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Sup y'all, PG here for the monthly check-in.

I honestly???? Don't have too much to say this time around- not in a bad way! Just moreover but i dont have any particular plants that i haven't already stated as such. I guess one thing i want to try to do is step on the gas for ACA but thats easier said than done- it WOULD be nice to have the second episode out before the anniversary date of the start/the first (march 31st!) hrhrhrhr.

But besides that i will also be getting right onto the commissions i opened for just as soon as i get these leftover bigwig pieces done- that'll be likely tomorrow if not way later today since im doing my monthly lil art backup and that takes a WHILE.

generally? Sit tight, i got y'all.

with this remarkably tiny blurb done (told ya i didnt have much to say!), i would once again like to extend my gratitude towards you all for supporting me, and i hope you all have a lovely month <3

-Pesky & “G★”



Take your time but i'm super excited for more aca!!!


Don’t know if you actually have stated any PLANTS huehuehuehue