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HELLOOOooooooooo everyone; how ya doin'?

Checkin in with ya on this here Patreon. Hope you've been enjoying the content and all that; I'm havin a pretty swell time with this absolute insane-person art. Speaking of insane-person art; since this is the last month before october you better gear yourself to see one last rush of the EXEduo. Got one more canvas (and maybe a few funny joke doodles) to get down so i can have the full set to last all of spooky month. I've also got a few other Non-X ideas as well, so we shall see.

Also, I've finished my usual commission stack; so I'm aiming to open them sometime Saturday. That being *normal* commissions as opposed to stream ones; likely 4 slots over here and then 4 on twitter. Also Also, I've gotten back on a schedule that probably maximizes mah gotdamn productivity; been a bit since i used it on account of life changes n shit. Blah Blah Blah.

Other than the usual Madman, Sheet, Messy Master, The Monthly Egg, and the threat of more funny haha creepypasta men makin sploinky; not totally sure what yall can expect from me this month. Time shall tell.

Thank you all for stickin' around and supporting, it's already a real help but it's gonna be preddy important later down the line.

Seeya when the next picture of some man's ass drops


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