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- ENG -

Dear Patreon, I would like to have a more direct communication and who knows how to make small direct of the sessions that we will soon be resuming and would like to know which platform would be more practical for you. (In Telegram they do not need to share their data or numbers if they prefer to have more privacy. It is an option that I like.)

If you have any other suggestions, write me to the private without doubts.

- ESP -

Estimados Patreon, quisiera tener una comunicación mas directa y quien sabe hacer pequeños directos de las sesiones que pronto estaremos retomando y quisiera saber que plataforma les resultaría mas practica. (En Telegram no hace falta que compartan sus datos o números si prefieren tener mas privacidad. Es una opción que me gusta.)

Si tienen alguna otra sugerencia escríbanme al privado sin dudar.


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