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We reached 700 PATRONS !!

First of all, we want to tell you how much we appreciate all the support you guys have showed us during this 9 first months of Bite the Bullet.

Both of us (Elisa and Daniel) want to express again how HUGE it's for us that we have reached this milestone.

We feel very optimistic about this project and are very proud of our community.

700 GOAL :

As we established on the 700 Patron Goal :

Starting next month (Tieflings), we're going to add a Bust each release so we hope you guys are as hyped as we're when thinking about how is this going to look.

And starting now, we're going to add a Throwback Mini each release.
This Throwback mini is going to be decided by patron poll and is going to include one of our past characters (and one scenery piece).
The winner of the poll will be delivered as Throwback Mini the next month.

Since we didn't do a poll last month, this month we're going to give all of you (we're sorry for those who were already here back in October) ...
"Magdalena, the Inquisitor" and "Church Ambo and Candlesticks"

Note: When a model from our Exotic Series is selected as Throwback (like this one) we'll only include the normal versions, without including the NSFW variants.

We hope those who didn't have this model to be happy with your extra mini this month, and for those of you who already had her ... double thank you and we hope you like our current release anyway.

Let us know what you think about this new feature ;)

You can find the files attached in our April Release Post.

THANK YOU AGAIN, let's go full swing to the next goal!

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet.



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