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We present to you "Liz", our August release Exotic.

Before starting a new adventure or facing a dangerous foe, all hero worth his salt conducts a thorough investigation of their target.

Even if you're very powerful and fully confident in your abilities, it's never a good idea to take any risk and end up being killed.

And if what you are looking for is information and someone way smarter than you to help you find it and give you a couple of good tips ... Liz is the one to turn to and you'll find her in the library.

Liz always knows what you need ... and what you like.


As always, our Exotic figure includes an extra NSFW version.



You can find the files attached to our August Download Post -> Exotic.zip 

And you'll also be granted access to all the files, including a single Zip download, in your MMF Shared Library in approx. 24/48h after joining.



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