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Barring any small fixes or edits here and there in post, here's page one and two all baked and ready! Additionally, here's the layout for Ezey's spot bc i do that every time i start on one of these. You may notice some design diffs between this and previous art of Ezey and Shep; i figured now is a good a time as any for me to try and solidify some design changes i had in mind.

I feel like im on a roll with progress now but that's easier said than actually acted upon; we shall see! It's a bit of a pipedream and/or insane to ponder but ideally i'd want to get this all done before the 31st of march (since that's when Episode 1 came out.)

Hannyway, enjoy!




Shep aaass SHEP AAAAAAASSSSSSS 💦💦💦💦🧡🧡🧡