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Don't worry, it's nothing too drastic as of right now; but i need to put this out.

The short of it:
No longer accepting Housamo characters / Furry Gacha characters for Patron Rewards anymore.

The Long Of it:

When it comes to Madman Choices (and i suppose to a lesser extent, Request Sheets.) I usually find myself not too pulled towards and/or interested by characters that usually come from mobile games and furry gacha types; Housamo being a notable one. This is no judgement to anyone here, enjoy the men you wanna enjoy; but i don't find them all that interesting to draw, nor are they really all that fun to draw due to the mostly-identical, strictly anatomical body types alongside somewhat dense designs packed with detail.

Madman Sketches and the like do take some time for me to get around to and get done, both with general other responsibilities, and figuring out what i want to make for either monthly reward. It becomes a little demotivating to think about having to do one or more of these characters monthly and whatnot, which has kinda lead to me putting things off. I'm certain that the patrons who have received art of these characters enjoy it regardless; but for me drawing these characters always made me feel like I'm just pushing something out to get it done instead of actually putting down something creative that i have some sort of a stake in or interest in making look good for my supporters. I'm sure some could read by my posts on websites outside of here that i personally am not too jazzed about Housamo in particular.

So, it's with a bit of apprehension that i have to say that I'm going to have to say that from this point forward i will no longer be accepting characters of this type/from these franchises for rewards anymore. I entirely understand if this is not acceptable for you and you wanna sign off here; It's why i made sure to make this post before the pay period passed so you don't pay the pledge only to then find out you can't even put in the thing you probably wanted.

I apologize for those this upsets, but i figure it could be better for my sake and sake of pace going forward.

Either way this rubs you; thank you guys for supporting me, and sorry again! \o



It's a shame to hear, but not an entirely surprising one, all things considered. And it's totally understandable too, I think! Regardless of what kinda man you're asked/willing to draw, the end result's always gonna be incredible so I've got absolutely 0 qualms about this


I try to come up with a couple ideas at once (and actually I'm keeping a running list now) so if there is ever a character you aren't particularly feeling, you can just let me know!