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No floor length or ass length hair. (and nothing in between either)

Time to suggest the "color" and length of our soon to be new girl's hair. 



Daichi Lu Azure

Red hair, waist length....editied, don't know how i didn't see the restriction brain must of filtered it out due to exhaustion from work...sorry about that Escafa


Blonde, shoulder length hair


Since we're a bit limited when it comes to colors, due to the greyscale nature of your art, how about *patterns*? I'm thinking vertical stripes of blonde and black. As for length, how about down to the shoulders?


...how about a messy pixie cut? It’d take our subject a little while longer to figure out what’s going on... ^_^;


Hmm I would love to see a black Hime Cut that goes down to the middle back.

Tiffania Westwood

would mid back length work and i don't really have a color that would work


I actually don't mind it shorter for once; I'd want a cute updo but making it ridiculous maybe would be too much. Not sure how short though.