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Would you believe that i got the gusto to do this all because of one picture a friend shared with me?

but yeah, hardcore werewolf fucking. as in we're fucking the werewolf; we cater to tops here.
drew all this out a week ago in a blind heat to see it happen. super rough sketches and whatnot, some things might get Rewritten.

also at the end there's a """"character sheet"""" with our main guy, the wolf, and then uh.... don't worry about that for right now, let's get this first thing done...eventually.

also yes i reused the expression on the character sheet for the fifth page shut up it's good.




Dast's expression on page 7 after he finishes is just.. so perfect.


I saw the word "werewolf" and instantly knew what this was gonna be about, though I wasn't expecting dast there to be QUITE so deranged. Tho. I am living for it

Electric Euphonium

awww I thought you were gonna have him get with the innkeep :3


Wink wink nudge nudge; don't worry, i'm not letting that kind old man slide away without attention.


Would you believe me if i told you the full name i've given him is Dastardly Fucker


i'm surprised his name isn't naughty bastard


dast upid


Love to see you do comics!!


Happens way more often than it should tbh, pff. But hopefully if all goes right it's gonna happen *way* more often past that.