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Meet "Ryuma, the Cursed Dragoniborn", our last loyalty reward! (2021 Summer Season)

For those of you who have been aboard with us during the last season, which was unsually short thanks to our Anniversary Surprises, (July -> August)! Many many thanks!

We hope you guys have enjoyed our Genasi, Dragonborn and also our Bullet Town Crew Pt.1.


(Autumn) Next Loyalty Reward :

As you know, in Bite the Bullet there's a special Loyalty Figure every 3 months, this means that those of you who support us during an entire season get the mini for Free.

Autumn Season : September -> October-> November = FREE LOYALTY FIGURE !

Right now, everyone who support us ($9+) on Patreon will be qualified to get the next Loyalty Figure for Free if you decide to stay aboard during the whole season.

First Loytaly: "Twilight, the Ancient Dragon"
2020 Autumn: "Victoria, the Beast Hunter"
2021 Winter: "Ed, Edd and Eli, the Crazy Mojos"
2021 Spring: "Circe, the Black Scavenger"
2021 Summer: "Ryuma, the Cursed Dragoniborn"
2021 Autumn: ?

And you'll be able to participate in the next Autumn Painting Contest (Starting December 15th). Rules will be pretty much the same as our current Summer Painting Contest.


(Summer) Current Painting Contest :

This character is not elegible for our current Summer Painting Contest but it will be for the next one!

Remember that our previous Loyalty Reward, Circe is valid and that you have from September 15th until September 30th to submit your entries!


Files and MMF :

For those of you who got this mini for Free, you can find him in your MMF Shared Library

If you didn't receive the email and you were here the last 2 months (July and August), please, check you email "spam/promotion" folder or send us a direct message here.

You can also find Ryuma in MyMiniFactory.

If you weren't here last season and you decide to buy him remember to use your exclusive patron discount.


Ryuma, the Cursed Dragoniborn :

Malzatar's goal was always to become the strongest in his village and to make his father and uncle (the leader of the tribe) proud of him.

During his childhood he spent most his time training and hanging out (but mostly training) with his cousin, Balzatar, they were inseparable.

A few years later, when Balzatar found the faith and made the decision to leave the village, Malzatar tried to reason with him and convince him to stay but there was no way.

With the departure of his cousin, Malzatar became the strongest warrior in the village and the leader of the expeditionary force.

One day, on one of the expeditions, Malzatar and his team found a temple deep in the jungle, a strange construction with long stairs and covered by vegetation after years of neglect.

As they walked into that temple the atmosphere was more and more charged, some of his men began to feel ill and weakened, they expressed their desire to turn around, but Malzatar didn't notice anything strange, he turned his gaze to his son, who was one of his best soldiers but after shaking his head, he mocked them and forced them to continue.

It was then that after entering a huge room he saw it, a long sword that was resting on an altar at the back of the room, his men were the first to shout that the room was full of treasures and brilliant relics, Malzatar hadn't even noticed it, he couldn't take his eyes off that sword.

His second-in-command approached him and caught his attention by tapping him on the shoulder, Malzatar came to himself and realized that all his men were jumping joyfully and had rushed over the mountains of gold that covered the room.

But then his second-in-command informed Malzatar that he felt that something was wrong, he told him that he too was beginning to notice something strange, that they should take what they could and leave as soon as possible, but the conversation was interrupted when one of the soldiers carrying a huge chest collapsed on the ground causing a great crash.

Everyone was startled and began to look uneasily at their companions, Malzatar stared at his son and clearly saw the concern reflected on his face, but then he fixed his gaze on that strange sword again and advanced with great strides towards it.

Just when he had it within reach of his hand, he noticed it ... something was pressing his chest, his head was spinning ... but without thinking twice, he reached out and grabbed the katana.

His vision clouded, everything went silent and a female voice whispered to him ... "Enma ...".

Suddenly an explosion of energy swept the room throwing everyone into the air, Malzatar began to convulse as a strange transformation took over his body, new horns emerged from his skull and between screams of pain a third eye opened on his forehead, then he became completely still and spoke the following words:

"My name is Ryuma and you have desecrated my temple"

Malzatar, or should we call him Ryuma, pounced on his still confused companions like lightning, completely possessed by a supernatural force, in the blink of an eye, three of his men were laying dead on the ground, some tried to defend themselves but Ryuma was too powerful .

One cut from that damn sword seemed to be enough to end the life of any of them, there was something supernatural about it and what was even stranger, every time he cut one of them, thir chests rised for a second, as if something invisble was pulling them, before falling inert to the ground while a strange light connected the wound with the katana blade, it was as if the sword was absorbing the vital force or the spirit of those it cutted.

Aware that they had no chance, the soldiers who were still alive tried to flee in disarray but Ryuma cut them off and sliced them off one by one, then he charged directly against his son, but the moment he was about to unsheathe the katana, he stopped , you could clearly see how he was using all his remaining strength to prevent the katana from leaving its sheath, and he roared: "Run!"

Then, as his son stumbled towards the exit, Ryuma charged towards the only one who was still alive, his second-in-command, who instead of trying to flee was prepared in a defensive position.

The katana went down as if carrying the weight of the entire building, his knees bent over and fell to his knees to the ground but somehow managed to block the attack.

Malzatar managed to speak again and shouted: "Get out of here, take my son and never come back!"

He grabbed Malzatar's son by the arm and they both ran out of the temple but a just few meters away from the stairs, he collapsed on the ground, and after turning around he realized that despite having blocked that attack, he had a huge cut that crossed his chest from shoulder to hip, and that it hurt more than any injury he had experienced before.

After a long journey, when they arrived at the village and after being treated by their helaers, they explained what happened as best they could, everyone was crying for the dead and very scared, immediately there was a division within the tribe as to what should be the next step.

A group led by Malzatar's son wanted to gather all the available soldiers and storm that temple to rescue his father, but another much larger group led by the recently promoted leader of the expeditionary force wanted to wait and study the situation more closely, they had already lost enough men on that expedition and clearly Ryuma wasn't someone or something to be underestimated.

It was finally agreed that it was not wise to return immediately, but Malzatar's son gathered a few soldiers and that night they set out in the direction of the temple.

This time, the feeling of pressure was much greater and some decided to turn around even before stepping into the stairs, the rest entered the temple trembling and as soon as they saw Ryuma standing at the back of the room, several fell backwards to the ground, the son was the first to step into that room again, then Ryuma uttered a tremendous roar and most of the soldiers dropped their weapons and lost consciousness.

Once again, the same scene was repeated, Ryuma charged against them and without being able to do anything they collapsed lifelessly until the only one remaining was his son, who was standing petrified a few steps from the entrance.

Ryuma then stopped a few inches from his face and for the last time, with Malzatar's voice he said to him: "I'm sorry, I warned you, this is the only way, don't you ever come back"

And with tremendous force he grabbed him by his wrist, leaving a deep wound and forcing him to drop his sword and flee in tears.

After escaping and meeting with those who decided not enter the temple and returning again to the village, due to the terrible pain that was coming from the mark on his wrist, they reached the conclusion that the only options was to amputate his right hand, preventing him from wielding a weapon with his main hand again.

Since then only a few adventurers have dared to enter the temple looking for it treasures, but no one has returned alive and to this today, the aura emanating from that temple is so powerful that the vast majority cannot even approach or finish climbing the exterior stairs.

Is Malzatar lost forever? Will Balzatar return one day to the village?

We don't know, but that temple full of riches is now one of the most dangerous places one can go.


Thank you !

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet Team.



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