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Hey guys! We wanted to inform you that there will be a special gift miniature for those of you who have been supporting us from the beginning and who stay with us in the Patreon for the first 3 months (that being July, August and September) !!

At the end of September we'll send each one of you for being awesome (and supporting us) a free mysterious model (I think this time you might guess what type of creature is it going to be ... given the silhouette).

Do not forget to share it! (Thank you!) the more we are the more time we can dedicate to the Patreon and this way we'll can offer more and better content. There are only 12 days left to get this free model !!




Looks like the silhouette of a dragon but I bet it’s a Big monkey island Pirate ship?


Even tho we like monkey island and the first months theme is going to be pirates, this time I'll be more inclined to the dragon idea (good eye btw :P), but ... who knows ... you may have given us an idea for the future!