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Hey everyone, 

Unfortunatly "Suiting Up" takes longer and will get harder to do as it goes on. This is resulting in delays. I'm able to get a page done every 2 weeks, but I promised 4 new drawings a month and I really want to honor that. So Would you prefer I just keep on my current course and do the 2-3 pages a month or 2 pages a month + 2 exclusive(but simplier) images. These would probably just be single character sketches. Please let me know because I want ot give you what you pay for.

The story coming up after "Suiting Up" will be a much more traditional one and should be easier to maintain. 

Thanks everyone. :)


Lyhoko Leaci

I like the idea of "Suiting Up" going to 2 per month with 2 other simpler exclusive images.


2 pages a month +2 exclusive images. Thats pretty good.


honestly I'd be fine with 1-2 drawing a month, aslong as it was the best you feel that you could do with it.


I really enjoy your story based stuff, but it gets hard to enjoy it when it's so infrequent and often drops off the map (crossplay) :'(


I'm OK with either one, but I lean slightly toward "more, simpler content".

Pai Rho

Im good for ither way. Or could i vote on bigger content? The girls look amazing, but one or two with extra up top would be nice.


I would love you to continue "The Photoshoot" where two roommate guys get up as girls for modeling... you have not finished that story yet