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"You alright?" I perk up at Lyney's soft question, throwing a glance his way as I clean the top of the counter. Useless action, as I already did it when the shop opened up, and I am doing it now that it's closed mostly to distract my mind.

And my hands. I keep wishing for Bladey to be in my grasp, but that's just… I'd just resort to violence uselessly.

A part of me demands I be protective, while another part prefers to be rational and calm.

Why am I so fucking prone to violence right now?

I've taken care of the initial part of my Heart Devil, and that should've helped a bit, no? Yet, the more days go by, the more I find myself losing control over my own emotions.

After all the time it took me to master my own anger in this life, it feels like all that time meditating and doing breathing exercises has just been for naught.

Yes, I am beyond fucking furious at Ning Guang's action, but that does not warrant a violent action as a consequence.

Doesn't it, though?

She knows my problems and fears of Cultivators. She knows that I do not trust her. She knows that I am a trauma related to losing someone I hold incredibly dear to me.

And yet, she went out of her way and put herself, a Cultivator that achieved Godhood and whose past horrifying action I know nothing of, before Meteria and others that I love and hold dear, nearly giving me a fucking panic attack.

"No, I'm not." I answer easily even as the wooden top of the counter cracks mildly below the pressure of my 'cleaning'.

Lyney gulps faintly, and I breathe in, reeling my Qi back into my body lest I harm him without meaning to. "Yeah, stupid question…" He sighs out softly, shoulders slumping as he crosses his arms.

"You're hard to read." He mutters softly a few seconds later, "Just like Father." I raise a brow his way at those words.

He hesitates at my stare, chewing on in his inner cheek in thought before relaxing a bit, "You both wear this… mask, like it's a second skin."

"You both never let others know what you are thinking, or worrying about." His gloved hands clench into fists, "You both want to carry everything on your shoulders."

He falls quiet after that, making me draw in a deep breath and reach over to pat his head.

"You're a good kid." He scoffs, swatting my hand away with no real hate or anger behind it, "I'm sure she appreciates your worries and desires to help… But alas, us adults sometimes are quite thickheaded in how we do things when it comes to those we love and care about."

Lyney's hands relax slightly, but I can still see the unwillingness in his eyes, "But your loved ones are adults too, no?"

I smile at his question, then squat down lightly to be more around his height as I turn my gaze towards the other children of the House of the Heart cleaning away the front of the shop with smiles on their faces.

"They are your age too." I nod towards them, making Lyney follow my line of sight, "Yet, you'd be willing to do anything for them too, no?" He nods without hesitation, gaze hard and full of conviction. "That's the same for me and Arlecchino."

"We'll willingly throw our humanity away and do horrid acts just so we can keep our loved ones safe. Just to make sure no harm comes their way."

"We can bleed rivers and be torn apart, and we'd do it all gladly if it means just making sure our loved ones can survive and live on."

"The pain of losing your family… I hope you'll never experience it." I pat his head again, and this time he doesn't brush the touch away. "Cherish every last moment with all of your heart and Soul. Especially now that we are heading towards what could possibly be the final battle."

Lyney nods, gaze focused on the children ahead of him as I straighten myself and breathe in.

"Who did you lose?" He asks softly, and I chuckle.

"Everyone." He bites his lower lip at my gentle answer, "My mother, died in an accident."

"My father, I lost him to a heart-attack."

"And my little sister… Who killed herself after she was raped." I've only truly and fully opened up to Meteria and Alfia in secret, now that I think about it.

The others have an inkling about my past, but not the full picture or story – aside from my Reincarnation – like Meteria and Alfia do.

I think that sharing it with them has helped me quite a bit, enough that now I don't just hold it all in. It's… nice. It makes me love those two even more.

"I refuse to lose anyone else." I state as I smile down at Lyney, "So never be afraid to do what you know is right when it comes to your family."

And with that, I believe it's time for me to face the source of my previous horrid mood.

So I breathe in, then walk into the back of the shop to face the music.

The first opening was, of course, a massive success. Though I have a feeling that the next opening will have far more customers than today.

Those that came today were the few druggies that misunderstood the meaning of the shop, or the truly desperate people that needed a medicine and could not afford a potion, but could afford the cheap as bread Tier Zero Pills I prepared for the civilians.

In fact, the majority of them all too a Pill the very moment they paid, or shoved them in the mouths of their children's without wasting a second.

I already knew that this city that lacked my world's vaccines and other treatments was full of sicknesses, but seeing so many desperate people nearly collapse in relief once my Pills healed them or their children… It made all of this very, very worth it.

Once word spreads, even more sick people will flow here in large waves, which makes me glad that I have a massive stock of Tier Zero Pills saved up.

Pretty sure just today alone I sold more than a few thousands of them…

Shaking away those thoughts, I step into the quiet living room in the back of the shop, my gaze instantly flicking towards the lone form of Ning Guang, treating herself to some warm tea.

There is a gentle, almost sad smile on her face as she slowly sips at her cup, relishing in the taste of the warm drink and savoring every last drop of it.

At the front of my mind, there is still a modicum of anger that refuses to leave. While in the back of my mind, I realize that this is her first time tasting something in nearly two decades.

Cultivators, after they reach a certain level, really stop being Humans. They have no need to go to the bathroom, or have no need to even eat or drink.

But some still do it. Some still waste a bit of time they could use to cultivate and train in Martial Skills to actively do those small, almost irrelevant things.

It's like they are unwilling to fully give up on their Humanity, so they still go through those simple motions and even fall asleep instead of remaining awake for decades, or even centuries.

Perhaps, Ning Guang may have been one of those that gave it all up without a second thought, yet now she seems… Nostalgic. Content, even.

Content from the taste of simple, mortal made tea.

My gaze then flickers across the table, then softens at the sight of the silver-haired twins. I was wondering why it got very quiet all of a sudden…

Resting against her seated older twin, Meteria is cutely napping away, making me take a mental screenshot of the beautiful painting before me. A sight I shall never forget.

Alfia opens her beautiful eyes as I step into the living room, her collected and cool face melting into a gentle and loving smile once her gaze lands on me.

"Never thought I'd see Meteria sleeping before it's late night." Usually one must threaten her to make her sleep, because she has far too much energy. More than even me… And I'm a fucking Cultivator.

Alfia's lips part to release a soft chuckle as she uses one arm to hug her sleeping sister, "She tired herself out by firing a million questions towards your teacher."

I raise a brow towards Ning Guang, who gives me a serious look, "Never saw someone ask that many questions in a single breath before…" Damn.

"No hard feelings on her going all Honey Badger on you?" At that, Ning Guang laughs softly and sends a wink my way.

"It was amusing. Plus, I expected it." Expected it?

Meteria wants to build a massive harem for me, not keep me all for herself, so her rather aggressive reaction back then did surprise me a great deal.

"What's this… Honey Badger?" Alfia asks curiously, and I throw a serious look her way.

"Small, adorable thing that does not fear God or Death, and simply exists to create problems."

"So… a Meteria in animal form?"

"Pretty much." Alfia gives a full body shudder at that.

One Meteria is more than enough for the both of us.

Shaking her head, Alfia swiftly moves and rests her sister over her back as she stands, giving me a gentle yet worried look as she moves to leave. "Will you be alright?"

I nod with a soft smile, "I'll be alright." I throw a look at the beautiful and adorable Meteria on her back, "Can you have Agnodice check her out when you get back? I'm a bit worried about her."

She nods and steps close, placing a loving kiss on my cheek before stepping around me and leaving, allowing my shoulders to relax as I keep my focus on her departing presence.

I fall quiet, not knowing what to say, and not trusting my now shitty control over my anger to not say something offensive. Or to stop myself from possibly shouting.

Though, I didn't have to, as Ning Guang is the first to break the silence; "I'm sorry." With an apology, of all things. "It was in bad taste for me to appear without warning, and before your loved ones." Her hands gently set the cup of tea down on the table before her, her gaze never leaving it for even a few seconds.

I breathe out, palming my face before pinching the bridge of your nostrils, "It's alright." No, it's not, "I've just been stressed, and this-"

"-Made your trauma flare up, I know." Ning Guang sighs and stand, a sad look in her beautiful eyes, "I guess I was just… excited, to be out here."

"To have a chance to talk to you, face to face, in the real world." Two decades are nothing to a Cultivator.

Yet, two decades nearly broke her. Two decades of being on the brink of dying, with only my memories or what I did in the outside world to keep her company.

"Why is this so important to you?" I ask her, pointing at me and her. It makes me feel a bit awkward, how much she cares about me.

I've done nothing to warrant her affection as far as I know, and it confuses me greatly.

With a light smile, Ning Guang drops her chin on her open palm, her appearance just as breathtaking as ever. Perhaps even more so. "Do I need a reason to find finally being able to stand face to face with my lovely disciple important?"

I roll my eyes even as she sighs deeply, "Sadly, said disciple also decided to become a brainless monkey swinging a sword around like a dumb barbarian instead of focusing on Alchemy."

"Hey." I glare at her, and she sends an innocent smile my way, "Alchemy doesn't help me protect people."

"Why? You can swing your furnace around, no?"

I give her a look. Her smile does not falter.

"You've done that, haven't you?" I ask softly, almost nervously while dreading the answer.

Her smile grows, turning into a grin that shows her pearly white teeth, "My old Furnace could grow to the size of a planet." I shudder, "A bit hard to miss your target when you swing that around."

Well, she now is so many times more terrifying than I thought. But Cultivation escalation is bullshit, so I should've know that already.

"What did you need a planet-sized furnace for…?"

"To refine Stars, obviously." Yeah, you know what? Fuck that. Cultivation bullshit, I swear.

I sigh and palm my face as she giggles, clearly enjoying my reaction.

"You said it was best to hold a certain conversation once you had a body." I sigh out, remembering a previous light fight we had, when she wanted me to take a rest instead of work more. "I'd say now the requirements are met, no?"

Ning Guang's amused expression relaxes into a serious yet gentle one at my words. With a sigh through her nostrils, she leans back against her seat and taps her finger on the table before her, "Do you remember how many Realms our Cultivation Path has?"

I blink at her question, then cross my arms and furrow my brows. I was given the information dumb more than a decade ago, so things are a bit spotty… "Nine?" I think, at least.

Something about a realm for each Heavenly Layer, or Heavenly Boundary. Whatever that meant.

Ning Guang nods, "Yes. The Qi Palace Realm, Qi Veins, Qi Halo, Qi Crown, Qi Throne, Qi Domain, Qi Star, Qi World, and finally the Qi Soul. After that is the God Realm, which is divided into three stages, but I do not know more about them as I was in the first stage myself before…"

Right, before she nearly died and our Souls crashed together.

Shaking her head, Ning Guang straightens herself slightly, "Now, can you guess how long it took me to reach the same Realm you are in currently?"

I blink and tilt my head at her question. Now that's kind of hard to just guess, so… "A few years?" I throw out a random guess, not really wanting to think too much about it.

Ning Guang's answer is a snort, "Very, very wrong." Oh dear… How damn long did she take?

"It took me ten years to go through the Qi Palace Realm. Seven for the Qi Veins Realm… Then five years just to enter the Qi Halo Realm... Said Realm then took me four decades to go through."

I couldn't help it… My mouth falls wide open at that as I gape at the smiling Ning Guang.

It took her five decades to go through three realms… When it took me barely two months to reach the level I am at right now, especially when I held myself from Cultivating or raising my Realm.

"I… How?" That just doesn't make any sense- "Wait, is it due to how abundant Qi is here?"

It's probably that, but my eyes widen when Ning Guang makes a so-so gesture.

"The Qi here is very dense and abundant, yes, but it's not the main factor. What this abundant Qi mainly does is make you way, way stronger than the Cultivators on your level that are from my world."

"You and that wonderful Dragon out there, if you both go all out and hold nothing back, can utterly demolish a Qi Throne Realm Cultivator with laughable ease."

Well, damn… I guess the dense Qi here does make a massive difference then.

"Back where I come from, Qi is considered as the energy of all the living beings, to be shared equally." Ning Guang states, leaning forward on the table before her in a way that makes her bust stand out quite a bit, "If one were to absorb too much too fast, they would draw the ire of the Heavens, or outright explode."

Her ardent gaze flicks towards me, "You never faced such a problem. Neither the risk of explosion, or the anger of the Heavens, due to how… vegetative they are."

I furrow my brows, "Vegetative?" I parrot. The hell does she mean by that?

Ning Guang nods, "It goes through the motions like a… Like a machine, from your world. Yet a broken one. It tries to stop you from ascending further, but doesn't do anything else outside of that."

"It doesn't create Heavenly Treasures or Heavenly Manifestations. It doesn't create Qi Blessings or cast down wrath upon you, who absorbs so much Qi at once certain times."

It just tries to stop mortals from reaching the level of the Gods, then.

But why- "The Gods." I whisper out in realization, drawing a surprised gaze from Ning Guang, "Could the Heavens have delegated other duties to the Gods?"

I mean, they have random Domains, no?

Domains related to forging weapons, brewing beverages, raising crops, the weather and all kinds of other stuff. I might be reaching, but this could be the reason the Heavens feel vegetative to Ning Guang's senses.

"A possible theory, but not one either of us can really figure out even in the future." Fair. I'd personally would rather not deal with an entity like the Heavens, mostly because I dunno how to.

And it's also something way out of my experience.

"We got side-tracked." Ning Guang groans and shakes her head, "Anyway, due to the usual limit of absorbing too much Qi being non-existent here and your body facing no problem even after an absurd in take… Your negative emotions are being enhanced and pushed to the front, even despite your impressive control over them."

I freeze at her words.

Ex-fucking-cuse me?

Slowly, I take a seat at the table and give her a very serious, and very sharp look. "Explain."

Ning Guang smiles softly and warmly, a kind and gentle light in her eyes, "Riley, you know how Qi changes depending on the environment?"

I nod, and her gaze grows worried, "Then, tell me… What kind of environment do you think the Dungeon is?"

Instantly, the answer jumps into my head.


A land of death, of sorrow, anger, sadness, despair, disgust, greed-

"So I've been fucking myself over simply because I want to be strong enough to deal with the bullshit that is to come?" Ning Guang nods, and I nearly slam my head against the table's surface out of pure exasperation.

God-fucking-dammit… I should have thought about it, but my brain just didn't make a connection between the Dungeon and negative Qi.

Even after I noticed the Qi in the Magic Stones, which pollutes them… Sort off.

It's what the guild removes to turn Magic Stones into usable batteries, I think. Or at least, that's what Meteria told me when I questioned about how lamps and fridges work, since I did not see any sort of power-line around the city.

The Qi I actively used to absorb inside the Dungeon always felt heavy, negative, to my senses, yet I guess I never put two and two together and realized that it could be dangerous.

"What should I expect?" I ask the Goddess of Alchemy on the other side of the table, her gaze still full of worry and kindness.

"Now? Just the problems you are already facing with your barely restrained anger." Which is vexatious, but I can deal with it for a while longer I guess. "But once you reach the Qi Halo Realm? You'll run the risk of losing yourself. Your Heart Devil will come back, and it could take over, causing a massacre that no one will be capable of stopping."

Because at that time, I'll very likely be among the strongest being on this continent, if not the entire world.

I hate this so much.

"But…" Ning Guang starts again, teeth nibbling on her lower lip in a way that is both sensual but also cute, despite the worry in her eyes, "The Tribulation for the Qi Halo Realm… It will change you."

I clench my fists, "How?"

"You'll stop being fully Human." She whispers softly, "Your lifespan will double, Riley. Some emotions… They will grow more muted."

"You'll be different."

Double my lifespan… I'd outlive those I love by a long margin. I will outlive Meteria and Alfia, and the others. Only Hera will remain.

The thought makes me grit my teeth as pain flares in my chest.

Yet, even if that is what awaits me in the future… I'll gladly accept it, just to make it so that I can be with them in the first place.

"If it's for them, then it's fine." I shake my head and discard those thoughts without care. Though, I do throw Ning Guang a confused look, "What about you?"

She blinks and cutely tilts her head at me, confusion apparent on her face, "What do you mean?"

"You said emotions grow muted, and that I'll stop being fully Human. I presume the changes grow more with each additional Realm above the Qi Halo Realm, right?" Ning Guang nods slowly.

"You look, sound and show very Human feelings to me, though." I point out, making her eyes blow open.

I blink when a slight flush covers her cheeks and her gaze shyly flicks away from mine, her teeth nibbling on her lower lip once more.

Okay… What?

"And you wonder how you managed to make so many ladies head over heels for you…" Ning Guang grumbles under her breath, making me want to throw my hands in the air.

I did not do anything! What?!

"Those words… They mean a lot to me, truly." Ning Guang whispers softly, gaze on the table before her. "This place, this world… It's like a paradise to me."

"No Cultivators, no need for constant plotting, or to constantly use every second of my days. I can… Relax. I can walk outside without fear of bumping into a genocidal maniac."

"I… I can sleep, even. I can try and dream once more."

Ning Guang shudders, shoulders trembling as she releases a shaky breath, "Perhaps I don't need to worry, after all."

"I can tell that when the time comes, you'll gladly give everything up for your lovers."

That's obvious. I'm not going to lose anyone else, ever again.

"You are clearly proof enough that even a God can latch onto their Humanity, even for the smallest of things." I shrug and breathe out, throwing the Goddess a light smile as I do so, "So I don't really need to worry about myself."

Yes, I am irked about my prolonged lifespan, but I can probably find ways to stretch theirs too if they want to.

Which I feel sorry about, as I am prolonging the amount of time the small gremlin that is Meteria shall exist upon this earth, thus prolonging the suffering of us poor mortals.

"I hope you stay the same, Riley." Ning Guang whispers softly, gaze gentle and sad, yet also very happy somehow. "Once this is all over, you can just let go of your Cultivation. All the negative Qi, all the negative emotions… You'll feel so much better."

Yeah, probably… There will be fears of a distant future, but I'd rather not think about it.

I open my mouth, but stop myself from asking, "Why don't you do it too?" But some things are better left unasked.

It is her life, and they are her choices. If she wishes to remain a Goddess, then so be it.

It has nothing to do with me.

"Make yourself at home." I tell her instead as I stand, "The kitchen is stocked with food, and there are beds on the second floor." This place was meant to be my new home, as I did not wish to stay too long in Hera's Familia mansion, but I guess I'll have to wait a bit more.

"Will you be alright?" Ning Guang's gaze softens, and she remains silent for a few seconds before nodding.

"I just… need to get used to not being in a rush." She whispers softly, "It'll take some time, but I can do it."

And I need to get used to the thought that maybe, deep down, she ain't the terrible being shaped by her past actions.

As she said, this will take some time. Time we both have, and also don't.

I nod, then return to the front without saying anything else as I have nothing else to say. And nothing came to mind, either.

I stop and tilt my head once I enter the front of the shop, noticing that the brats are nowhere to be seen when I do that. I hope they grabbed the money-

They did not.

Dumb fucking kids… I shake my head with a sigh and grab one of the fat sacks filled with Valis that are hidden beneath the counter, each sack having around a hundred thousand Valis inside. Each.

And there are… nine sacks.

Goddamn… Well, half of that comes from Hera due to the massive order she placed and paid for, but still…

Hefting the fat, head-sized sack up with a hum, I throw a glance back towards the living room before heading out.

I told those dumb kids I'd pay them for their work, and they leave without getting paid. I'm gonna smash this sack of money on their heads, I swear to God.

My gaze flicks up to the darkening sky above as I jump on the roof of a nearby building with a simple leap, then my gaze falls towards a certain hill not too far away from me.

There are several hills around Orario, each having a building on them, but the House of the Heart is quite unique in appearance due to it similar to a castle, but also due to the colorful large windows that adorn the castle.

It makes the place easy to spot, especially for me who doesn't know this city at all even after I've been here for a while now.

It doesn't take me long to reach it, and it takes me even less to find the same window from where I last… entered – I refuse to accept I broke into the orphanage – and would you look at that? It's open!

If they don't want this dumbass to make himself at home, they should really close that damn window!

I hum a cherry tune as I hop up to the window, ready to find the brats-

"-isn't a request, but an order, Arlecchino." A sickening and raspy male voice makes me snap to attention and lean against the side of the window, controlling my breathing and making my presence all but disappear. "An order from Erebus, your God."

I stretch my senses, and besides the insanely powerful yet restrained presence of Arlecchino, I can also feel a rather familiar one.

Isn't this the dude whose shoulder I nearly cleaved off of his body?

There is a group of ten people behind him, but they all feel very weak. Probably just fools under his command.

Looks like I stumbled upon something that I shouldn't have…

"I care not what that fool wants. He knows to expects refusals when he requests or orders things from me." Arlecchino's cool voice scoffs, sounding just as quiet and as emotionless as the first time I met her.

She does strike me as the cool beauty type, like Alfia. Cool, collected, cold. Nice qualities.

An angry hiss comes from the thin man talking to her, "You were pardoned before, but now that the end is nigh do not expect to be let off with a slap to the wrists, Peruere-"

I flinch when a violent wave of immense heat washes forth from Arlecchino, ejecting out of the open window I am leaning and hiding against in a powerful blast of pressure.

"If you wish to go back to your God as a handful of ashes… Then you need only ask." Damn… I like her.

A scoff comes from the thin man, and I hold back a snort as I can feel the pure terror wafting off of him in massive waves. "Don't regret it when he takes the strength he gifted you away, fool."

This time, Arlecchino is the one that scoffs, "My strength has been earned through hard work, not gifted by that fool. Yours, instead? Hah!"

"Your strength is already laughable, if non-existent… But then you went and had a Magic Crystal lodged in your chest? A short bust of strength, all at the cost of your very life. How miserable."

Magic Crystal in the chest? This is the thing that Maxim mentioned, isn't it? Their way to even the odds by granting their soldiers a sort of drug made from the monsters Magic Crystals… A suicidal, one use power-up of sorts.

What a bunch of insane fools.

The thin man grinds his teeth, and I remain still and focused on view of Orario as he scoffs once more, though he doesn't say anything else and swiftly takes his leave.

He can't brute force things with Arlecchino, as the difference in strength is downright immense.

The presence of those idiots slowly grows more and more distant as Arlecchino hums, her steps and presence drawing closer until her tall and lean figure comes into view, and her gaze meets mine.

Her eyes are still as breathtaking as ever. Those near-glowing red 'X' are some of the coolest and most beautiful pupils I could ever imagine.

Despite being caught eavesdropping, I give her a friendly smile and wave while leaning against the window frame. "What brings a lovely lady such as yourself over here?"

One of her thin brows slowly rises up, a tinge of amusement appearing in her eyes at my question. Well, at least she isn't mad? "Someone with bad manners." She muses, giving me an almost chiding look. "Eavesdropping is quite rude."

I shrug, then lift up the bag of money I brought along, "So is leaving without getting paid, I dare say." And now she looks murderous. Oh boy, poor kiddos!

I hop down from the window frame and give her the bag of money, but blink when she doesn't accept it- Oh right, her hands! "Need help with them?"

I ask softly, throwing a glance towards her blackened hands and forearms. I don't know if it hurts, but it can't be nice having to live while being unable to touch… Well, most things that can melt easily.

Her gaze flickers at my offer, seemingly considering it with the way her fingers flex and her hands come to clasp together in an almost nervous gesture, "How did you do it?" She asks instead of accepting the offer.

I hum and jab a thumb towards the window, mainly towards the big ass Dragon still sleeping far into the distance. "I fought that dumbass, and got hit in the face with one of its fire breaths. Woke up itching all over." It was short, probably because the girls fed me Pills that expelled the majority of the Fire Qi within his breath – which wasn't much, as it didn't go all out or even actively use it – and so I woke up with just the leftovers to expel.

"I had the leftovers of what it used to hit me, you instead…" I trail off and tilt my head in thought. Her situation is quite confusing, after all. "For you, it keeps coming back for some reason. Does it even hurt?"

It takes a few seconds, but Arlecchino does answer my curious question while rubbing her blackened hands together, "Not anymore." Her answer is a whisper, and I hum softly at it.

Wait, could it be because of the Falna?

While Meteria said that her Future Sight came from the Falna, Alfia did hint at me later on that Meteria was always capable of such a thing since young, just not as often. The Falna made it more frequent, and more clear.

Clearly, the Falna takes existing things and… empowers them, sort of. Then, if so, could it make an affliction caused by wrongfully injected Qi into a Skill too?

What should have been an injury, turned into a Skill, twisted by the Falna.

So it's not some kind of perfect power, huh? Even Gods can make mistakes.

"Well, if you need help, you can just ask." I shrug again with a sigh, "That is, if it even lasts long enough to matter." While the quantity of Qi I removed from her arm last time was just a few Strands worth, I do not know if her Skill – if it's even one – makes the recovery of said Qi much faster.

Arlecchino remains silent, but she does give a curt and slow nod after a few seconds, "I appreciate it." I give her a smile, then glance towards the large table in the middle of the massive hall.

The presence of the people she was speaking to has long since faded into the distance, beyond my admittedly quite large spiritual sense range. The kids instead are on the other side of the large castle-like orphanage.

"The man that was here…" I start, earning Arlecchino's full attention as I do so, "He was spying on me some time ago. Nearly cleaved his shoulder off when he tried to attack me while I was with Hera."

I throw her a serious glance, "You want dibs if he tries anything towards the kids? Or can I bring him to you without legs and arms?"

Arlecchino's calm and cool eyes widen lightly at my words, and the ghost of a smile spreads across her thin lips as her face warms up.

Slowly, she extends her left hand towards me, "I believe the second option will suffice." It will take some self-control, but I believe I can do that.

Because I know that twisted fuck will surely target the kids to either get at me, or at her, or at the both of us. It won't take long to notice that they work for me, and I'll have to keep an eye on the kids as they come and go from my shop.

I take her hand in a firm grip, ignoring the spike of pain from the sheer heat radiating from her soft skin, then draw in the Fire Qi in her whole forearm and hand into my body.

This usually wouldn't be possible, but it is due to the fact that she isn't a Cultivator and her Qi isn't stored in her now still dormant Qi Palace.

Fascinating how Alfia managed to awaken her own through just observing me, while Arlecchino's hasn't awakened yet despite having Qi constantly invading her body.

I release her hand once the job is quickly done, then let her grab the sack of money meant for the brats.

With that done, I turn and start walking towards the open window, "Don't hesitate to ask for help more often, yeah?" I wave a hand over my shoulder, then hop on the window.

Arlecchino hums, "You know that there are doors, yes?" That amusement I hear, lady?

I shrug and turn around to give her a grin, "Now where would the fun be in that?" I make a curtsy, then let myself fall backward in pure style.

I flip in the air and land on an old rooftop down below, put my hands in my pockets, then jump down with a hum.

With that out of the way, might as well go back home. I do want to check on Meteria, after all.

The walk back is quiet, with very few people still walking around, allowing me to be alone with my thoughts and the stars high above.

I never expected… any of this, when I decided to move to Orario.

It was just a whim, see what I could do or find, or experience. I did not expect to fall in love with… well, multiple breathtaking women. Nor to have multiple women be head over heels for me.

I mostly blame Meteria for that. Because when in doubt, blame the gremlin.

Hera, Ei, Meteria, Alfia… And I do fancy Calydonia a bit. It's funny to bully her until she goes all feral.

Sigh… I got so much to fight for.

And I gained all of this within just two months… Well, at least I know that mom would be very happy at the fact I'm gonna have a lot of children. Wish she was around to spoil them rotten, though…

"Riley?" I perk up with a hum as I hear a familiar voice call out for me, making me turn to my right and see both Zald and Leonidas walk my way, "Damn, it is you brother. What are you doing here?"

"Could ask the same to you guys." I ask with a smile, clasping hands with the grinning Leonidas before doing the same with Zald, the scarred man having discarded his large armor for more casual clothing. "I went to delivery the pay to the kids I employed, since they forgot it at the shop."

Leonidas releases a noise of acknowledgment, "The brats from the House of Hearts, right?" I nod, wondering how come so many people know about the place. It seems famous. "Well, if you're free, wanna join us? Me and Zald are going out for a drink."

I hum at his offer, then shrug.

"I'm in."

Might as well go out with my new bros. A drink after beating the shit out of an apocalyptic beast together does sound good.

"You pay, since you are the one that got the least fins from the Leviathan." I cheekily state, earning a groan from Leonidas and a hearty chuckle from Zald.

"You bitch! I wield a damn spear! I was at a disadvantage!"

Did he forget how he impaled the damn Leviathan to the Dungeon wall with said spear?


"How the fuck can you drink so much?" I mutter aloud as Zald laughs from beside me, our feet slowly carrying us down the quiet and empty road.

"That's just a light drink for him, brother." Leonidas informs me with a shrug.

"A light drink!?" I gape at Leonidas, "He downed a fucking barrel in five seconds, dude!"

How the fuck can someone drink so much and not swell up!?

Zald literally sat down, asked for a glass of wine, tasted it and said that it's good… Then ordered the whole fucking barrel – Which was bigger than me!

That was such a power move, but it was also so downright horrifying to see that I doubt I'll ever forget it.

Still, I do have to admit that the wine served at the place they took me too is very good. Never been a wine man myself, nor much of a beer guy, but I wouldn't mind going back more often.

"As he said, just a light drink." Zald grins, his face barely even flushed after how much he drank. Especially before we got the food.

Adventurers do be built different, huh?

I chuckle and shake my head as we keep walking, the three of us just falling into a comfortable quiet. We've talked plenty while eating and drinking.

Leonidas hums softly, muscular arms crossed behind his head as he gazes up at the ocean of stars above, "I was wondering… What will you two do once everything is over?"

I hum, not pausing in my steps as I answer, "Move the fuck out of this city, for sure." They both burst out into roaring laughter at my flat words, "I've been here for two fucking months, and I get two Apocalyptic Beasts thrown my way… Well, three if you count Meteria…"

Leonidas starts wheezing from beside me while Zald gives me an amused look, "Didn't she annoy the Dragon so much it dropped her in your hands?"

I give him a haunted look at that, which makes Zald laugh once more.

That girl is a calamity worse than the Dragon…

"As for me… I do not know." Zald drawls out, rubbing his chin as he tilts his head with a thoughtful look on his face, "Maybe open a restaurant? I'll have to think more about it."

That does sound quite nice, I'll admit that.

"What about you?" I ask Leonidas, who sighs out with a wistful smile as he crosses his arms before his chest.

"My duty won't be done even then." He answers easily, "I'll travel around the world, see who needs help, and guide those without home back here." Worthy of respect.

I smile and give his back a friendly pat. "But…" He starts again, face growing somber, "If I don't make it-"

"Don't." I speak up harshly, but he keeps going.

"Brother… We are going against calamities that haven taken the lives of countless mighty Heroes. Our Ancestors." He motions to Zald and him, "We might be strong, we might be full of conviction, and we might have you… But Death is unpredictable."

"So if I were to fall… Bury me on a hill, far from Orario, and facing East. So I can see the Sun rise, over and over."

I clench my hands into trembling fists, but I breathe in and look towards Zald.

He smiles and closes his eyes, "Among my brothers and Ancestors, in the Zeus Familia cemetery."

My fists tremble and shake even more.

"If I die…" Because I might, if there is no other choice, "Take the girls and run away, please."

"I'll make sure that if I do fall, nothing will remain that can threaten them or you."

A Cultivator self-destruction is surely powerful enough to atomize even the Dungeon.

Zald chuckles and heavily pats my shoulder with his large hand. "Riley." He speaks up, and I lift my gaze to meet his serious one.

"You carry too much weight on your shoulders…" He whispers, then grins, "Your sword is heavy enough."

My eyes widen, and then I laugh.

Yeah, I do worry too much.

I just gotta focus on swinging my sword, right?

"You just made me realize something…" I chuckle, a grin on my face as I slow to a stop, gaining their full attention, "The Behemoth may have a hidden ace in the hole like the Leviathan did, with its ice powers." I point out, making their eyes widen.

My grin grows bloodthirsty at that point, "So, to avoid that…"

"We'll just kill the fucker in a few attacks. What do you say?"

Their grins grew to become as feral as mine within a second.

Finds brothers that double down with your insane ideas is definitely bad for my health… But it is so fun!

"We already humiliated the Leviathan, no? It's only right the Behemoth gets the same treatment!"

Because genocidal machines like those two fuckers do not deserve to go out in one last, mighty battle.

They need to be put down like feral animals.


Alfia's fingers slowly glide through her sister's hair, her gaze gentle yet her thoughts distant.

Her emotions were… In turmoil. She was worried about Riley, her lover.

Albeit she didn't know him for long, he had always been open with her and Meteria since pretty much the beginning, always wearing his heart on his sleeve towards the both of them.

She promised herself she'd stand by his side, always… And yet, she left him alone when he had to face his 'teacher'. The woman – Goddess – who taught him how to make those incredible medicines of his.

She didn't stand by his side when he looked so terrified, but perhaps it was for the best. He surely wouldn't be able to focus and be calm if someone he loves was around someone he considered dangerous.

The thought makes her chest feel warm, a tinge of desire appearing within her heterocromatic eyes. She wanted to be embraced by him once more.

All night long.

His touch was addictive. So was his voice, his breathing, his heartbeat, and his kisses.

She craved for all of those and more. She wanted him to ravish her roughly, the same way he did with her sister.

"Big sis…" Meteria whispers, bright and adorable eyes blinking open, looking slightly tired yet very focused as she rests her head on her lap. "Is Riley not back yet?"

Alfia chuckles softly, adoring how her younger twin desired their lover just as much as she does. "I'm sure he'll be back soon." She reassures softly, her gaze full of love and anticipation.

She might not display such emotions in public, but she won't hold anything back once Riley will be alone. She'll pour out all of her love and affection without stop, knowing that he eagerly accept it with a wide, handsome smile.

Meteria hums, a sound akin to a childish whine, before sighing and huffing. "Have you finally Leveled Up?" Meteria instead asks, and Alfia grows still for but a moment.

"Not yet." She whispers back towards her tired twin, "I don't think it's the right time." She didn't know why.

It's not like things could change. Her battle with Riley made her stronger and granted her a powerful weapon- Well, two, considering the strange energy she managed to grasp while studying Riley.

But this energy did not suit well with Magic, unleashing an insanely powerful blast that tired her out and worsened her condition momentarily.

It was more of a trump card that a weapon she could easily wield like Riley does.

"Are you afraid that it won't be enough to stand by Riley's side?" Leave it to Meteria to easily grasp her worries and fears…

For all that Meteria loves acting childish and like a gremlin, few know that she is insanely smart and perceptive. She just doesn't like always being like that.

"If only I had more time, I'd feel more confident…" Alfia whispers softly, then blinks when Meteria rises, removing her head from her lap and taking a seat on the bed.

Slowly and without saying a word, Alfia watches Meteria crawl on the bed, then push her hand below her pillow. A second later, a very aged book is pulled out from below, and Alfia's eyes soften at the sight.

The cover had long since faded, and the pages were a mottled yellow in color.

"Do you remember this?" Meteria asks softly, and Alfia nods without hesitation as she takes the offered old and small book.

"How could I ever forget…?" The only thing they had left of their late mother, who used to read it to them when they were young.

It was the only thing they both took with them after she passed, and they left their old ruined home in search of a better future. Of a cure.

Since then, Alfia was the one to read the book for Meteria. No matter how hard she trained, or how much time she spent in the Dungeon, or how tired and sore she was.

She always found time to read the book for Meteria at night. All nights.

Sometimes, Agnodice would take over, reading it for them.

Memories Alfia holds dear.

"The legend of the Argonauts." She whispers, stroking the book with her fingers, her gaze full of longing and warmth.

Meteria draws close, wrapping her own hands around the old book, a sweet smile on her face. "We always yearned to have Heroes save us, like the Argonauts did for others."

A dream that Alfia slowly gave up on.

A dream she felt was impossible, no matter how desperate she became or was.

Grasping one of Alfia's hands, Meteria smiles sweetly as she rests said hand against her cheek, "But, deep down… I never wanted those Heroes."

Alfia's eyes blow wide open.

"I just wanted my Big Sis. She was, is, and will always be my Hero." Meteria's eyes close, and Alfia's eyes redden and fill with tears.

"You and Riley are my Argonauts, Big Sis."

"You are the only Heroes I need, and want."

Alfia doesn't waste a second in tightly hugging her sister, tears freely pouring down her cheeks as the loving hug is happily returned.

"I am sure that any gain you will receive with your Level Up will be more than enough to help our wonderful Hero, Big Sis." Meteria giggles softly, her hug tight and full of love and adoration, "You worry too much sometimes!"

She does, doesn't she?

"Thank you, Meteria." Alfia whispers, placing a loving kiss on her forehead as she pulls back with a wide smile. "But you should rest now. Miss Agnodice will want you awake to make more tests tomorrow morning."

"But I'm fine!"

Alfia sighs, then employs her Big Sister Stare.

Meteria pouts and fights back with her puppy dog eyes.

Alfia nearly crumbles beneath the might of those eyes… But she stands strong, and achieves victory!

So in the end, she smugly departs the room, a relaxed air around her and a soft smile on her lips.

"I'm her Argonaut, huh?" She whispers to herself, her chest feeling so full and warm that it might explode.

With a shake of the head, Alfia departs to find her Goddess, ready to take her first step into becoming a Level Seven.

Then, when Riley comes back, she'll take a step out of Meteria's book…

And drop her dress.


"Can you not?" I sigh, unable to glance or glare at the annoyance currently digging her clawed fingers into my skull, ruffling my hair into a wild mess that will take a while to fix.

Calydonia merely cackles, latched onto my back like a fat Koala, long and toned fur-covered legs locked around my chest from behind.

While it's nice to feel her rather large breasts against the back of my head, her fingers digging into my skull is getting quite annoying.

"Pay the toll, and I shall free you!" The woman cackles, drawing laughs from the other women in the large hall.

I sigh even as she pats my head like I am a child, "Wait like all the others, or I am going to throw you across the hall." I can't even tickle her feet, because they are hooves!

"You won't." Calydonia growls out, yet despite her bravado she latches onto me even harder than before, clearly afraid.

Atalanta sighs as she walks past me with another tray, "Just make him your mate already, sis." An indignant squawk rings out from above me as Calydonia keeps twisting and pulling and moving left and right.

"Who would want to be this dude's mate?!"

"Meteria, Kirin, Alfia, the majority of the girls in this hall, Lady Hera-" Atalanta starts listing out without batting even an eye, looking utterly bored and even exasperated at her sister. "Hell, I am sure even Miss Agnodice wouldn't mind being pinned down by handsome over here."

If said woman was here, I'm sure she'd have fainted. I still gotta deal with her daughter. I can do it later.

Calydonia releases another indignant squawk, and I use that chance to swiftly grab one of her two tails the moment I felt it come close.

I reach out, grab it, and- "MREOW-!" -now Calydonia is on the ceiling, hissing down at me with all the ferocity of an orange cat.

"Should've done it earlier." I muse with a shrug, then turn towards Atalanta, "Does she have the same erogenous zone as cats?" A scream rings out from above at my question.

"Atalanta, shut the fuck up-"

Her sister ignores her and swiftly answers with brutal honesty, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure-OOOF!" And Calydonia just full body tackled her sister to the floor.

"Ooh, cat fight. Kinky." Oh, I just love playing with fire.

I sit down another plate of nicely cooked breakfast, reminding myself to bring some to Ning Guang too once I go there to work. Doesn't hurt to be nice.

As I think that, I perk up when a familiar presence reaches the entrance to the main hall, making me perk up with a smile as a very smug and grinning Meteria strides into the hall like she owns the place.

No one will argue if she claims she does. Even Lady Hera.

"Well, here comes the gremlin." I muse as she approaches, her smug air making her appear so adorable. So much so I just want to bring her back upstairs and do… Well, lots of things.

I'm sure Alfia if still sleeping after last night. Didn't expect her to be so forward, but God was it fantastic.

"You are in a very good mood." I state as I look at my beautiful Meteria, glad to see that she is doing much better than yesterday.

"Of course I am!" Meteria harrumphs in a way that makes her large chest do very wonderful things, an action she clearly did on purpose, "After all, I have just asserted dominance over these foolish ladies!" She cockily proclaims, silencing the halls as she rests her balled up fists on her hips.

I raise an amused brow as Atalanta and Calydonia stop fighting to stare at Meteria with pure confusion on their face.

"Oh? Whatever do you mean by that, Meteria?" Kirin challenges as she slowly steps up to Meteria from my left, a challenging smile on her lips as she crosses her arms below her bust.

Meteria does not back down, and instead gives the woman a vicious smile as she jabs a finger against my chest.

"I'm bearing his child."

My brain short-circuits.

Kirin faints.

And then everyone starts screaming.

Me included, of course.

A.N. And Meteria has done it.

She just T-Posed and asserted her dominance over the masses.

I apologize for the long wait for the chapter. I've fallen sick recently, and it's killing me, while am also getting ready for further doctor appointments during this month.

Still, I cannot thank you all enough for all the amazing support you have been giving me, because words alone cannot suffice.

You all have changed my life, truly. This… I am so happy, and stress-free, all thanks to all of you.

I can finally help my mother and not be a weight, and it's all thanks to your support.

So, again, thank you all so fucking much. You all are the best, truly.

Lots of love and hugs, and till next chapter!




And Meteria just once more Nyoooms in and steals the show, leaving all the bewildered and battered onlookers in the dust. Thanks for the chapter Musa!

James French

I’m glad I can support you and your passion man. We all genuinely appreciate the works you share with us and hope that we get to see more! :)