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I tried to make this set and video available for Halloween but it wasn't possible, I hope we get back to production soon with good news.

Mummification is one of my favorite practices, but it is not always possible since it is laborious to do and the model must also withstand the heat, which here in South America is something strong. Greetings and sorry for the abandonment, we're back and surprises are coming this month!


Intente que este set y video esten disponibles para Halloween pero no se pudo, espero que nosotros retomemos ritmo de produccion pronto con buenas noticias.

La momificacion es de mis practicas favoritas, pero no siempre se puede ya que es laborioso de hacer y la modelo debe soportar el calor ademas, que aca en sudamerica es algo fuerte. Saludos y perdonen el abandono, ya regresamos y este mes se vienen sorpresas!







Anime Pro

I can't access the video anyone else having a problem