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Hello everyone!

We have the results of our Summer Season Poll.

- June: Genasi (Element Benders)
- July: Dragonborn (Dragon Kin)
- August: ¿? (BTB Choice)

As we mentioned in the poll post the remaining month theme (August) will be our own personal choice and we'll reveal it next month.

This time it was a close fight and some of the options ended up very close so first thing we want to clarify is that we have read all your comments and feedback, that there will be time for us to do all the remaining options in the future and we hope all of you to be aboard with us to see them.

We're going to start this season with Genasi (June), then we'll do the Dragonborn (July) for our 1 year anniversary in Patreon and we'll finish the season with our personal choice (August) which can be one of the other options that appeared in the poll or ... not, the final theme will be revealed next month.

We know a lot of you didn't vote for either of them and that you think there are already way too many of this characters out there (you also made this clear for the elves) but we want to assure you that we'll try our best to do them Bite the Bullet style and we firmely believe and hope (as it happened in the previous seasons) that after seeing the models released you change your mind and end up loving them.

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet Team.




well this has locked me in for the summer! woooooooooo! (Also, can we please get caster on the Dragonborn? Every set seems to ignore them but some ofus got Sorcerer/Wizard/Warlock Dragonborn!)


Glad to hear it A L !! We're also really excited to do the best possible Genasi and Dragonborn, we'll try to make happy even those who didn't vote for them. And ... sure, we always include at least 2 casters in each release so I don't see why wouldn't be at least a caster Dragonborn ;)

Andrew Pryor

When will the files be ready for DL from this month?


Hi Andrew! Do you mean the June (Genasi) files? We'll upload them progressively as always, we'll try to release 2-3 during this first week.