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I'm ON TIME! Essentially! I got everything done last night and i can do a proper recap right here right now on the first >:)

Alright, let's see what we got before that big fat white dude starts invading our houses:

Requests! Featuring:
Procy (Live A Hero)
-Big The Cat (I think he's from like, Baki. Yeah lol.)
-Cyrus (Animal Cr/ossing)
-Naughty Bear & Ted ( Naughty Bear and...Ted. )

Sponsor Sketches, featuring:
- Bernard (OK K.O.)
- ᴼᵇᵃᵐᵃ- Abomasnow (Porkymon)
- Goofy (The Litigious Little Mouse's House)
- Surtr (The game Marth and Roy are from)
- "Goo" Mario  (M/ario Wonder)
- Peppy Hare (Starf/ox)

Bigwig Rewards, featuring:
-Mr. Herriman (Foster's Home)
-Master Roshi (Dragon Ball)


Hello crew, how's it hangin'? I honestly don't remember too much about last month outside of art stuff so i dont have TOO much to say BUT i did want to give at the very least a verbal thank you to you all for supporting me this long and enjoying what i have to offer- i know i can take a while on some stuff and am kind of doing everything at once but to a degree i like being a little loose with what i work on and how far i take it (in the realm of just, freehand stuff- not so much the paid stuff i owe dont worry pff)- That said though, i AM purposefully getting pretty experimental with the patreon rewards and whatnot. I think i've figured out that i either like to try and improve with formulas and whatever or just don't like doing the same thing too many times? One of em or a mix of both- i have somewhat of an idea of retooling how Sponsor Sketches look sometime in the future but i'll have to make some examples and run it by y'all before i commit to that.

We're at the start of December which also means the start of the end of the year- kind of insane if you ask me? It felt like time was fucking burning rubber this entire year. I guess i have a few specific plans when it comes to this patreon and what i want to do around here, you can probably guess a few of them based on context but i think there's still maybe a surprise or two to put under the tree.

Also, i won't say anything concretely but now that im done thumbnailing episode 2 of ACA and it's yknow- almost THE END OF THE YEAR, don't be surprised if you see me basically burning my fingers to nubs getting the pages done. No promises bc you know how freelancing and juggling tasks go but it is at least a hail mary goal of mine. That ofc doesnt mean that i'll just be 100% ignoring commissions though- i have a day-to-day schedule i try to follow to even out the types of work i do; y'dig? Nothing else is really coming to mind in terms of topics aside from: There's a Commission Broadcast tomorrow! Be there or be x²!

Oh and also another heartfelt thank you for you guys helping me out n sticking around, here's hopin' i can keep it comin'.

As per the rotation; the next cycle of patrons for Sponsor Sketch rewards are:





Hope you enjoy!
-Pesky & “G★”

oh yeah.

She's broken free. Watch your back.




I'm sure I'm not the only one who's super impressed with everything we've seen from you this year o7