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Hey Everyone!

Hope you had a beautiful weekend. Wanted to let y’all know I’m going to take a little break from posting for the next week or two just to decompress.

In the meantime - question for all of my longer term followers: what kind of content would y’all like to see more of going forward? Trying to get some inspiration for new ideas that aren’t just recreating the same old stuff. The unfortunate truth is that gaining is often about repeating the same process for an extended period of time, but that doesn’t always make for an exciting video! 🫤

I recognize that some of you are just here for a single month or sign up occasionally every few months, so the question is really for my longer term supporters who have been with me a while now.




The way that tank top barely fits you is superb.


I think unusual angles (back and side, not just belly) are great, and talking about the process of gaining or how your outlook on gaining or a particular size has changed would be amazing.