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Hey everyone, 

first off thank you for your patience, my brother and his family came back to visit last weekend, so I didn't get to do much art stuff.  

I mulled over what to do next for awhile until I had this idea. If I can pull it off it should be pretty cool. I hope you enjoy it. 

That's an audio recording he's listening to btw. 

Oh and Page 2 will go up in the next day or 2. 




I seem to have impeccable timing because this is like the 10th time I've loaded up patreon right as you posted lol.


This should be interesting!

Daniel Thomas Stack

I wonder if SapphireFoxx mages would make fitness tapes ;p I was using archive.org to look for some of their old flash animations that weren't behind the pay wall. Some can still be watched. Just have to have the right, usually earliest, date. Looking forward to how things shape up ;)


He’ll get into great shape…for a woman.


This is different!