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Hello everyone!

As we mentioned at the beginning of the month, last weekend (Sept. 10-11th) we (Elisa and Daniel) assisted to our very first convention as Bite the Bullet, with our own stand.

The convention was here in Madrid (Spain) and it took us a lot of hours to prepare everything in advance, all Friday to set up our booth and two long days of standing up 10h that made us arrive home exhausted, but ... we couldn't be happier!

This is the story of our first convention, the story of Bite the Bullet assisting Freak Wars 2022.

Because it was our first time assiting an event as a brand and also the first preparing a stand we had no clue of what we needed to bring so, just to be sure ... we decided to bring our entire collection (or almost).

We asked our friends and merchants at Vidowaz Minis who were also assisting the event (their stand was right next to ours) to print every model since "December 2020 (Bugbears)" and we printed our last "August 2022 (Bullet Souls)" release and some scenery pieces.

We must mention that we really appreciate all the compliments received during the weekend, including all those coming from members of bigger and more veteran/experienced miniature brands that also had stands in the event and decided to visit ours to tell us that our minis looked even better in hand than in the renders, it means a lot, thank you!

For us this is really important and even if it requires some extra time, we'll definitely try to take more pictures of the actual 3D printed models and post them in our socials so everyone can see how the final models look like.

We also wanted to say how awesome was to see the "entire" Bite the Bullet collection at one place, it was the first time we saw all characters together and even if it sounds bad if we're the ones saying it ... they looked awesome (we're now trying to find a place to put them all at home '^_^).

We also brought our entire collection of Painted Minis, all those who appear in our Painting Guides section and some great new additions that we'll be releasing really soon (spoilers!).

We want to thank one more time all the amazing painters who have collaborated with us during this time because having all these awesome minis in our stand certainly catched some extra attention, there was always someone taking pictures or pointing at them haha.

Because our content is focused on digital files and because we already have a bunch of awesome Merchant Alpacas that sell our physical models already printed, we decided not to interfiere, our collection was only for display purposes, not for sale.

But because it was our first event and we wanted to have something to offer to those who liked the minis displayed we decided to select 3 models (Ganbon-san, Bob Salot and Diox) and bring a few printed copies of each one to sell them during the event.

The last day we hosted a giveaway for all visitors who supported us via Patreon/Tribes, MyMiniFactory or physically purchasing any of our 3 available minis or buying any of our minis at the Vidowaz stand. It was great to deliver some prizes in person for a change.

The giveaway was possible thanks to our sponsors: Elegoo for providing a Mars 3 as a 1st prize and The Army Painter for providing some paint sets and wet palettes as 2nd and 3rd prizes, we also added some extra goodies and minis for all the winners.

We must say that thanks to having the Mars 3 displayed in the stand we got a bunch of questions about 3D printing and it looked like a lot of the ones who asked left the convention feelingreally interested in giving it a chance.

Lastly we wanted to thank everyone who was involved in the organization of the event for making it possible and to thank everyone who assisted for supporting the hobby and future editions.

We hope you liked this little review of our experience in the event.
To those of you who visited our stand ... it was a pleasure to meet you and for those of you who weren't able to go, we hope to meet you some day!

Elisa and Daniel (Bite the Bullet).



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