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Autumn Season - The Cult of the Ancients
November - The Ancients

This month's pack contains:

  • HEROE: Kendar, the Ancient Leader (+ Base)
  • SUPERIOR: Selena, the Puppet Master and her Dragon Whelps (+ Base) (+Whelps)
  • CREATURE: Beholder, the Ancient Creature (+ Base)
  • CHARACTERS: 3 Modular Ancients (+ Hooded Versions)
  • EXOTIC FIGURE: Dorotea, the Pirate Witch (+ Exxotic Version) (+ Base)

7x Modular Hands, including:

  • Fist
  • Open (2 Versions)
  • Spell
  • Claw
  • Torch
  • Crystal

15 x Decorative Elements, including:

  • 1x Huge Void Portal
  • 1x Summon Portal
  • 1x Well Portal
  • 1x Artifact
  • 1x Artifact Place
  • 1x Mechanism
  • 1x Small Altar
  • 1x Weapon (Ancient Staff)
  • 2x Braziers (Small and Large)
  • 5x Portal Effects


(LORE) Battle for the Artifact:

Long ago, The Ancient was defeated and driven out of our world, condemned to wander The Void from which it initally came and the portal that connected both worlds was forever sealed.

To prevent him from escaping when fully recovered, part of his power was sealed in an Ancient Artifact and this was divided into 2 parts, one of them was stolen by acolytes of the ancients and hidden on a remote island where the cult met, the other is since then on an altar next to the very Void Entrance, protected by one of those who contributed to the defeat of The Ancient, the dragon Twilight.

When Kerioth found the first part of the artifact he was tasked with completing the artifact to restore its full power to The Ancient, and he tasked Luna with finding the location of said artifact.

After crossing the first portal, Luna entered a huge cavern, from the first moment she noticed that something was wrong, there was a feeling of pressure running through her whole body. She wasn't alone.

She had barely taken 10 steps when a huge dragon opened his eyes and looked directly at Luna, her presence was not well received.

The battle began! Twilight charged directly against Luna who, fully aware that the enemy she was facing was tremendously powerful, decided to go with everything from the beginning, but after having used some of her best skills, she soon realized that Twilight was way too much for her to handle.

Luna casted a spell trying to contact her master but it was useless, something powerful was canceling any contact with the outside world. She knew that a direct hit would be her end and none of her abilities were causing apparent damage to that huge creature, she had to think of something else.

After analyzing the entire room, Luna located what she was looking for, a huge portal with ancient symbols and right next to it, on an altar, the second half of the artifact. She also discovered what was preventing her from contacting Kerioth, that altar containing the artifact was using two pillars to channel its power and prevent any communication with the outside.

Luna was running out of options, she was alone and knew that that was not a battle that she could win, it was then when she made the decision to play it all on one card. After dodging a couple of Twilight attacks she began to channel her most powerful spell, that attack would drain all her strength, she only had one chance.

She then waited for Twilight to be right in front of her and fired ... a huge beam of energy was directed right towards Twilight, who with a quick barrel roll maneuver dodged the attack completely, Luna fell to the ground exhausted, Twilight was heading towards her and it was all lost.

Suddenly a portal appeared right in front of her, the attack had not failed, it was never directed at Twilight but at the altar that was preventing her from contacting her companions. It was a direct impact, powerful enough to destroy one of the pillars and cancel the spell, just before falling, Luna had sent a distress signal to her master, Kerioth was on his way.

Kerioth crossed the portal just in time to Twilight's attack, right after him came the acolytes arrived followed by Magdalena, who escorted Luna away from the battle, they were all doing their best to keep the dragon away and just when the portal was about to close, Dolores appeared followed of a group of warriors.

They had all responded to their companion's call and were working together with the same goal, defeating Twilight.

The fight had leveled up, everyone was working to the maximum but Twilight was completely unleashed, they had only managed to enrage him even more. He was completely out of control and that cavern had turned into an absolute hell, spells, explosions and rocks were flying everywhere. Wasn't the entire Cult of the Ancients enough to defeat him?

After recovering slightly and in the midst of all that commotion Luna called her master and told him everything she had discovered about that altar. They were suffering many casualties and they had to do something, the objective was no longer to defeat the dragon, the decided to focus on the mission that they had been tasked with, recovering the artifact.

While one party tried to reduce the dragon, the rest of them focused on completely destroying the altar and retrieving the second half of the artifact.

Together they managed to destroy the second pillar but it was not enough, even so, some kind of force field was preventing them from recovering the artifact. Kerioth then detected something, a great energy was coming from that huge portal at the bottom of the cavern and ordered Dolores and her team to use the mechanism that opened the door that was blocking it.

After opening the door, a small crack appeared in the portal and taking advantage of that distraction Twilight threw a claw at Dolores and sent her flying against one of the walls, then he opened his mouth and devoured the leader of the warriors. Without hesitating for a moment everyone threw themselves at the dragon, there was no time to lose.

They were all there, and it was simply not enough, many of their companions lay dead on the ground and now Dolores had also fallen, everyone continued to fight, refusing to accept that one of their leaders had gone and that nothing was working, hope was fading.

But then Twilight opened his mouth and Dolores holding his huge jaw with her tentacles begged her companions not to surrender, Kerioth aimed his best spell directly at the dragon's head and Dolores was thrown near the portal.

The crack in the portal had gotten bigger and then some figures crossed to this side, those beings that gave off a powerful aura helped Dolores to get up and charged against Twilight, they were The Ancients.

The first one to cross the portal was clearly their leader and after nodding looking at Kerioth, he went directly to the altar, whispered a few words and extended his hand to grab it, they already had it, Kerioth approached and handed him the other half.

After joining the two halves, a wave of power ran through the room, similar to that of the day it all began ... feeling fully recovered, everyone increased their attacks against an already weakened Twilight and with the help of The Ancients they managed to bring down that huge creature.

Then their leader threw the artifact into the portal, and while the crack was getting bigger and bigger, he channeled a spell towards Twilight finally managing to subjugate him and keeping him prostrated on the ground.

When the portal was fully opened, it changed color and for a moment it was as if the whole world was shaking, for better or for worse our world and The Void became connected.

It was then when a huge tentacle appeared from inside the portal, something incredibly powerful was approaching ...


Bite the Bullet Patreon - November 2020 - The Ancients

https://www.patreon.com/BiteTheBullet Autumn Season - The Cult of the Ancients November 2020 - The Ancients #3DPrinting #Patreon This month's pack contains: - HEROE: Kendar, the Ancient Leader (+ Base) - SUPERIOR: Selena, the Puppet Master and her Dragon Whelps (+ Base) (+Whelps) - CREATURE: Beholder, the Ancient Creature (+ Base) - CHARACTERS: 3 Modular Ancients (+ Hooded Versions) - EXOTIC FIGURE: Dorotea, the Pirate Witch (+ Exxotic Version) (+ Base) 7x Modular Hands, including: - Fist - Open (2 Versions) - Spell - Claw - Torch - Crystal 15 x Decorative Elements, including: 1x Huge Void Portal 1x Summon Portal 1x Well Portal 1x Artifact 1x Artifact Place 1x Mechanism 1x Small Altar 1x Weapon (Ancient Staff) 2x Braziers (Small and Large) 5x Portal Effects ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Support us on Patreon at Bite the Bullet to receive amazing 3D Printable Miniatures for your games every month! https://www.patreon.com/BiteTheBullet Find all our past models at MyMiniFactory: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/BiteTheBullet ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bitethebulletstudio Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitethebulllet Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BiteTheBulletStudio



Congratulations to the 200 Patreons Milestone. 100 Patreons in a little bit more than one month, not bad :)


Thanks a lot Matthias! Definitely not bad, exceeding expectations but reaching for the stars! Or .. well, maybe let's aim to 300 first :P