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 Guy goes shopping with his super cute girfriend and she picks out a shirt for him. Problem is, he doesn't like it to much. But to appease her he tries it on anyway. Maybe his attitude will change.  

The finale, and the callback to Page 1. I hope you enjoyed this super cute story, I've had it in my head for awhile now and I really enjoyed designing the new girl's outfit and I'm glad so many of you liked it too. :)

Next week is the Holidays and I'm on Vacation, but I'm plannig on being busy with various stuff so next Saturday might just be a one-shot drawing we shall see. But after that we'll dive into the next story "Past Lives: Return of the Queen" and while this was all about being cute, the next one is definately sexier. 

And finally, if you are a NSFW Tier pledger, the December one of those should be going up either Monday or Tuesday since it's Holiday related. 

Look forward to it. :) 




Hah, this clothing store hides many secrets!


I get it now after recapping it all!


She's so concerned it's pretty great :)