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Sup everyone! How's it hangin'?

I'm doin' pretty alright, thanks.

Thank you all again for your continued support; and also thank you to all the new peeps here. Sorry there was a bit of a lull in terms of 1Man streams specifically last month, wanted to make sure i was in the right mindset to go through with em.

If i could spit any particular plan forth for this month in terms of content (aside from the usual Madman/Request sheet stuff); i wanna put an onus on my short comic things and get those all done. I keep sayin' i'll do more ACA stuff and i mean to but that's a personal thing and i get a lil woozy in the head thinkin' about it; shy and pussyfootin' around it.

At the very least i'm finally patchin' up the height chart tho!

Also, to those who commissioned me earlier in June, i'll get right on that as soon as the Madman stuff is done. I've already got one down, just went into a bit of a lull/indulged too much in time to myself and work is all, heh. I think that's the other half of things i should put my head to this month; completely clearing out my comm list so i can open a bit more confidently.

Scatterbrained lil update aside; i send out another big ol thanks to all of you guys, you help way more than ya know. Here's hopin' yer enjoin' what's flyin' around and opting on staying!


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