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Summer Season Theme

  • Kobolds (Pathfinder Reptiles) 84
  • Insectoids (Thri-Kreen among others) 33
  • Tabaxi 72
  • Owlfolk 87
  • Ratfolk 49
  • Centaurs / Dryads 91
  • Ogres 42
  • Warforged 136
  • Monsters (Dungeon Style) * 201
  • Bullet Souls (Dark Souls and Elden Ring Inspired) ** 192
  • 2022-04-20
  • —2022-05-05
  • 987 votes
{'title': 'Summer Season Theme', 'choices': [{'text': 'Kobolds (Pathfinder Reptiles)', 'votes': 84}, {'text': 'Insectoids (Thri-Kreen among others)', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Tabaxi', 'votes': 72}, {'text': 'Owlfolk', 'votes': 87}, {'text': 'Ratfolk', 'votes': 49}, {'text': 'Centaurs / Dryads', 'votes': 91}, {'text': 'Ogres', 'votes': 42}, {'text': 'Warforged', 'votes': 136}, {'text': 'Monsters (Dungeon Style) *', 'votes': 201}, {'text': 'Bullet Souls (Dark Souls and Elden Ring Inspired) **', 'votes': 192}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 5, 7, 0, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 20, 16, 12, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 987}


Hello everyone!

As we finish our last Exotic Halfling and start with our first Worgen ...

It's time to decide (2) themes of our next Summer Season (June, July and August).


The 2 most voted options will be guaranteed to be done this season (July and August) and the remaining month (June), we're gonna try something new (or ... old).

With our 2-year Anniversary approaching, we were thinking it was about time to revisit one of our already sculpted themes, so ... we're  gonna do a Part 2 of one of our previous releases.

We know a lot of you have been asking for some of those themes to have new characters and until now, with us having so many different and new themes yet to sculpt we never included an old theme, but ... now it's time.

You're now able to vote which one of the 5 old themes we're going to propose you want for this first Pt.2 Release.

June Theme (First "Pt.2" Release) Poll -> Vote! 

As always, depending entirely on your feedback and the results of the poll we'll consider to revisit more themes in the future.


The winners will be decided by adding the votes of both polls (Patreon and Tribes).

As always, you can vote multiple options but remember that we'll only do the 2 themes with the most votes.

A reminder, to say that Exotics and Busts will continue independently of the result and their races may or may not be the same as the current main release.


* Dungeon Style: This would be a different release format, instead of the usual "5 Characters" it would be a bigger set of lesser enemies, with multiple combinations and poses, less detailed than the ones we usually release but being more of them.
Then a couple bigger size monsters and lastly a dungeon boss.
And of course we'll also release our usual Exotic and Bust.

** Bullet Souls: This would be less defined release coming directly from the depths of Elisa's mind after being both tarnished and inspired from the Souls Series and more recently from her Elden Ring journey.


And one more thing, our next Spring Painting Contest is going to be a special Anniversary Painting Contest, soon we'll let you know which are the main differences.

Let's decide together the course of Bite the Bullet!



My ogre bois and owldudes are sooooo low D:


Well, Owldudes not that bad, even if they are "only" Top5, they have a lot of votes. Ogres ... yeah, those need help '^_^

B. Griffith

Why anyone would ever want a sculptor like Elisa, who makes the most wonderful and full-of-personality character models, to make a whole release of D&D monsters is beyond me. And yet, here we are. I truly hate online polls. At least I know that whatever ends up being done will be sculpted beautifully!


Probably they hope we're unable to "diminish the quality" and make more less detailed models and end up with a high quality release with more models than usual '^_^ And they might be right :P As you said, we're more known of doing detailed characters but we can't release as many as other creators because even if we work all month, Elisa can only sculpt that much. This type of release should be a good middle ground where we do some reposes and combinations in order to do a bigger release. We'll see how it goes with this first attempt and then we can think about including more "Dungeon Style" releases in the future. Also, thank you for believing even in a theme that you don't initially like.