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The winner of this month's "One Shot Sequel" poll originally suggested by Coredumperror, it actually recieved no opposition, because I'm pretty sure all of you wanted to see it. 

It took damn near forever to make, but here it is. 

Image cleaned up by Coredumperror

Original story: 





Wonderful! And I'd totally forgotten that your version of the Godmother was full size. I'm so used to the foot tall cutie from Seilberchiezzer's animation. I'll admit, though... it took me a little while to figure out what's going on with her chest area. The separated "shoulder poof" covering up most of her breast, plus the darkness of her gloves against the darkness of his suit, threw me for a loop.


I really wonder how this fairy godmother keep her job.......and I hope the poor girl that appeared in the last page of the original , have a good ending after all of this. ...just saying.