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First of all, we want to tell you how much we appreciate all the support you guys have showed us during this 2 years of Bite the Bullet.

As most of you already know, in Bite the Bullet is a project created by us (Elisa and Daniel) that started from zero in July 2020.

By the time we did our 1-year Anniversary we had done 3 full seasons, moved to Modular releases, started doing Crossovers with fellow creators, releasing Throwback minis from previous months, step-by-step Painting Guides, doing seasonal Painting Contests with big prizes and releasing Busts ... among a lot of other stuff.

Now we're approaching our 2-years Anniversary and we're really happy about what we have accomplished, one year ago we had around 900 patrons which allowed BTB to keep going, and it was during our anniversary that we managed to go over 1200 which we have mainted since then, a huge and loyal crew that supports and accompanies us during this awesome journey.

Since then we have kept growing, creating more minis and enjoying our adventure.

We have done more than 16 new Painting Guides, 3 Painting Contests and we introduced new Concepts Arts to 6 of our releases.

We also started a new release format called Bullet Town, which the huge majority of you ended up loving, first we did Bullet Town Crew, then we did a Christmas edition and more recently we did a Japanese version, and be sure that there will be more in the future.

During this last year we have done Dragonborns, Amazons, Night Elves, Vampires, Foxfolk, Halflings, Worgens and Chunky Humans, and the good thing is we still have plenty of new ideas for the future.

We also opened a Tribes page, and between our Tribes and Patreons we have been hovering around 1500 supporters and we couldn't be happier with our growth and even above that ... with our community!

We can imagine that the ones who have been here since the early months have seen a notable improvement in both the quality of releases and miniatures.

If you joined back there and are still here we can assume that you're enjoying your time aboard with us (we're love to have you around) and for those who just joined in the last months, thank you as well for making us increase the size of our crew and for helping us continue with our dream project ... Bite the Bullet.

Both of us (Elisa and Daniel) want to express again how HUGE it's for us that we have reached this milestone.

We feel very optimistic about this project and are very proud of our community.

And now ... time for some Anniversary Gifts ...


We have the results of our June Theme Poll / Summer Season Poll, and this is what awaits us for next season:

- June: Fantasy Battle Sisters Pt.2
- July: Monsters (Dungeon Style)
- August: Bullet Souls (Dark Souls and Elden Ring Inspired)

We hope you enjoyed our Worgens last month and now it's time for more Battle Sisters!


As you know, in Bite the Bullet there's a special Loyalty Figure every 3 months, this means that those of you who support us during an entire season get one extra mini for Free.

Spring Season : March -> April -> May = FREE LOYALTY FIGURE !

First Loyalty: "Twilight, the Ancient Dragon"
2020 Autumn: "Victoria, the Beast Hunter"
2021 Winter: "Ed, Edd and Eli, the Crazy Mojos"
2021 Spring: "Circe, the Black Scavenger"
2021 Summer: "Ryuma, the Cursed Dragoniborn"
2021 Autumn: "Nightfall, the Corrupted Wyvern"
2022 Winter: "Kennet, the Flying Jouster"
2022 Spring: ?


Our anniversary gift also extends to our first Anniversary Painting Contest, the rules will be pretty much the same as our usual contests, but there are some differences, and this time ...
Everyone who join during June will be able to participate in the contest.


There are a few differences from previous contests:

  • To participate you only need to be a Patron ($9 or higher) during June!
  • There's going to be 2 categories: Characters and Busts!
  • All our characters and busts are elegible, ALL of them!
  • Elegoo has be kind enough to partner with us to sponsor both 1st Prizes

The Anniversary Painting Contest deadline is going to be July 31st.

Entries can be sent from July 1st but you can start working on your entries right now!

We'll do a full post explaining everything this Friday.


To continue with the gifts and because as we said above we know that a lot of you didn't joined in our first months (during 2020) because we were pretty much unknown ...

We want to announce the increase our Starter Pack with the addition of what we're going to call, the Legacy Pack 2.0.

Adding to our first Legacy Pack (That includes our 2 first months, July and August), our Full First Season, the "Cult of the Ancients" from back in 2020 and also our First Loyalty Reward.

Taking all this into account we are talking about our Starter Pack including:

  • 1 Season Reward (Big Dragon)
  • 3 Exotics (+NSFW Versions)
  • 5 Bosses/Heroes
  • 24 Unique Characters
  • 32 Character Versions
  • 25 Modular Hands/Weapons
  • 25 Themed Bases
  • 58 Decorative Elements

More than 40 Characters and 80 Terrains!


You heard it right, because it seems reasonable to think that everyone who likes our current Battle Sisters Pt.2 release also likes our past Battle Sisters Pt.1 release, and because it's our Anniversary ... this time ... we have decided to add all our previous Battle Sisters models to the current month so you can get all of them just by supporting us in June.


Because including a regular throwback mini wouldn't be cool enough for our Anniversary, we have decided to include a full release as throwback.

And not only that, this time, you're not getting the winner of the poll, all of you will receive exactly the release you voted, meaning ... you're going to get the release you want from 2021 completely free at the end of the month.


Now that you have the Starter Pack, the Legacy Pack 2.0 (our 5 first month), April 2021 (Battle Sisters Pt.1), the current month, June (Battle Sisters Pt.2) and also your selected Throwback Release ... if you are still craving for more old BTB content ...

You'll always have your 40% Patron Discount for all our models at MyMiniFactory.

BUT ... from June 1st to June 30th it's going to be your best chance to get any of our past releases.

Because we're having a Big 2-Year Anniversary Sale at MyMiniFactory where all our store is going to be at 50%!

Take a look at our MMF Store, add all those minis you where thinking of buying to the cart and when the time comes ... go for it!


We hope you liked all these surprises and without further ado ... let's go for our third year!

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet.



Martin Dickson

Great googly moogly, who can't resist an offer like this?! Thank you so much, and happy anniversary BTB!


¡El mes perfecto para volver al patreon! Enhorabuena por los dos años, me encanta vuestro estilo, las minis tienen mucho carisma jajaja. Ya tengo ganas de ver como serán las miniaturas de Agosto, a ver si nos cae una ''guardiana de fuego del DS3'' (guiño, guiño) :) Un saludo fieras!


Bienvenido de vuelta! La verdad es que no podrías haber elegido mejor mes haha Quién sabe, quién sabe 😋 Hay muchas opciones disponibles para el primer Bullet Souls, pero ... esa es una de ellas 😏 Ah, y muchas gracias, disfruta del aniversario! 🎉