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I honestly have no idea how i'm really going to share wips about new episodes and whatnot but i guess for now this is out here.

It's been a hot long while since i initially drafted Episode 1 so this was definitely a bit intimidating to really step into since i only have a general outline instead of nitty gritty 100% scripting; but maybe that could be fun in the end?? Then again, i could always patch up what seems 'wrong' or 'off' to me.

This next episode is about the trio of close, close pals; Ezey, Shep, and Shane having one of their weekly (bi-weekly) slumber parties.  Shane is not going to appear in every episode i swear; He's just a bit of a social butterfly.

And yes, sleepovers is indeed the agreed-upon term, they're grown men and they can have their slumber parties, whatcha gonna do about it?

Do tell me if you have any concerns or thoughts about readibility/page/text flow! I revised page 1's opening panel like 3 times over to make sure it made enough sense as well as adding some extra biz for space in page 2.

Naturally this goes a super gay, but that's for me to know how and you to find out and (hopefully) enjoy.




very excited for the new ep!


HELL YEAH SHEP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hr. Seehund

Shep is so precious and cute! Their friendship is so cute!! All this cute is too much to handle


I may be a bit late, but this is looking lovely so far! The only bit of feedback I’d mention is to clean up the text flow in the first panel. Since they’re spread horizontally, you’d have to zip back and fourth to read the dialogue in order, which doesn’t feel nice. I can elaborate if you want, but otherwise this is looking good!


*Drat!*; i was liking how i set it up this time. I'll see what i can conjure up; worst case scenario is it stays the same ig?


Just take your time with it! It’s not a bad layout, just the eye flow could be better methinks. Looking forward to how it goes!