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Guys, calm down, i know i'm a comedy genius.

ANYWAY, check-in for the month and whatnot. Reminder that i do these so you know i'm actually here and didn't just vanish into thin air or neglect shit here.

If you can still see this post, thank you a bunch for stayin' onboard and supporting me, It helps more than you know tbr. I had a pretty good April, doubly so because i had a pretty pog birthday. Hell, i even came back home from work to find my damn boyfriend and roommate bought a fuckton of balloons and hurriedly baked a cake on top of all the sweet art people were so generous to make fer me.

But enough about me;

I intend to crank up the productivity, had a bit of a lull at the end of April bc i figured i deserved a bit of a break, but i should get onto the shit now. With all the Madman stuff all planned out, i should be able to get that to yall soon; and then you'll likely see a tidal wave of comm WIPs and whatnot. I am thinking about going ahead and hosting a 1-man this satuday, keyword thinking; so if you have any interest in that i'd say maybe cook up an idea just incase; You'll know definitively on Wednesday.

Only other thing i can really jot down isss..???? Idk, i kinda wanna do more ACA stuff/get more of it done; so maybe you'll be seeing more of that.

But again, thank you all for stickin' around! Here's hoping the gay shit i throw at you this month puts a smile on your face and pitches a few tents.





I'd have the weekend off that week, so I'll almost certainly show up if you do a one-man 🙏


I read pitching a few tents and my first thought was deadass like, camping in front of a store for a game's release or something. b ut yeah. that too


cant wait for the ACA stuff!


*may* i leave this patreon