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Dare i say that it's steady progress at this point? Not to go on a whole tangent but i put myself back onto an old schedule i used to follow when i was working on some other big personal project (that i kinda put on hold for now lol). I've got two dedicated days outta the week (as in weekdays, weekends are w/e) to put my head directly to workin' on ACA stuff and i'd say it's workin' out pretty well.

I have had more trouble with these pages than you could ever know but obviously i'm happy enough with em to slap em up here. But of course; when i actually get around to FINISHING them that might change. I know for sure i gotta get better at making room for/formatting text, i'm super bad at that as of rn.

That aside- We're really cookin' now; eh?




shep’s hyperdetailed face I CANT its too good


I'm dying 🤣. Those last 3 panels at the bottom are great


Oh my days I live for that kinda passion


I. Am. EATING.🧡💦


Love where this is going.


so far i strongly relate to shep and i am attached as all heck x3