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This month we bring all of you an extra guide!

Until now we had released at least one guide every month with the exception of one month, our Goblins!

Almost one year ago, the painter who was supposed to do this guide didn't do it and we have been wanting to do it ever since and it's about time we redeem ourselves

Go show some love (again) to our amazing painter :


We hope you like this guide for ... yeah ... 1 year ago, our February 2021 (Goblins) release.

You can now find all our Painting Guides in your MMF Library as a new object.

Check out our past guides:

If you're a Patron and want to download any of our Painting Guides click the following link and you'll find all the ones we have released until now: Painting Guides (Download)

You can also find All the Guides in your MMF Library.

Elisa and Daniel, Bite the Bullet Team.




Hey, it only took a year. These are still, hands down, my favorite goblins out there. I've never seen their equal. But I need MORE!!! ;)


This is what I was waiting for ^_^ Well, it has been a full year now ... maybe is time to bring them to the polls again ;)

Toxic Image Studios

I have a question, its kind of technical and specific... there appears to be OSL on the left side of the face, almost like there is something in the left hand burning orange, but there is nothing there. The only thing I can see that would cause that kind of light colour is the flame on the wick behind but that does not seem to cause any light on the back of the head. When doing this kind of lighting technique does it matter if there is nothing there to actually cause it or is the cool shading enough to justify it?


Well, in this case I would say is not really an OSL because, as you said, the source of the light doesn't appear to come from the object. It's more lighe a rim light with the origin being in the background as if everything was in flames. If you check Jaime's IG profile you can see he using the same technique in other minis, so, I'd say in this case is more like a painter decision in order to highlight different tones in his face (something optional for sure).