my fists until my knuckles pop as I say those words.

Sato's eyes narrow dangerously, "You think those bastards are still around?"

"I don't know." My hearing is still recovering, so I cannot tell if they are around or not, as I'd recognize the sounds of their bodies with ease, "But it's best I go out and check-" A whimper reaches my ears, and I lift a hand towards them. "There's someone outside. Stay here."

Sato crouches down and nods. Seele looks like she wants to protests, but she remains quiet and crouched down while cradling Stelle against her form protectively, her eyes and hair glitching profusely and constantly as a swarm of butterflies dance around her.

"Be careful." Sato tells me as I crouch down, and I nod as I crawl through the opening while keeping my jacks aimed towards the sound of the whimpers I am hearing.

My eyes soon widen once I exit the small crack, bearing witness to the collapsed insides of the entire mall and the giant dome of reinforced steel shutters having now locked us in.

Faint flickering lights that survived the bombardment light up the darkness and floating dust enough to help me look around, and I tense and turn my head when I hear the crunching of steps right after another faint whimper.

The shambling form of a woman steps out from behind another support pillar not far from the one I am standing close to, her right foot looking very twisted as she drags herself forward while muttering under her breath and whimpering from the pain.

I can't make out exactly what she is saying, but it doesn't take a genius mind to let me understand that she is in shock and needs help.

I open my mouth and go to move towards her, only to be cut short by a delighted peal of rather crazed laughter, making me freeze while the injured woman stills.

"Oh man, those fireworks were wonderful!" That voice… It's the fucker that gave us the masks at the front of the mall, "A bit disappointing that some of our friends didn't make it, but that's what made it even more fun!" ...What?

Did they seriously blow themselves up alongside us? Are they fucking mental?

My confusion from the man's words make me stall, and I can hear two others alongside him, but their talking draws the attention of the woman in shock, who turns and instantly starts shambling her way towards them, arms outstretched and tears flowing down her dust-covered cheeks. "M-My baby…" She whimpers out, loud enough for me to finally understand.

I wince and feel a pang of pity and hurt at her words. Gods, is she the woman who had the baby holding the mask?


"Hm? A survivor?" My heart leaps to my throat, especially when I hear the cocking of a gun ring out.

                                                                                 Thump… Thump…

"Now that ain't fun at all.." The voice drawls out, and I move before I can think.

"No-!" The gunshot rings out before I can even take my second step, my scream drowned out by the loud crack of the weapon, and my eyes widen in horror when the woman's head swings back before she crumbles to the floor like a puppet that had its strings cut.


"Another survivor? Aw man, now this is just vexatious…"


"Hey Jin, you already killed that one. Gimme the gun and let me handle this one!"


"Finee~! Let's get this over with quick. My amusement is all gone now."


My eyes flick to the right just as I hear the cocking of a gun after several steps draw close, and I stare down the barrel of the weapon aimed at my head, now held by a skinny figure wearing the same dumb mask and dumb fucking robes.

"Hm? You look familiar-" My arm swings through the air as my heartbeat explodes in my chest once more, the ground below my feet quivering and cracking as I connect the backhand the masked man straight in the jaw.

The mask explodes into dozens of shards. The jaw is reduced into a bloody pulp, with the tongue absolutely shredded and hanging uselessly down the shocked man's throat.

A blast rockets off, shaking my surrounding with a deafening shock-wave that raises a massive cloud of dust.

I watch the armed man crumble to the ground like a sack of potatoes, my gaze totally indifferent.

Thump… Thump…

I turn on my feet and release a low breath, letting my gaze fall on the barely visible forms of the other two Masked Fools.

"What the fuck…?" The one who handed out the masks takes a step back in shock, while the one standing beside him is a towering figure of pure muscles and heights.

Not that I give a fuck.

If I just didn't stall…

                                                                           Thump… Thump…

I move, the world blurring around me as the shorter Fool of the two screams out something incoherent. Probably because I don't give a fuck about what he is going to say, or wants to.

His arm stretches out, producing some kind of mud looking thing, but I reach out with my left hand and grasp his forearm… Then squeeze.

The ensuing reaction is like squeezing a bag of chips with way too much air. His forearms just pops with a sickening crack, his skin tearing apart and spilling blood all over my hand as the Fool release a mad squeal of pure pain that fills me with utter fucking glee.

My right foot kicks out, smashing into his right kneecap and making that too pop like it's but a dry twig, the whole leg bending backward and heightening the loud squeal of pain from the animal before me.

Then I grab his hood with my right hand, and bring him close. Close enough for me to shatter his mask with my own forehead and feel his nose turn to powder in the next instant.

It doesn't satisfy me.

I move his head down, and lift a knee up, the smash it straight into his face with all the force I can muster.

I feel my kneecap just sink in, and the next blow misses the mark but utterly destroys his mouth, teeth and jaws next.

That's when I toss him to the side and tilt my head to dodge a wide swing from the last and taller of the three Fools.

Blade was right. Normal humans are like butter when I use my strength wrong.

Yet I feel like I haven't trained too much.

This isn't enough.

I grasp the large arm and twist my body, slamming my foot against the towering man's knee. Despite the fact that it feels like I kicked a steel wall, I still manage to easily lift his ass off the ground and judo throw him into the ground hard enough to send rubble and dust flying everywhere as his body forms a retard-shaped crater.

A faint grunt escapes his lips, followed by a chuckle as I narrow my eyes at the faint shimmer that appears on impact, which goes all around his whole body.

The fuck is that? His Quirk? Some sort of barrier?

Doesn't matter. I'll just pummel him through the fucking thing.

I lift my foot to stomp his skull in, but he swiftly rolls out the way and jumps back up to his feet, showing a modicum of agility for someone his size.

Straightening himself, the man tears the robes off of his form, revealing his muscular upper body and spiky dirt-blonde hair on his head, "Now this is what I've been looking forward to!" He chuckles deeply. Cruelly, even. "If I can't get to fight All Might by attracting his attention with this, then you'll be a good replacement! Come at me-"

"Shut the fuck up already." My right fist sinks into his gusts faster than he can blink, his barrier shimmering a bright gold from the impact as I bend his body over my outstretched arm.

I don't want to hear his useless villain yapping, but his fucking screams of pain.

The sight of a bleeding and injured Stelle flashes by my eyes once more, and I grit my teeth nearly hard enough to crack them.

                                                                        THUMP…! THUMP…!

A wet cough rings out from the towering man, and I breathe out as I feel the reverberations of my heartbeat grow more powerful, echoing through my whole body without an outlet.

"Kyoka!" A worried shout reaches me as a large group of debris is tossed to the side, revealing Sato's towering and worried form with Seele still crouched right behind him, a murderous glare in her glowing and glitching eyes as she keeps her gaze on the Fool before me.

"Stay there and watch out for any stragglers." I tell Sato as I breathe out, my voice sounding distorted to my ears.


My heartbeat has grown even slower, yet more and more powerful. My body is now visibly vibrating before my eyes, like it's accumulating vibrations.

I stomp forward once more, noting that even through the barrier, my blows still leave behind lasting damage, visible through the now nasty purple bruise over the man's guts.

His eyes widen, and his muscular arms cross before his chest- Only for his head to whip upward as I kick him in the jaw hard enough to lift his ass off the ground.

His barrier flashes even brighter than before, but I ignore that tidbit and reach forward to grab one of his legs before he comes crashing down on the ground.

With a tight grip, I breathe out and whirl around before launching the bastard across the ruins of the mall, his large body flying so fast over the ruins that he raises a cloud of dust before he rams into the armored steel curtains of the dome closing us in, releasing a near deafening bang that echoes all around.

My steps crunch on the brittle dust and cracked cement of the ruins around me as I walk through the raised clouds of dirt, my eyes sorely fixed on a single spot and the Fool who will help me relax a great deal.


My fists clench and my knuckles pop, my nails digging into my palm and drawing blood with ease as I take in a slow and deep breath through my nostrils.

"You said you wanted a fight, right?" I ask as I approach the man I launched into the steel curtain, which is now massively dented outward. His gaze, still hidden by his mask, rises up to meet mine as he struggles to his feet. "You won't get it."

"I'm just going to hit you to make myself feel better." He moves with a roar of anger, yet he is so laughably slow.

He is nothing compared to the vicious and lethal Sam.

He is nothing compared to the swift and skilled Blade.

And he is nothing compared to the deadly Kafka.

His mask shatters, giving way to my fist meeting his skull, then ramming the back of it against the steel curtain, further denting it outward.

I kick him in the chest, then punch him in the liver, then headbutt his skull in, and I just keep on going.

Each punch reverberates with intense vibrations that are unleashed across the dome and the ground, his barrier flashing brighter and brighter until, with a shattering sound, it gives way and the man gasps weakly, bloodied and bruised all over.


And I punch him one final time, and let it all flow out.

My fist connects with his chest, and like a dam opening up, all the accumulated amplified vibrations flow forth.

And a deafening roar is what tears the dome asunder, letting the sunlight shine down upon the ruins filled with death once more.


It came like the roar of a ferocious beast. A wave of destruction that split the street in half and carved open a hole in the reinforced dome that makes for a disaster shelter turned prison.

Concrete, police cars and a portion of the building on the other side of the street gave way to the wave of distorted and screaming air like it was a knife cutting through butter.

And as the dust settled, all the cops on the scene readied their weapons while the Heroes on stand-by strode forward.

Among them stood a towering figure of muscles and golden hair, his usually smiling face now set on a grim frown, unable to be joyful or even smile to bring relief due to the disaster before him.

All Might's gaze follows the trail of destruction, having seen something most had missed. A figure was launched through the now large hole in the dome of the shelter and now lay in the rubble of the front of the building he was slammed into.

A completely bloodied and broken face, and an upper body covered in nasty purple bruises all over.

Turning back towards the breach in the dome, the dust settled enough to allow his gaze to land on the likely source behind the massive wave of destruction that split the road in half.

A muscular arm covered her eyes from the sun for a few seconds before it was lowered to allow her pitch black eyes to glare at the surroundings, her hands visibly caked in blood and her body covered in dust all over, including her long dark purple hair.

With a sniff, her gaze turns back to the interior of the dome as more figures come into view, and All Might had seen enough.

"Children!" His voice boomed as he crossed the distance to near them within the blink of an eye, his gaze falling on the unconscious form of a young woman with gray hair having clearly gotten hit in the head. "Are you alright-"

He barely finishes his words before the dark purple haired girl that broke through the dome of the shelter rushes past him, the unconscious girl now in her arms, a cold and sharp "Move." being thrown his way as she does so.

He blinks, his gaze following after her as she rushes towards one of the nearby ambulances.

Sato excused himself, his emotions too messed up for him to even care that All Might was standing before him, and swiftly moved to follow after his friend.

Seele did the same, never having even glanced towards the towering Hero once with her reddened eyes, her hands constantly shaking from worry as she walked alongside Kyoka towards the ambulance.

A group of fire-fighters and paramedics swiftly move to stand by their side, helping them move Stelle inside an open ambulance way faster despite Kyoka being uncomfortable.

Yet, despite that, she turned towards Seele with a heavy frown, "Can you stick with her inside the ambulance?" Seele frowns in confusion, but nods nonetheless.

"What about you?" She asks softly as Kyoka pulls back, giving her girlfriend one last worried and longing look before stepping out of the ambulance.

"I can hear the heartbeats of those still under the wreckage. I'm going to help out as much as I can." Turning her head, she pats her hand against one of Sato's large arms, "You wanna stick with me, big guy?" As she says those words, she glances towards the building she launched the Fool into. Then turns her gaze to the rooftop and the forms standing above, seemingly hidden to the others but not to her gaze.

Kyoka throws a smile their way before focusing back on the task at hand.

Sato nods without even thinking about it twice, yet a voice cuts in before he could say anything, "You know where the other civilians are?" The man who spoke was a firefighter, with a large group of his own man standing behind him as the Heroes rushed into the now open dome shelter.

Kyoka looks at the firefighters for a short second before nodding and raising her jacks, "I can hear their heartbeats, even from here. We gotta move fast."

With narrowed eyes, the tall firefighter nods seriously, "Then we follow you. Just give us the area." Despite her mood, Kyoka couldn't help but smile and nod.

"Boys, give her a torch and let's move!" With that holler, the tall firefighter swiftly moved and led the charge towards the dome shelter.

Despite a few Heroes and several policeman having cordoned off the area and trying to stop Kyoka and Sato from going back in, they were all swiftly shoved aside by the firefighters, who clearly did not wish to waste any precious second available to them.

Once inside, Kyoka swiftly took the charge even as her gaze flickered towards the paramedics now carrying the covered corpse of a certain woman.

Swallowing down her guilt and biting down on her tongue, Kyoka quietly yet swiftly pointed her finger towards a large group of rubble, letting three firefighters swiftly split up from the group and moved towards rescuing the civilians trapped beneath the rubble.

"Hey! All Might!" The tall firefighter hollered, drawing the attention of the towering Hero that walked around the rubble not far from them with a grim and heavy frown on his face.

Swiftly, the golden haired Hero moved towards the firefighter without a second thought, "What can I do for you, gentleman?"

With a sniff, the firefighter jabs a finger towards his coworkers picking up and removing the rubble behind him, "Your strength would be much appreciated in digging out the victims." All Might nods, then pauses when he notices two of the four teenagers that walked out of the hole in the dome.

"Word of warning…" Kyoka speaks up softly, mainly towards the firefighter already digging the debris away, "You're going to find a lot of limbs."

With a grim frown, they nod through gritted teeth.

"Fucking animals…" One of them curses out, pure venom lacing his tone of voice.

"Where to now, young lady?" The tall firefighter shakes away his fury and asks Kyoka, who nods and swiftly moves towards the next spot, only to come to a halt before reaching it.

With a gaze towards her face, the firefighter could tell what happened and walked up to rest a hand on her shoulder.

Whoever was beneath the rubble passed away.

"It was a child…" She speaks through gritted teeth, eyes filling with tears of frustration and anger as she moves to walk towards the next victim.

As more and more firefighters spread out to dig the rubble away, All Might moves between the areas as fast as he could to pick up and move the bigger pieces of broken debris and some of the destroyed objects within the mall away.

Sato helps with that. Despite not being as strong as All Might, he was still far stronger than the firefighters, who happily accepted his help with thankful pats on his back and broad shoulders.

Soon, civilians in shock were dug out one by one and escorted outside by paramedics laying in wait nearby or by All Might just picking them up and delivering them to an ambulance outside within the blink of an eye.

Yet, there was no happy or hopeful mood, as for each civilian they found that was still breathing, they ran into ten more than barely even had a complete corpse.

After finding all those she could, Kyoka stuck to Sato's side and helped as much as she could, swallowing down her guilt and tears as she did so.

Though, that was not meant to last. "Hey!" A harsh call brought the group of firefighters working with Kyoka and Sato to a pause, their harsh gazes flicking towards the approaching Hero and policeman.

"You two." Nodding his head, one of the policeman aimed his gaze towards Sato and Kyoka, "We have questions for you. Come with us." Yet, he barely finishes his words before one of the firefighters straightens himself.

"We are in the middle of something, officer. Your questions can wait." With that, the man turns around and crouches down to assist his coworkers once more.

The officer frowns at being disregarded like that, "No, it cannot and will not wait." His piercing gaze once more flicks towards Kyoka, who straightens herself with a sigh through her nostrils. "With us. Now."

"What is going on here?" All Might's imposing form swiftly approaches once he took notice of the light altercation happening.

Straightening himself with a nervous look, the officer swiftly reports towards the imposing Hero, "The Masked Fools we have found and taken into custody have all been rushed to the hospital for intensive care. One of them has a caved in skull, another one is missing his jaw, and the one that was launched outside has his rubs skewering his lungs."

All Might's eyes widen at the rather horrific state those villains were found in. While personally he did not feel any shred of pity towards them as they were disgusting Villains part of a group of Hedonists, there were still laws to be upheld.

Who could even cause them such harm- "I did it." The dark purple haired girl speaks up in a cold, uncaring tone. "I'm the one that left those rabid animals in that state."

Slowly, before All Might's stunned eyes, the teenager crosses her arms with a sneer towards the officer.

"Let me guess; You ain't too happy about that?"


Needless to say that nope, they were not happy about me doing their job for them.

Which, really, it ain't even their job anymore since Heroes do that shit for them… Aside from the paperwork, as far as I am aware.

Still, I can proudly say 'Mom, look! I got arrested!' as the dumb cops shoved me into cuffs and inside their car after I admitted roughing up those filthy animals.

Because yes, go ahead and protect the terrorists that had even the reporters spit on them as they were carried away towards the ambulance.

But what would you expect from a society that needs Villains to be alive and well so to thrive? No Villains means no need of Heroes, which means no marketing for their useless shit and no loads of money.

Still, being arrested answered a curious question of mine. How does it feel to wear Quirk Suppressing handcuffs? First, they are big and bulky and heavy, nearly reaching one's forearm and allowing for little arm movement at all.

Second… I don't feel any different, other than the fact that I cannot amplify my heartbeat once more. My hearing is still as strong as ever, though with how bad the splitting headache got I just switched back to my normal ears.

Which are still enhanced beyond human levels, but compared to my jacks, their range is just a third of that and less precise, so it's sweet release to my nasty headache.

"Are you even listening to us!?" A hand slams onto the steel or iron table in front of me, two neatly dressed officers sitting on the other side and keeping me locked in this interrogation room of sorts.

Well, it has one of those mirrors where I can't see past it, but those on the other side can see me. Yet I can still hear them talking on the other side.

They should really make these rooms soundproof, huh?

"You're still talking?" I drawl out, giving the two officers a genuine confused look. I was so deep in my thoughts that I just tuned them out completely. "If you want to keep on blabbering uselessly, then be my guest, just try not to shout, okay? I got a nasty headache over here."

And with that, I lean back and close my eyes with a sign, holding back a smirk when I hear the officers nearly pop a vein at my words. "Also, where's my lawyer?" Do I even have one? "Pretty sure that even if I tell you anything, you won't be able to use it in court since my lawyer isn't here… You really suck at your jobs, huh?"

Who would've thought that watching a shit ton of crime TV Series back in my old world would come in handy.

One of the officers through a furious look back towards the mirror as those on the other side keep talking with someone else. Someone who isn't an officer.

But a member of the Hero Public Commission… Are you fucking kidding me?

They want to use this disaster as an opportunity to legally bind me to them? They know who I am, and still have not given up on 'acquiring' my talent, and now wish to use to do exactly that?

Just how fucking greedy and filthy are these twisted fucks?

I just know for a fact that they will use this fuck-up as a way to stop me from going to U.A., and then try to appeal to a non-existent desire to be a Hero to make me sign a legally binding contract.

Yeah, fuck all that noise.

I sniff in derision at their laughable ploy, but then perk up when I hear a commotion happen right outside the interrogation room.

Someone apparently is storming down the hall without their permission- I blink when the door to the interrogation room is quite literally kicked open violently, and a very beautiful young woman strides in with a glowering glare in her blue eyes.

She is tall, with very long and nice to look at legs and shapely hips. Silver hair with red on the inside and a red streak on her bangs.

Her white top is open enough to show enough cleavage of her full breasts, but what draws my attention is the strange fucking creature resting on her head.

What the hell is that black, white and gold thing? And why is it cute?

"This interrogation is over, and whatever you gained from it – if you even did gain anything in the first place – is now completely useless." Turning her head, the woman's gaze softens as she turns to look at me, "I apologize for the downright disgusting way these incompetent idiots have treated you so far, Miss. I'll make sure they bear full responsibility."

Huh… I like her a lot already.

One of the officers obviously doesn't take kindly to this woman's intervention and swiftly slams his palms on the table in front of him and rises to his feet, "And who the hell do you think you are?!" Even as he shouts that – much to my fucking annoyance – the other officer tries and fails to pull him back down while looking utterly terrified.

With a sniff, the woman's glare comes back full force as she pulls a pitch black card with a dark gold symbol on it out of her breast pocket, "My name is Topaz, a Senior Manager of the I.P.C. – or International Peace Corporation – , you know, the Corporation that stands behind your Hero Public Commission."

Oh yeah, there is something like that here, another difference from the world I knew of.

A Corporation that was funded and created during the final years of the Dark Ages, meant for all nations and countries to be part off so to avoid wars and misuse of Quirks.

So this Topaz is one of their big shots, huh?

"So, as I was saying," Resting her fists on her hips, the woman's glare made the cop that questioned her pale and sit back down without a peep, "Anything you have gained from this faulty interrogation without a lawyer present is now completely invalid. Do you have any recording devices on you?"

"And trust me, if you try to hide them from me, I will bury your department in so many litigations that your grandchildren are going to need lawyer."

Yep, I like her a lot.

Needless to say that the two officers swiftly fessed up, but Topaz threw a gentle look my way and nodded towards the door, "There's someone waiting for you outside." I blink in confusion at her words, then switch back to my jack's hearing for just a second.

"Thank you for your help." I thank the young woman before swiftly leaving, leaving only her kind and sweet laughter behind me as I rush down the hallway, where the tall and beautiful form of Himeko is waiting for me.

"Kyoka!" She doesn't waste a second in pulling me into a tight hug, which I happily reciprocate.

"I'm dirty…" I drawl out as I keep my emotion under check. I didn't know how much I needed a hug until I finally got it, huh?

Himeko only hugs me tighter at that, "I don't care. I'm just happy you are safe." I bite my lower lip at that, her arms drawing back and one of her hands taking mine in hers, "Come on, I already contacted your parents. They are waiting for us at the hospital."

I nod and follow after her, remaining quiet as I've held myself together for long enough and I fear I'll just crumble anytime now.

The ride is slow and quiet, as the terrorist attack at the mall did not hit only the mall, unfortunately.

Apparently, those fucks had been spreading masks around for quite a while before me and the others even got there, and a majority of the masks made it all around the city. Some even blew up in people's homes, as they had forgot to even throw them away.

So when they were set off, explosions rang out all across the city, leading to the firefighters, police and paramedics to be stretched thin all over the place.

I turn off the radio in Himeko's car after the reveal that the number of deaths surpassed the triple digits, the woman getting shot in the head flashes before my eyes once more as I do so.

Himeko's hand clutches mine tightly the whole car ride, and even once we reach the hospital nearly an hour later.

I went through the rest completely on auto-pilot. Nearly crumbling in my mother and father's arms, giving Seele and Sato a tight hug, then rushing to Stelle's room without wasting another second.

She had already been treated and healed with some Quirk, as I see no injury over her temple, and she looked peacefully asleep on the bed.

So by her bedside, and clutching one of her hands against my face, I allow my tight grip over my emotions to finally come loose, so to cry my eyes out.

I fucking hate this world.


I don't know how long it took for me to recover myself enough to not want to put a fist through a wall, but by then I was kindly left alone outside of Stelle's room, a lone chair propped up right beside the door.

Sato was picked up, given a check-up, then driven back home by his parents. Same for Seele, who had remained quiet the whole time.

Mom offered me to drive me back home to get showered and changed real quick, but I don't think I can keep myself together long enough to do that too.

So Himeko, who hasn't yet had a chance to meet my parents yet – not out of a lack of trying, but because she is too stubborn to take a break – decided to use that chance to leave me alone for a bit while introducing herself to them.

Yet, as I release a long, shaky breath, I clutch my hands together when I realize I am not alone anymore. "What are you doing here?" I ask hollowly, too tired to even be nervous or afraid.

"Can I not check on the well-being of my students?" His voice was relaxed and calm, yet for some reason I can tell that he isn't in a good mood either.

I snort and shake my head, "I guess I can remove you as the likely mastermind behind the bullshit at the mall." A part of me wants to insist and believe that it is his fault, for he has been my teacher at school for quite a while now and he has tried nothing after so long.

Yet, the rare rational side of me knows that it cannot have been him. I saw Kafka and the others on a nearby building when I got out, and she looked very furious and worried.

He hums, but falls quiet after that, so I speak up again, "I met your nemesis, by the way." He stills slightly at my words, "Can I assume the hole in his side and the fucked up internal organs are your doing?"

He chuckles at that. A hearty, happy chuckle even, as if I just brought up a beautiful memory of his, "It is indeed my doing. One of my most cherished memories." Man, what a fucking hater…

Still, I fall quiet after that, as I do not know what else to say. Deep down, I even want to make a deal with the Devil standing beside me.

To give him exactly what he wants. Tell him about Izuku and All Might, so that he can snatch the dude up once he gets One For All and do whatever he wants, all so to do away with the Hero Course, just live a wonderful life with Stelle doing what I love, and have my family and those I care about be spared from whatever future he is going to unleash upon the world.

The temptation is so strong, because I just do not want to do all of this. I am not some fanfiction protagonist that once Isekaied is swiftly on board with the whole fucking thing and has no problems in being a good guy for no damn reason.

I just want to be left the fuck alone, and live the life I want with my girlfriend. That's it.

No Heroics, no fighting Villains, no having to deal with the Boogeyman himself and his schemes.

Yet, I cannot bring myself to do it, because that will shatter whatever I've built with Himeko, and I cannot bring myself to do it. I love her too much to do that to her.

I hold back a chuckle as I realize that I've had feelings for that wonderful woman for quite a while now. Something to deal with later.

My gaze falls to my trembling crossed hands, "What's your game here?" I couldn't help but ask, drawing his attention back to me. "Becoming my teacher, having Kafka and the others train me so hard and well… What do you want from me?"

His answer, much to my surprise, comes pretty much instantly. "I just want you to keep doing what you have been doing." I lift my gaze to lock eyes with his blood-red eyes for the first time so far, "Keep making music. Keep training. Keep living."

"Your life is yours to live however you see fit… But I know that in time, you will end up on the other end of my future plots." He sighs and leans back, as if he truly does not want me to come into harm's way. Not like some cruel, demon lord wannabe. "So, when that happens… Fight. Fight as hard as you can."

"For you can only achieve that peaceful life you yearn for only when you have strength that can shake nations." His gaze is distant, yet with a blink, he moves it to meet my eyes once more. "Deep down, we aren't so different, me and you."

I frown at those words.

"I too wish to be free from their gaze and manipulation."


I blink in confusion, then reel back and blink once more when I take notice that he is gone, as if he was never there in the first place.

What did he mean by that? 'Free of their gaze and manipulation'… Is there someone more powerful behind him, or what?

I'm so confused.

I shake my head with a sigh, then straighten my back when the air in front of me ripples and displaces, then kind of… opens like a curtain, revealing Silver Wolf, Kafka and the others.

Man, Silver Wolf's Quirk is so bullshit. Hacking Reality… Go fuck yourself, you big booty cheater.

"Why are you glaring at me?" Said big booty cheater lazily asks my way, looking both offended and curious.

"Your existence irritates me." Her bubblegum bubble pops as she gives me the middle finger before pulling out a game console.

Despite that, I can see the relief in her bored and lazy eyes at seeing that I am alright.

"I'm glad to see you are alright, Kyoka." Kafka whispers as she squats down in front of me, her gloved hands gently grasping mine.

I chuckle at her words, "Is that how I appear to you?" She doesn't wince, but her eyes do narrow in worry, "I'm barely keeping myself together."

"All the anger problems I've been trying so hard to deal with for the past years… It's all coming back, and I am barely keeping it down."

I want to put my fist through a wall. Or a window. Or a face. I don't give a shit what it is, I just want to punch something with all my strength.

Preferably those goddamn animals that caused all of this.

"I feel so fucking weak right now. Makes me feel that all the training I've been doing has been completely useless." I curse under my breath, wanting to clutch my hands into fists but I don't as I do not want to harm Kafka's hands.

"It has not been useless." Blade coldly and sharply cuts in, a frown on his face as he crosses his arms before his chest. "You are blaming and looking down on yourself despite the fact that what happened is something you could have not predicted."

I hate him so much right now. How dare you be so right and remove the reason I want to hate myself?

Kafka squeezes my hands gently, "You do not have to hold yourself back." She whispers softly, "Not towards me. Not towards us." I frown in confusion for just a second before I realize what exactly she is hinting to.

My mouth opens, my lips and hands tremble.

Don't do it.

It's tempting. Oh so tempting.

And so right.



"I want them dead." I whisper out through gritted teeth, my eyes once more burning with tears.

Kafka smiles and squeezes my hands gently.

"I want them all dead." It's a slippery slope. "I cannot stand the fact that those animals still leave and breathe after injuring Stelle."

But I don't give a flying fuck.

"Consider it done." Kafka whispers gently, brushing a strand of my dirty hair behind my ear before she stands and straightens herself. "Bladey, please stay by her side for a while."

Blade nods as Kafka steps back, making me narrow my eyes when a nurse just walks past us acting as if she didn't see any of us. Probably Silver Wolf's doing.

Sam remains oddly quiet, but does nod my way when I look towards him. Silver Wolf salutes me as she blows another bubble, then she taps the air and the trio swiftly vanishes as if they were never there in the first place.

With a hum, Blade turns his gaze towards the door to my left. "I just heard something inside the room." I blink, then turn my hearing towards the room as I turn on my chair.

I blink at what I hear, then stand with narrowed eyes and push the door open as Blade stands behind me.

The noise I was hearing comes to a stop, and the Stelle dressed in a patient gown slowly turns towards the door, arms all the way down a large trashcan that was on the other side of her large hospital room.

Bored and lazy golden eyes meet mine, and I slowly close the door.

I breathe in, palm my face, rub my eyes, then push the door open after I hear some clattering coming from the inside of the room.

Once the door is open, my eyes land on Stelle, now in her hospital bed, with her eyes closed.

A trashcan slowly rolls across the floor in front of me.

My eyebrow twitches.

Stelle's eyes slowly open as if she is finally waking up, then meet mine, "Kyoka… How long have I been out?"

It took Blade every ounce of strength he has available to hold me back from using the trashcan as a bludgeoning weapon against my own dumb fucking girlfriend.

Because of course my Trash Panda starts digging through the trash first thing after waking up from a terrorist attack!


Compared to the hectic and disastrous day, the night was quiet and gentle.

A group of armored cars sailed across the highway, two pairs of police cars tailing them from behind, lights turned off.

The two armored vehicles held the terrorists that led the attack on the mall. Their forms, once stabilized, were swiftly shoved inside an armored escort vehicle with a route set straight towards Tartarus.

The vehicle at the front suddenly swerved sharply, causing a bang to ring out from the back. "Dude…" The passenger officer sighs out, throwing a sharp look towards the driver.

Said driver sniffs, "What? Don't tell me you feel bad for those animals?" The passenger officer winces and turns his gaze away, "Wish I could have some alone time with those fucks… More than a hundred deaths, with children included…" The driver clicks his tongue and shakes head, gloved hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"I'd love to get some alone time with them too, but watch out from doing such things when we have others behind us." The passenger officer sighs out as he jabs a thumb to his side. "We don't want your reckless driving just to give the idiots in the back a few bumps and bruises to be reported."

With a sigh, the driver nods and relaxes his shoulders, "At least those assholes are going to get roughed up in Tartarus. That's a comforting thought." With a nod and smile, the passenger officer turns his gaze back on the road.

Then he blinks and rubs his eyes, "The hell is that dark fog-" His question was cut short as something crashed down from the skies and slammed into the front of the vehicle, sending it twirling high in the air.

A woman steps out of the fog and reaches behind her waists, drawing a pair of submachine guns that she swiftly aims over Sam's crouched form.

Pulling the trigger, the weapons erupt with dozens of bullets with a seemingly already set course.

They pierced through the armored windows of the second escort vehicle and took out the shoulders of the driver and passenger, while the remnant bullets ricochet between the reinforced vehicle and the police cars tagging along, taking out drivers and tires all at the same time.

They swerved and smashed into each other, toppling over and loudly rolling across the road of the highway as Kafka hums with a smile on her face, setting her weapons back in their place before straightening out her jacket.

Rolling his shoulders, Sam swiftly move towards the second toppled over escort vehicle, his metallic fingers digging through the reinforced metal of the containment cell in the back before prying the door open like they were nothing.

Striding inside, his form comes back out a second later while dragging a large and groaning form of the Fool that Kyoka punched through the dome of the shelter.

"One down." Kafka muses, calm eyes giving the downed form of the Fool a near glowering glare before she turns her gaze towards the second car that had flow over her head after Sam smashed down onto its front. "Two more to go."

Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out a flip phone that she swiftly brings up to her ears, "We have them." With those words said, she shuts the flip phone and passes it over to Sam, who grabs it and crushes it into scraps with his free hand.

A portal made of purple mist soon opens besides them, and Sam throws the Fool in his hands through it before swiftly recovering the last two.

Kafka follows the Fool through the portal, which leads her into an abandoned warehouse in a completely different city across Japan, her gaze landing on the Fool now trying to stand back up with trembling arms.

"I do not believe I gave you permission to stand." Yet, a cold and powerful voice swiftly makes the man still, his form swiftly being covered in cold sweat as he lay there, trembling pitifully while his breathing quickens- "Nor to breathe." And now that too comes to a stop with just a few words.

With slow and calm steps, the Boogeyman approaches the trembling form of the Fool that brought harm to his favorite music artist, and his polished shoe slowly comes to rest on the back of his head.

Then, with gentle pressure, pushes it down onto the ground. The through the concrete below.

"I really want to make your head pop like a watermelon, but filth like you still has some uses. Unfortunately." The Boogeyman drawls out, cold gaze perking up when Sam steps through the portal that swiftly closes itself, his arms tossing out the last two Fools, who swiftly remained frozen in fear under the presence of the ancient monster before them.

With a hum, the Boogeyman draws back and turns his gaze to the towering Fool, "You wanted to fight All Might, right?" He questions, lips spreading into a cold and cruel smile, "Rejoice then, for you'll have that chance now."

"Though, you won't even be yourself by then." With that, he dismissed the Fool from his attention and turned towards a specific one.

"Ah, the one I've had my eyes on for quite a while." Trembling, the Fool whose form drew the Boogeyman's cold gaze tried to crawl back, his back was pressed against the towering form of Sam standing behind him. "You're lucky that Germany hid what truly happened all those years ago… Else someone like you, with a Propagation Path Quirk, would have been hunted down."

All for One does not miss the way Sam's hands clench into tight, trembling fists at a certain set of words he spoke, "What a waste of a wonderfully useful Quirk. I'll make sure to put your body and Quirk to better use…"

"Jin Bubaigawara."

Uncaring of the third Fool, All for One swiftly had the three captive dismissed. "Doctor, do with them as you wish." He talks to seemingly no one, yet an elderly voice still answers, echoing across the whole empty warehouse as it speaks.

"Thank you for the gifts, my lord." The elderly man says, then pauses lightly as he considers the question he wishes to pose to his lord, "Shall I make the procedures painful, sir?"

With a cold, bloodthirsty grin, All for One turns his malevolent gaze towards the darkness of the warehouse.

"As painful as you possibly can."

Silence once more falls in the warehouse as silent portals made of dark fog take away the three Fools.

With a sigh, the Boogeyman palms his face before crossing his hands behind his back.

Kafka keeps her gaze on the tall man as he quietly paces back and forth, deep in his thoughts. "U.A. will start soon." The woman says, "She'll be safe there." She did not know if she was saying it for her employer, or for herself.

The man sighs at her words, "My plan stretch within U.A. itself." Breathing in, then man blinks and straightens his back.

Blood-red eyes flick towards the hulking armored form of Sam in thought for but a second before he speaks up;

"Firefly has always wanted to go to school, right?"


"A Path Change?" I parrot Himeko's words as I try to avoid staring at the tests and results on the screen of her computer, as I can't make heads or tails about them and just looking at them makes my head hurt.

The one time Stelle tried to spy into one of Himeko's projects left her in a vegetative state for a whole hour.

Smart people are scary.

"It is also called 'Awakening'." Himeko points out, making my eyes widen at the familiar word, "Though, a Path Change is… less potent than a real Awakening."

Now I'm confused. "What does Path Change even mean?" With a giggle, Himeko leans back on her chair and crosses her long, fantastic legs before my eyes, a sultry smirk spreading across her lips at my gaze.

"A 'Path Change' and an 'Awakening' are fundamentally different, but work slightly in the same way as they are… well, power-ups for Quirks." Well, that much I could guess. "An Awakening is an immense increase in the Quirk capabilities, be it in the destructive meaning or in the capabilities meaning."

"A Path Change is exactly what it says. Your Quirk, who was mainly a Harmony Path Quirk that offered Support, changed towards the Destruction Path due to your excessive anger and fury caused by the attack."

Oh… I do remember being told that Quirks are very emotionally tied, as one can usually tell what Quirk someone else wields through their most visible emotion and or personaltiy.

With Destruction the main personality is aggressive, while the main emotion is constant anger.

So feeling too much of a certain emotion can bring changes to one's Quirk, huh..? That's so weird and cool.

And I was feeling a lot of anger during that day.

I'm so glad it's all over now. The I.P.C. pretty much swiftly swooped in after the disaster, and the Hero Public Association was heavily fined due to the bullshit they tried to pull with me, but also due to their lack of management towards the Fools.

They are international terrorists, and anyone part of the Masked Fools is meant to be arrested or brought in for questioning.

And yet, those fucks at the mall were there the whole morning, and no Heroes were called.

I do not know precisely if no Heroes were truly called, or if the calls were diverted and made sure to never reach the right authorities, but what I do know is that by not doing their job, the Hero Public Commission faced a very nasty fine.

Mostly because they didn't even massively spread the information about the Masked Fools being international terrorists with complete disregard towards lives.

Hence why Sato never mentioned the fact that they were terrorist, just that they were sick Hedonists that gave Elation Path Quirks a bad reputation.

He didn't mention it because he himself didn't know about it, as information about that was scarce and never truly spread around as it was meant to be.

Which led to that massive fuck-up and to the death of so many innocent people.

"Then what about an Awakening? How do they happen?" I question Himeko as I disregard those previous thoughts.

The beautiful woman hums and drops her chin on her open palm, "While Path Changes happen due to a massive focus on a certain emotion, Awakenings instead happen – and this is still speculation, by the way – from intense physical and mental toll."

"So far, the very few documented cases of confirmed Awakenings have happened to people who were facing a near death situation and were on the brink of unconsciousness." Huh… Something to keep in mind.

It's dangerous, but I hope I can achieve one in the future, as it might be a decent increase in strength that I will surely need.

"Then, how about what I gained from the Path Change?" I question this time as I drag my chair so to be seated right next to her. Then, I look at her and frown lightly.

Himeko blinks, then yelps and flushes cutely when I just bring her on my lap without care, where I hold her close with both arms and lean back with a satisfied smile.

Now this is nice.

Himeko gapes at me, cheeks flushed and hands on my chest, before she smiles beautifully and leans down to kiss my cheek and lean against me.

"Getting back on topic." She coughs into her fist, trying to regain a bit of her professional voice even as I hug her tightly, "Your Path Change turned your body into an Echo Chamber. You can amplify your heartbeat to massive levels, contain vibrations and release them through your blows."

"This comes with the drawback that your body temperature rises up the more vibrations you contain, and your heartbeat slows down more and more. They both can be very dangerous, so please be careful from now on, alright?" I nod with a smile, earning me another sweet kiss on the cheek.

Now, if I could have Stelle on my lap too, then I'd be in Heaven… But the damn Trash Panda is sleeping again!

She has been sleeping a lot since the whole mess at the mall, and I don't mind. I've been spending more time over and even sleeping over so that we can stay together, which makes us relax a lot and sleep way better than when we aren't.

"Will this Path Change cause problems for the Hero Costume you are working on?" I ask Himeko as I grip her wonderful hips, her arms wrapping around my shoulders as she leans further into me.

"Nope." She smiles happily at me, "Your amplified heartbeat releases sound, so you can boost that too through the amplifiers." Well, that's good. Another very useful weapon that I'll need to train in.

I can empower my heartbeat at will, but sometimes when I am angry it just starts doing it by itself.

Though, I did notice a difference. When angry, the heartbeats scale up way faster, reaching a powerful level in half the time than when I start doing it by myself.

I guess it really leans into the Destruction Path, huh?

"So now my Quirk is more Destruction than Harmony?" My hearing is still as good as always, so the Harmony side of my Quirk has not been toned down for the Destruction side. "What would happen if… I were to lean more into this Path Change?"

Blade told me that giving oneself to a certain Path can change a Quirk, then the more they lean into it, the greater the power that is bestowed upon them.

What if I were to lean more into that Destruction Path?

Himeko gently grabs my hands in hers, "That is a slippery slope, honey…" She whispers gently, moving her head so that our gazes meet. "I know you are angry, but…"

I chuckle softly and lean my head back, "It feels like I can barely control it anymore." My emotions are slipping my control, and I hate it. I hate going stupid because I am too emotional. "I've always had anger problems, but now it's just… I can't even train without loosing control."

It's been nearly two weeks since the attack at the mall, and I still haven't trained much with Kafka and the others. Mainly with Sam.

I know he is way stronger than me and can handle whatever I throw his way, but I just don't want to risk it. I don't really want to find out the upper limit of my Heartbeat and the power I can unleash through it.

"And if there is someone that can help you handle that, it's them." Himeko reassures me softly, resting her forehead against mine with a loving smile on her wonderful lips, "You don't need to deal with everything by yourself."

"Stelle is here. Your friends are here. The others are here. I'm here too." Himeko giggle when I pull her into a tight hug without wasting a second, a shaky breath leaving my lips as I did so.

Her hands run through my long and free hair in a gentle and comforting gesture, and this shows just how much I like her, as I hate having my hair touched. The only one who I want to do that is Stelle, yet not I allow even Himeko to do it.

"Let's go out tonight, okay?" She whispers in my ears, sending a shiver down my spine, "Just me and you." I gulp, then nod against her shoulder.

And that's when a ping comes from Himeko's computer.

Then woman straightens herself, then we both turn towards her computer screen as a tab opens up by itself, showing the view of the cameras in her private laboratory in the basement.

Where Stelle currently is, upper body completely shoved inside a trash can like a proper Trash Panda.

I blink at the lovely sight, then realize something, "Isn't your lab locked with a five passwords only you know?"

Himeko stands with a chilling smile on her face."Indeed!" Is that a gun she just pulled out from below her dress?

Also how did Stelle just perk up? Trash Panda Danger Senses confirmed?!

Said Trash Panda tries to scurry away, but Himeko punches a button below her desk that leads to a complete laboratory lock down before she starts humming a happy tune while walking out of her office.

I just sit there, staring at the cameras as my lovely girlfriend starts panicking more and more as she stares at the now locked doors of the lab.

Well, I shall pray for her well-…

She just shrugged and went back to digging through the trash.

Ladies and gentleman, that's my girlfriend.


"I think that's bullshit." I state as I tap the table with my chopsticks to straighten them out, "I understand where it's coming from, but the body cannot change the Quirk. That's a fact."

Himeko nurses her glass of wine as a waiter brings us more of our order, the fancy and expensive restaurant she took me to being a fantastic sushi place with divine tasting food.

"What makes you say that?" The beautiful woman in a white dress in front of me probes as she sets down her glass, "Quirks come in all shapes and forms. When they manifest, the body of the recipient might force some changes upon it."

I shake my head, remembering the shitty and pathetic ass-pull form of Shigaraki during the final arc. His body making all those hands and it not being a Quirk.

What shit writing.

"But there are no documented cases, right?" I point out, earning a smile from Himeko, "While instead, there are many documented cases of Quirks changing the body during the first year after their manifestation."

"I've read some papers from the Life Science expert Ruan Mei of the Genius Society, and she goes deep into that herself." It's fascinating to see how fleshed out this world is compared to the manga.

The I.P.C., the Genius Society that is settled both on I-Island and on the Orbital Ring, and so much more.

Their members are all people that have made revolutionary discoveries and creations, like a woman called Herta that basically turned herself into a Hive Mind A.I. that now controls who knows how many puppets.

Why that doesn't raise some Skynet red flags to people, I do not know… But I guess the world is used to Nezu existing and probably being more terrifying than that.

He too is a member of the Genius Society, if I remember reading it right.

"I didn't know you read such thesis and papers." Himeko drawls out with a strange light in her eyes that makes my hips ache.

I shrug to hide the nervous and excited gulps her stare causes, "Me and Stelle do sometimes. Some of the things they talk about are very interesting." And now Himeko is licking her lips. Oh boy…

"But going back on topic; Nothing really shows that our bodies can control our Quirks outside of activating them, and shaping their powers."

"Changes to Quirks happen only during Path Changes, as you have told me today, while Awakenings only make them more powerful."

"Quirks change us, but we cannot change our Quirks."

Himeko hums and drops her chin on her open palm, a sultry smile on her lips, "But I do have someone that actively changes their Quirks though." I blink and lean back at her words, "She is sitting right in front of me too."


Himeko giggles and grabs her chopsticks, "Tell me, how fast do you think do Quirks grow in strength?" I frown at her question, then shrug.

"Quite a while, I presume?" She nods with a light laugh.

"Years. Maybe even around two decades or more." She picks up a salmon nighiri as she speaks and moves it to her plate, "Hence why those that wish to enter a Hero School must be nearly in their twenties, for that is usually when a Quirk reaches a sort of… peak of power."

"Quirks mature alongside the human body. As a child grows into a man, so does the Quirk grow from a funny tool to a weapon."

"Children that wish to become Heroes will surely train with their Quirks before entering a Hero School, and while they will experience some growth, that is mainly due to some Special Moves they come up with that make their Quirks really stand out."

"So, when it comes to Quirk growth, that is very, very slow. It takes years of training and pushing it for close to a decade before a Quirk really shows a significant increase in pure power or capabilities…"

"And then there's you." Her chopsticks jab towards me, "You, who turned a Quirk that granted you enhanced hearing so to hear what is going on in a whole building… To be capable of hearing what is going on in a whole city."

"In a just two years, you pushed your Quirks to limits that no one can even imagine. You can hear the agitated molecules due to the heat, and can hear the blood flowing and the organs working of a person dozens of kilometers away from you."

Well… When she puts it like that…

"I'm built different, I guess?" I shrug with a nervous chuckle, despite the fact that what she said makes me very afraid.

Why did I really experience such enormous growth? I thought it was normal, that it was just the result of me pushing my hearing constantly, each passing day, with nearly no breaks.

But after what she said, clearly it isn't that… So what exactly caused this massive growth in my range?

Or is it due to me and Kyoka having fused together, kind of?

Lots of questions and no answer.

"I can't really think about what I could've done to bring out such massive changes… I honestly thought it was normal." Himeko herself shrugs, making her chest do some lovely and interesting actions that draw my gaze.

"Despite the enormous amount of studies and researches put into them, Quirks still arise more questions than answers." That's fair. Wonder how they even came out to be… "Changing topic, what other thesis and papers from the Genius Society did you read?"

I perk up at her question, a grin spreading across my face at the chance to talk more about so many interesting things those geniuses created or have theorized. "Well, I am very interested in the Synesthesia Beacon, and hope that Elias Salas can truly finish such a theorized creation! An implant that can allow all humans to understand all the other languages and have their words be translated for others as they speak is just so cool!"

"Ah yes, I've read his papers myself. I believe it caused quite a bit of controversy and problems, because the success of this creation may lead to others forgoing even studying languages in school."

I nod and gulp the bite I just finished chewing, "Yeah, but to be honest, Humans will complain about anything, so…" Himeko laughs as I shrug, "Also, I'm surprised you aren't part of the Genius Society."

She did invent the Gravity Manipulation technology, after all.

"I was offered a spot among them, in the past." Himeko reveals, much to my surprise, "Back when I helped finalize the Orbital Ring and Orbital Elevators projects and blueprints."

I set down my drink as I stare at her, "Why didn't you join?"

She hums softly, twirling her chopsticks as she does so, "For one, I had Stelle, and I did not wish to move and start living on I-Island." That's fair. "Plus… It was something my father wanted of me and my sisters. To make ourselves useful."

"So, despite him being gone, I refuse to become a member of the Genius Society, as it'll just leave a bad taste in my mouth." Right, the guy never loved her and only saw her and her sisters as tools.

And now she is the only one left alive out of them all. Jesus Christ…

Better change the topic, "I was curious about something…" I start with a gentle smile, gaining Himeko's attention, "The Orbital Ring and Orbital Elevators were a recent creation… But how did they build it so fast?"

Himeko shrugs, "Quirks." Right, of course. "Quirks have made construction processes much faster. There are many Quirks that even generate resources that we usually had to mine for. And while those resources cannot be sold, the creators and furnishes still get paid by the I.P.C., who then stores them and uses them to help in rebuilding after disasters, or use them for building such important things."

I guess the I.P.C. is more than just a Hero Public Commission superior, but they also handle more stuff. I should look them up and see what else they can do.

Soon, we dig into our food while switching from one topic after another without end, similar to how some of the cuddling session I have with Stelle end up.

And if this wasn't answer enough that having someone else in our relationship will be fine, then nothing else can truly reassure me.

Our conversation didn't stop even after we finished eating, and kept going all the way back to Himeko's home, since I'll clearly be sleeping over.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Himeko asks as her large SUV slowly comes to a stop before her mansion, the gates shutting behind us as the car turns off.

I hum and nod with a relaxed smile on my face, "I enjoyed talking with you more than I enjoyed eating the frankly delicious but far too expensive food."

Himeko giggles softly, a slight flush to her cheeks, "Stelle did say you hate spending too much money." I do come from a mostly poor background, after all.

I sniff and shake my head, "What else did that Trash Panda say about me?" I ask.

Then blink when a hand comes to rest on my thigh, "That you are far too charming for your own good." And my eyes widen when Himeko leans in to kiss me deeply.

Yeah, this is a good way to end the night.

She giggles against my lips as I pull her over to my seat and on my lap, my hands gripping her hips as her hands land on my shoulders, our lips parting so that our tongue can meet and roll around each other.

My kisses trail down to her neck as she sighs and leans her head to the side, then moans when I free her massive breasts and greedily grope them. No bra, huh?

How can you walk around without any back pain with these damn melons?

"Finally getting the chance to grope them all you want, huh?" Himeko purrs breathlessly as she pushes her chest deeper into my palms, her hard nubs rubbing against them as I squeeze that supple and soft flesh.

"Trust me…" I whisper as I pull back, licking my lips as I take in the perfect sight of her bare upper body. "There is not a part of you that I will leave untouched after tonight."

Her sultry smirk grows bigger, while the barely visible on her cheeks intensifies tenfold. "You better deliver then~!" Her hands trail down my chest, then move to her hips and below her dress.

She does something, and when she pulls one hand back, I watch her string panties come along and then be dropped to the side. "You came prepared, huh?" Guess I really was not escaping the night without getting laid… "Wanna do it in the car?"

"It is one of the things inside my list of 'to do things during sex'." I blink at her cheeky words, then snort and grin.

"Anything else I can help you remove?" Her sultry giggle sends shivers down my spine.

"No condoms, so…" She leans in next to my ears, "I want you to fill me until I am full~!"

Needless to say that I nearly toppled over the large car with how fast I threw her in the back and took off my undergarments, my lips once more meeting Himeko's as I lean against her, cutting off another sexy giggle of hers as she spreads her long and wonderful legs wide for me.

I run my hands along her thighs, then brush a pair of fingers against her very wet slit, her shudder and pant making me smirk at the effect I have on this woman.

Since she is so wet, I don't waste time with any foreplay of any kind and go straight for the main course, enticing a loud moan from the beautiful redhead once I sheathe myself fully inside her in one quick and unexpected thrust.

Her legs bend and her toes curl, teeth nibbling on her lower plump lip as she sends a scalding and lustful look my way as I hold down my own shudder of pleasure and roll my hips.

I'll never get used to how good sex feels.

I pull back my hips, making Himeko gasp, then moan aloud and arch her back once I thrust back in. "So, how would you like it?"

She glares at me in a way that is very sexy, then bares her teeth, "As hard as you can. I want you to make me scream until I lose my voice."

Well… Damn.

"Your wish is my command."

Her answer is cut off my a loud mewl, eyes crossing as I get used to the wonderful feeling of her warm walls clenching down around my shaft until I find a proper pace and wave of moving.

Then I bend her legs towards her upper body, lean forward, and start swinging my hips back and forth as hard as I can without injuring her, causing her moans to end in gasp or turn into screams.

"Oooh- Fuck! Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-YES!" Ah, wonderful proof that I am doing good! Gods, she's so damn tight right now…

I release her long legs and let her wrap them around me as I use my now free hands to remove my shirt, something that swiftly draws her gaze and touch as she runs her fingers along my visible and now flexing muscles.

I know she'd be licking them right now if she could reach them.

So instead of doing that, she pulls me down in a very hungry and eager kiss. The position makes it hard to move my hips, but with the way she shudders and moans against me, I know that I am still making her feel very good.

Still, sex inside a car is quite a new and exciting experience, coupled with Himeko's moans, cries and her nails digging along my back as her walls squeeze down on my shaft, it is only natural that I do not last long.

Hence, after a couple more of heavier and rougher thrusts, I push Himeko down and release my orgasm deep inside her, enticing a silent scream from her supple lips as her back arcs, her walls squeezing and trembling around my now very sensitive member.

I pant, then chuckle breathlessly at the sight of the panting and shaking Himeko, her eyes glossed over with a beautiful smile on her face.

Slowly, her tongue wets her lips as she gazes up at me with an even hungrier look in her eyes, "Wanna keep going inside?" I don't think I'll even be able to say no to that tone of voice.

So, after putting on and fixing our clothes once more, we leave the car and go inside, then go upstairs and inside the large living room, where we both come to a pause at the sight of Stelle lazing on the couch.

Lazy golden eyes flick towards us, take in our appearance, and the way Himeko is quite literally dripping with my fluids, then she hums and nods, "Can I join?"

I snort as Himeko sighs, then giggles softly, "Well, she is your girlfriend, so I won't say no to that."

I hum as I suppress my very lewd and excited grin at the chance of spending more naked and intimate time with Stelle, "Wanna gang up on Himeko?"

Said woman squeaks nervously as my girlfriend stands and stretches herself in her far too big gray hoodie that makes her look so goddamn hot and adorable at the same time.

"She is my guardian, so we'll gang up on you." Well… Fuck.

At least this is a good way to go out!

A.N. I wanted to keep going until the start of U.A., but decided against it.

It'll start next chapter after several more scenes, as I wish to expand a bit more on characters and interactions before the majority of the cast shows up.

I hope I've been doing a good job at this? I honestly dunno.

Either way, I hope you all have enjoyed the chapter! Next one should be just as long and will finally mark the start of U.A.'s Arc, and I have already hinted at many things that will happen there.

Until next time, folks!




Honestly enjoying it great job I wonder how firefly being in UA is going to affect things


Love this series. Just keeps getting better and better with each chapter! Tyftc