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Time for a crossover with our friends from ... CobraMode !

It has been more than a year ago since we did a crossover with them and now it’s time to check their new stuff!

So, this month, all our patrons get the "Esmar, Boondaburra Diplomat" as an extra miniature!

And a 40% MMF discount: BULLETCOBRA


CobraMode was created by creative professionals that had been working in video games. They’re Andrea and Erin (2D and 3D artist respectively).

They started their Patreon journey a couple months before us and are now making 3D models for tabletop games, and let me say, their love for designing characters is clearly noticeable because those are very unique and fun characters, something you won’t be able to find elsewhere!

They strive to create the minis that they always wanted, but could never buy!
Every month they create a unique collection of sculpts for painting or tabletop gaming, pre-supported by Atlas3D and accompanied by lore to inspire your adventures.

Discover the CobraMode Universe - full of new creatures and characters every month, complete with backstories, lore, and stats to help inspire your next homebrew encounter or painting project !
Spark your creativity with their high quality, artistic sculpts and create the fantastical dioramas and adventures you always dreamed of.


You can support them on Patreon or Tribes.

Join the “Cobra Commander Tier” for just $10, get their current release:

Esmar, Boondaburra Diplomat and Bodyguards

Here you can watch the Full Trailer.

Their August Collection is all about the mysterious continent of Boondaburra! The delightful platy-peeps rule this land, and several of the fauna have also evolved from the same ancestors with some pretty interesting results.
But there are several different species living here, including the Gulamany Koalafolk, an insular community who stays mostly in their eucalyptus forests.
All of their minis come with Lore and back stories which you can read on our 40+ page CobraCompendium document.
With 5 sculpts in 2 pre-supported sizes, 32 themed bases, and 3 scatter terrain pieces, you’ll have plenty to build out a diorama, adventure, or painting project.

And their collection is now complemented with a 3-month Loyalty Bonus, a printable ship!

Stay subscribed to CobraMode’s Patreon for 3 months to get this special reward; it’s a patron exclusive that won’t be offered for sale on MyMiniFactory.

When you join, you’ll also receive these 5 Throwback Minis:

They also have a Welcome Bonus Pack that contains 5 classic models and 5 sets of bases.

Each month you’ll receive a new collection of 4+ unique minis, 32 custom bases, and 2-4 plop terrains in the first week of the month.

They offer 2 Pre-Supported sizes: 32mm heroic for tabletop and 54mmfor painters.

Sometimes you will even receive some silly bonus models that are exclusive for that month, extra surprise gifts and cross-promotions with other creators.

Their monthly downloads are distributed through Dropbox during the month, and will be archived on MyMiniFactory the following month.

Need some painting inspiration? Join their active Discord community and paint along with the Cobra Corps Weekly Painting Club, where one model is picked per month and painted together every Thursday. It's also a great place to get printing help from their Support team, or just share your latest mini.


They have been here for a while and we even did a couple crossovers with them in the past but … whatever you know them or not … go check out CobraMode current release and if you like what you see ... consider supporting them as well!

Go check all their models at CobraMode Instagram or Web !

And if you like any of their past releases, maybe take a look at their MMF ^_^

And remember that you now have a 40% discount for their whole store.

Here you have, "Esmar, Boondaburra Diplomat" that will join our current release.

As always, a reminder, we do not own the rights to sell these Crossover models, so our Merchant Alpacas can't include them in their stores!

You can find the files in our August Release Post.




Psyduck's successful father


All that "hard work" wasted on Psyduck Jr. education 🙃 Looks like he had a cool dad tho 👌🏻


Thanks so much for the Cross Promo, Elisa and Daniel! Always happy to share with you two and your patrons :D