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Lorenzo was always a believing and inquiring man, his desire for knowledge led him to embark on a pirate crew with the objective of traveling the world in search of mysteries and answers, it was for all this that in a short time he earned the nickname of the Ever-Curious Lorenzo .

Thanks to the strength of his faith and his extensive knowledge, he constantly assisted his brothers and kept them firm in their beliefs and focused on their goals, which is why he was highly appreciated in the crew.

But that day, it was precisely Lorenzo's incessant curiosity that led him to investigate the island beyond the treasures and riches that attracted the gaze of all his companions, thus finding the artifact.

As soon as his hand came into contact with the ancient artifact, a wave of power shook the entire island and sent Lorenzo into a trance.

Lorenzo never shared the full story about what happened during his trance but he did explain that what from the outside seemed only like a couple of minutes to him was more than two days, a time during which he had a conversation with that creature that invaded the minds of the entire crew.

In that conversation he got answers to all his questions, although contrary to what he thought, none of those answers that he longed for were the ones he expected.

After that, his faith changed completely, he began to spread the word about the only true God, the Ancient, those new discovers made him completely abandon his old beliefs, his past and even his name, from that day he called himself "Kerioth, the Sanctified".

For a time Kerioth used all of his newfound knowledge and power to attract new members to his faith, but as time passed his way of converting new believers to the faith of the Ancient became more and more aggressive, the overwhelming power of the that he now enjoyed finally ended surpassing him, "Kerioth, the Corrupted" will no longer take no for an answer.



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