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I'm gonna keep waving this colorful cool flag from last month if that's all fine with y'all.

Opening gag aside; Howdy everyone! Sad to say this update wasn't included in a monthly Recap (that's how we know everything is on track!) but i CAN say that it's due to a good handful of things happening last month; half of which i won't go into detail about because bwaahh who wants to hear a bunch of sadsack stuff on here. But what i WILL say is that last month was definitely a month of tying up loose ends; as well as forging some new beginnings. Y'all get it, my whole rebirth/rebrand thing and whatev. Also, we're on a semi-consistent Commission Stream schedule! It's been every other saturday that i spin one on y'all; i hope you guys have been liking them! I know i've got some technical hiccups bc i run all this hubbub from a laptop (and y'know, i GUESS my music choices are pretty chaotic, but is that not at least part of the charm? ,':J), but to be quite honest i really like being able to talk with y'all and stuff while i work on things. I'd mentioned in one of the streams that once in a blue moon i'll just start a stream up and work on stuff that ain't strictly on-the-spot stream commissions, but i'm quite embarrassed to announce stuff like that because it's never really something all that huge. Eh, i'm sure the majority of you guys just want to see what i'm making in general, I'll try to be a bit more forthcoming with that.

So, elephant that may or may not be in the room with us in the coming days (no, not the one with the red cap, never the one with the red cap; he breaks my heart to witness.) Ye Ole Channel 9. I'm sure most of you have picked up on some...odd happenings over there and may be getting a bit confused on where to contact me sooner or later; and I'm both happy to and a smidge nervous to say that i have an answer to that! It's a completely new account specifically for you guys to contact me, me to send out updates and reminders, and generally toss up advertisements to onlookers. You can check out and follow that ✩Here!★. This week's upcoming stream comm will use that account solely for contact and talk! I'll make another post that blasts that piece of info at y'all in due time.

See, what else could i talk about- Oh yeah! The one thing i'm always talking about-
I'd say ACA is going well, definitely not as quick as i'd want but it's not like im some pro with years and years of experience making comics. Any progress is good progress, and i'd say i'm going pretty steady with it! I just need to manage my responsibilities in tandem with it a little better, eheh. I truly do mean it when i say i'm excited to work on it and show y'all more and more of what i have planned, i think about those weirdos more than you know.

Big huge update done, you guys can expect the aforementioned commission stream this saturday (barring any disasters or scheduling conflicts), and the two remaining Bigwig Pieces before too long. I have one of em halfway there and im honestly pretty excited for both. I just KNOW some of you guys are gonna gawk at one of em, huhu.

I hope you guys are enjoying and will continue to enjoy what i make, the support means more than you could ever know.

-Pesky & “G★”


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