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Newgrounds Mario strikes again.

Actually i think i'll refer to him as a more broad Parody Mario as opposed to specifically Newgrounds Mario from now on??? (He's clearly moreover the latter but Parody Mario is a bit more fun off the tongue)

Anyway, i knew i was gonna draw him in some fashion for the warm-up of saturday's stream BUT i held a little vague poll with the options either being "Fangs" or "Horns"- After much strife, bloodshed, betrayal, and agony; we ended up on Fangs.

And that meant Goomba.
Yes, Horns meant Bowser. That's for another day- wonk.

Weed Drugs Koopa Goomba in the back because omg lol Mario On Mushrooms Drugs??? circa early 2010's




love this mario


I love Goombas. Goombas deserve more porn, IMHO. Also loving Adult Parody Mario.


Takes me back to the dialogue of Mario is Pissing.