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It's now time for you all to make your suggestions for what this month's One-Shot Sequel will be. 

That is a One page epilouge to one of my previous stories. 

If you are unfamiliar with my past TG stories, you can find them here: https://www.deviantart.com/escafa/gallery/33907782/TG-Sequences


1. Please only select sequnces that I made myself, so no commission stories just yet. UNLESS you are the one who commissioned it in the first place.

2.Also only sequnces that actually finished.

3.Comment your choice down below, only one suggestion per person, but you can also second other peoples choices. 

4. Official Poll will follow afterwards and the winning drawing will go up later this month. 

Have fun!


Drak Zul

How about shifting allegiances.


Emily and I have collaborated to come up with a One-Shot Sequel to her commission "The Challenge", though we're not sure if it's something you can actually pull off on a single page, since it'll be pretty poofy. Hopefully you can. What we'd like to see is a scene where Dawn has turned James into another princess, and the two are kissing just like Dawn and Ashley were at the end of The Challenge. Off to the right is Ashley, cheering them on and saying, "Yay! We've got James, er, Jasmine, now! I wonder who else we can get to join the Pokémon Princesses?" Jasmine (formerly James) should look like this: https://www.deviantart.com/emlc3690/art/POLL-Princess-Jasmine-797253906