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I'm fully and completely aware that all of my stuff that I've EVER made isn't here on this Patreon due to many circumstances.

"NaughtyBassard",as well it's previous iterations, was a crash-course run but a pretty chock-full run with a good ton of episodes and fun nonetheless. So, as a special offer to all interested parties; i give you-

The NaughtyBassard Boxset, all 7 "seasons" in one hefty, sorted package; Sweetened with a Patron-Only discount!

Obviously not required (duh) but if you're interested in a robust catalogue of my prior work as well as have no qualms about extra support, here it is! If this sounds good to you; Message/PM me here on Patreon (or my discord, or my twitter if you have those on hand) and i'll send you a discounted link! 

This isn't a limited-time offer, either; you can come back to this anytime!

But ahh, yeah; there's that for who the bells jingle.

Thank you for your interest!



Star Ringer

This promo image is a thing of beauty.


Thank ya! I had a lot of fun putting it together. Especially theming the 'seasons' around years and stuff that happened in em.