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Update (26/02): Poll has already ended and we have our 3 new winners!

Congratulations to our 3 Community Awards:

- Dylan Quinn (Victoria)
- Alberto Moreno (Bugbear Shaman)
- Michael Palchetti (Barath)

And thank you to everyone for participating and helping us by being part of this awesome community!


Hello everyone!

First of all, thank you so much for participating!

We had more than 40 contestants that submited over 60 different painted minis.

Truth is, we didn't expect that such high participation (a lot of you with more than one entry) and certainly we didn't expect such a high level, so many AWESOME paint jobs !

For us there isn't a single doubt about how much you guys pushed yourselves in order to present the best possible entries for this very first BTB contest.

And we have absolutely no clue about how the judges managed to select the winners because to us there were a lot of perfect candidates for the prizes.

That's why we also want to thank our 2 contest judges, Sergio (@sergio.minotaurostudio) and Jaime (@jaimedegarnicaminiatures) for helping us with this contest.

In fact, it was so hard for us to pick the winners and we are so happy about all of you guys performance that we have a few extra surprises ...


The first surprise is that because of the entries having such high level and with this being our very first contest, we just went a little bit crazy and ...
there isn't going to be a winner, we're sorry!

There is gonna be ... 2 winners that are gonna get a Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K !!

Yes, you heard that right, we have 2 minis tied in the first position and then the 2nd and 3rd winner.

And one more thing, because we know there were so many of you that tried your best for this contest and so many good entries that were gonna be left out of the prizes, we decided that before we do the patron poll to choose the 3 community awards, we are gonna select our 3 own picks.

Thanks to this new Honorable Mentions, here are 3 contestants that are going to receive a Free BTB Subscription for March.

All winners are also awarded with 1 mini from an old release (selected by them).


  • 1º : Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K + 1L Phrozen Aqua Resin Gray 4K

1st Place :

- Andrea Macias (Victoria) < Painting Guide Available

- Victor Dos Grajos (Rebeca & Shen)

- Javier Garcia Mir (Barath) < Painting Guide Available

Note: Andrea and Javier were the 2 winners initially but they're a couple and they have declined the second printer and ... (say thank you!) because of that ... everybody moves one position up!

Victor is gonna be the new extra winner (and is who is gonna receive the second printer) and everybody else has moved one position upward!

Tobias is now on the 2nd place and Giuseppe has entered the Top prizes and is now the 3rd!

Oh, and Andrea and Javier ... are about to receive their very first 3D Printer.
Everybody, wish them luck in their new 3D Printing journey!
(Here we all know how well first prints usually goes haha).

  • 2º : Scale 75: Fantasy & Games Collection + The Army Painter Wet Palette + 1L Resin

2nd Place : Søren Tobias Hastrup (Bugbear Shaman)

  • : Nolzur's Marvelous: Monster Paint Set + The Army Painter Wet Palette + 1L Resin

3rd Place : Giuseppe Gensabella (Kalista)

Every winner will receive his prize completely free.
All shipping cost and importation taxes will have been already paid in advance by us.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Free BTB Subscription + 1 Mini from an old release

- James Lynch (Kalista)

- Damiano Giuliani (Minotaur Druid)

- Bo Kimbro (Barath)

Go show some love on their profiles because they did an awesome job!

We hope all of you are happy with these decisions and we have now published the patron poll to decide the last 3 Community Awards, click here to choose your favourites:

Painting Contest Community Awards (Poll) <- (Poll has already ended)

Community Awards:

Poll has already ended and we have our 3 winners!

  • Free BTB Subscription + 1 Mini from an old release

- Dylan Quinn (Victoria)

- Alberto Moreno (Bugbear Shaman)

- Michael Palchetti (Barath)

to the winners!

And truth is, every model on the poll was great and everybody got several votes.

So ... congratulations to everyone featured here and to the rest of participants for helping us promote our content and for being part of this awesome community!

Everyone's a winner:

Every participant have received a 15% discount for all products in the Phrozen Store.

Just in case some of you're still craving for that awesome Sonic Mini 4K or maybe for our awesome Mighty 4K that's able to print an entire Patreon release in just 1 build plate.

Instagram: @phrozen3d
Website: phrozen3d.com

(Phrozen) Sonic Mini 4K - The True 4K 3D Printer

Future Contests and Changes:

Depending on all your feedback, we plan on doing one Painting Contest each Season and add them to our Seasonal Reward System where the patrons that supported us for the entire season will be qualified to enter both the contests and the giveaways on top of receiving the Season Reward Mini for Free.

Remember that the current season is Winter (December > January > February) = Winter's Reward.

We also know that for some of you it was hard to compete with some of the highest level entries so, as promised, we want to clarify two big changes we're gonna apply in the future contests.

  • From now on, in order to participate in our Painting Contest the entry requirements are gonna be harder to meet.

    Instead of just being a patron during the month of the contest, only the patrons that have supported us during the entire season are gonna be able to participate in the contest, rewarding your loyalty.

  • Winners have a 1 year cooldown for that position, so the 1st in this contest won't be able to be a winner again until 2022 but the 2nd can still win the next one.

We hope these new changes will help lead the contests in a direction that benefits us all.

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet Team.



Adam Ampulski

I just....what? How are these SO good?!?


Right?! Haha (Yes, they are :P) Oh, btw, did you manage to download all the Pre-Supported Goblins Adam?


Hi guys ! Wowwwww really really appreciate this feedback☺️☺️☺️☺️, im so happy with the result of course but even more reading all of you because this piece is special for me for several reasons, I've been thinking about the idea of making a miniature in a frame for a long time and this contest was a perfect excuse for try it and I enjoyed so much the process as well and the most important reason I have learned a lot doing it . Thank you BTB for this contest ! Of course congratulations to all of you because your works are absolutely AMAZING! Congratulations to all the winners ❤️❤️❤️! Hugs !


Well everyone ... you heard Andrea, congratulations everyone !! I'm sure that after reading Andrea calling all your works "AMAZING" it means a LOT more to you that when we're the ones saying it haha About the mini, it's absolutely amazing and even without the frame or even a base it's a clear winner, but aside of that, the frame and the whole diorama are crazy good and when you put all of them together ... truly out of this world. If you learned a lot while doing this, I have no idea what you're gonna be able to do in your next diorama. HUGE Congratulations !!